33 days till my brother and I head to Utah!
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The Elk Thread
Originally posted by ELKAHOLIC View PostNice pics Mike. How did the scouting go? Y'all got em tied down?Last edited by Arrowsmith; 08-04-2015, 12:16 PM.
I finally made it through the entire "Elk Thread". Lots of good information and got me even more pumped for my hunt this year. I leave in 28 days for my first elk hunt ever!
Headed to Idaho to hunt in the Smoky Bennett zone with Sun Valley Outfitters (I chose to go with a guide for my first hunt to learn as much as possible before I start DIY/OTC hunts). I'm sure I will be hooked for life after this hunt.
Funny how a week can change an Elk season. Pulling that UT tag as an alternate with a WY tag in my pocket has my head spinning. My hunting buddy was very understanding of how special this UT tag is. We are going to hunt both as my WY spot is only about 350 miles from the UT unit.
Got this pic from a local who had the tag in 2012. He ended up killing a 340 when he couldn't get it done with this big boy! Gives me a good idea of the caliber of bull available in the unit.
After you decide which unit you are going to hunt in Colorado, how do you know what all is public land to hunt? I want to go to unit 75, I think. I've never been and would just like the experience more than anything. I've looked at the hunting atlas on the Co website, that thing gets kind of confusing with all the overlays.