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2024 Workout Accountability Thread!

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    Rest day yesterday

    back and Bi’s for lunch today

    chest and tris in the morning
    Attached Files


      Arms and legs done today…


        Chest and triceps done this morning…


          Back and arms cooked this morning.

          Have a great weekend!


            I'm changing up my plan a bit. Since early January, I've been trying to get in 4 lifting days per week (lower/upper/rest/lower/upper) and about 2+ hours of running (~ 12 miles/wk) plus a goal of 15k steps per day. On lifting days, I've usually picked 5 lifts and have been doing 5 sets of 6-12 reps (based on weight and RPE.) On the weeks I have met those objectives (4 lifts/3 runs) I feel like I'm probably over training. It's also difficult when I miss a day to try to figure out whether to stay on schedule or make up for the missed day's activity. Finally, it takes quite a bit of time to do five sets of 5 lifts with 90 seconds of rest in between (plus warmups and cool down).

            In short, I feel like I need to reduce my load for long term success and sustainability.

            This week I've decided to try 3 dedicated lifting days with a total body split, focusing more on compound lifts during the lifting sessions. I've reduced to 3 sets of each movement. However, because I'm focusing on compound lifts during my planned workouts, I've also started doing a single set of various (mostly bodyweight) exercises throughout the day. This allows me to target various individual muscles that might not get enough work during the dedicated sessions, and I don't have to block out time to do a full workout. It also allows me to work in some mobility exercises that tend to get neglected during the dedicated sessions. I can typically do these single sets without working up too much of a sweat so I can continue with my normal daily activities (like work! )

            My Flickr Photos


              I missed this morning due to 3 radio interviews concerning the eclipse here in Kerrville. I'll make it tomorrow. My wife found a routine on her First Pharm app with rep ranges of 6-15-25 I think is what the program is called. 10 seconds rest between sets and 3 minutes between movements. It sounded kind of similar to the 20/15/12/10 rep workout that I was doing earlier, but I'll give it a shot starting April 1.

              This has been a funky month with work and other stuff going on and I haven't been hitting it much, but maybe April will be different.


                I actually started implementing my program last Thursday. I'm posting it, in part, to remind me of which activities I've done.

                Thursday - Strength
                3 minutes Jump Rope
                10 minute Row
                3 sets each of:
                - Bulgarian Split Squats
                - Bench Press
                - RDL
                - Pullups
                - ATG Split Squats

                Single Sets
                30 pushups (3 times throughout the day)
                2 minute (each leg) ATG Split Squat Holds (more difficult than it sounds)
                2 minute deep squat sit hold
                6 deep squat to wall handstand
                1 minute ring dead hang
                20 walking lunges (each leg)

                11,846 total steps

                Friday - Run
                Base Run - 31:47 for 3.14 miles

                2 minute (each leg) ATG Split Squat Holds
                2 minute deep squat sit hold​
                1 minute dead hang
                wall handstand hold
                20 walking lunges
                Reverse lunges

                15,176 total steps

                Saturday - Rest
                I dropped 9 trees, started topping and cutting them into logs that I could move with the grapple. This was a pretty good workout!
                2 minute (each leg) ATG Split Squat Holds
                2 minute deep squat sit hold​
                40 calf raises
                1 minute dead hang

                12,709 total steps

                Sunday - Run
                48:25 base run (4.56 miles)

                2 minute (each leg) ATG Split Squat Holds
                2 minute deep squat sit hold​
                40 calf raises
                1 minute dead hang
                (moved more limbs)

                19,311 total steps

                Today - Strength
                10 minute Row
                Bench Press
                Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats

                2 minute (each leg) ATG Split Squat Holds
                2 minute deep squat sit hold​
                1 minute dead hang
                30 pushups
                40 (total) walking lunges
                ~1/4 mile backwards walk

                My Flickr Photos


                  Saturday traps and legs…
                  Sunday shoulders and back…
                  arms and legs done today…


                    Yesterday I rowed 5K meters

                    First time I’d done any sort of working out per se, since December. Don’t think I’ll be doing many more 5K meter rows, but planning on starting to get some cardio in 3-4 days a week.


                      Originally posted by fish4food View Post
                      Yesterday I rowed 5K meters

                      First time I’d done any sort of working out per se, since December. Don’t think I’ll be doing many more 5K meter rows, but planning on starting to get some cardio in 3-4 days a week.
                      That's a long row! I hate rowing...which must mean it's a good workout!
                      My Flickr Photos


                        Got in a good chest and bicep day this morning. 3X8 going at 80% of 1RM

                        Bench press/preacher curl/hanging leg raise
                        Incline DB press/BB curl/crunch machine
                        Incline bench press/rope curls
                        Cable fly/spider curls

                        Back and legs tomorrow.


                          Chest and triceps done early this morning


                            Yup, rowing is the devil!
                            But my whole body feels it when I get done. Better than what I was doing, which is nothing.


                              Originally posted by fish4food View Post
                              Yup, rowing is the devil!
                              But my whole body feels it when I get done. Better than what I was doing, which is nothing.
                              Keep up the good work!

                              Today was a running day for me. I typically just go with what my Garmin watch suggests in my morning report. Today I ran 48:00 at 10:47 avg pace, which was 4.46 miles. I've also worked in several single set activities and mobility work.
                              My Flickr Photos


                                Was out of town for the weekend

                                yesterday was chest and tris
                                sitting in the chilly tub know after back and Bi’s
                                Attached Files

