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The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

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    could be the slowest day ever..... or im just frustrated one of the two...

    Yall have a good evening!


      Ate lunch with daughter and got to hang a bit with my 2 month old grandson, Tom Finn. He's my first grandchild and I think I'm really starting to dig it. Surprisingly, as they are not hunters, they already have given the green light to take the boy deer hunting, LOL.


        To the top for Friday.

        This weekend I'll see how the Leon River treated the recently repaired county road. It overflowed for a few hours but hopefully is passable, cause I got work to do before Oct.

        I might have a new carp and gar fishery, since a couple of sloughs always hold water for quite awhile after the river gets out.

        All have a great weekend and be safe.


          Just got invited to ride along on a delivery to Los Casadores today. I may go along to check on the birds sitting on wires.


            Good morning all! have a great Friday and a safe weekend


              Good morning to all. I have a feeling it will be a great day!

              Y'all send some positive vibes my way (pretty please)...I have an opportunity, today, that I need to seal the deal on. Not hunting related....but something that I would REALLY enjoy working on (and won't interfere with my TBH work ).


                Good luck Mary...hope it comes together for you


                  It must be Baby Hardhead Season!

                  Then wiggly little dudes have poison needles all over em!
                  Ultramatic Feeders

                  We're paratroopers, Lieutenant. We're supposed to be surrounded......

                  /l _ ,[____],
                  l---- L-- -OlllllllO-


                    Marion bought me a birthday day dinner today. He was here in Texarkana working. Thanks, Marion. Lotta Good Folks Here. Marion is one.

                    Good Luck, Mary.

                    I'm gathering stuff up for a 12 day trip down South.......Aransas Pass, Cotulla, and Vanderpool.. I AM READY.
                    Last edited by Rsatt; 09-10-2010, 07:31 PM.


                      Finish up round 2 of chemo in the morning. Been hooked up since yesterday at noon. All I can say is it's gonna be a long 6 months! God is good and will see me through. Been fixing up arrows for the wife and son tonight. Got a bunch of slick tricks and Landsharks installed and ready to fly. Tried shooting my bow with the chemo bag on and it didn't work too well.


                        Good bye Friday....ready to smack some hogs!


                          I enjoyed visiting with you Ronnie. I wasn't looking forward to the drive home, I wasn't sure if my behind was going to take root to the seat before I got home. Lots of windshield time this week.

                          I stopped at the 7/11 by my house to fill up and started washing the bugs off my windshield. Got a whiff of the stinkiest water I think I ever smelled. The water the squeegee was in needed to be changed and about a gallon of clorox added to it.

                          Bobby, you remain in our prayers.


                            here here


                              Here at KJO having a great time with the other tbhers.

                              Y'all have a good one!


                                Thermostat in the deer huntin trailer says 61, and I got a fan runnin. This place is the best sleeping in the world. Deer camp is kinda boring solo, but not bad with an iPhone, extra innings baseball, and tbh! Coffee is made, I'm out!

                                Prayers with ya brother Chew.

