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Who’s had Covid?

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    There's a lot of evidence that folks with metabolic syndrome, like denimslayer's friend, have the hardest time with COVID. The bad news about that is that a huge percentage of our population has it - people of all ages. The good news about that is that it's largely caused by bad nutrition and eating habits, and that is an easy fix. Stop eating sugar - completely. Alcohol is sugar. Stop eating lots of high carb foods. Eat food that comes from a farm, not food that came from a factory. Eat meat of all kinds - beef, venison, chicken, pork, fish. Eat eggs. Eat vegetables that grow above the ground, and don't eat things like potatoes that grow under ground (high carbs). Eat low carb/sugar fruits - mostly berries. Blackberries and rasberries are lowest carb. Strawberries and blueberries in moderation. Apples and other fruits are high sugar/high carb, so none of those. Eat tree nuts. Macadamias, walnuts, almonds.... Eat an avocado every day. Put olive oil on everything - I never knew how good olive oil is. It's like butter. Great on everything.

    Keto diet is great, but any other whole food low carb nutrition plan is too. It will take some time for your body to reverse metabolic syndrome, but not as much time as you think. Every week you make a little progress makes you healthier and probably reduces your risk of a bad time with COVID. It reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and lots of other things that kill more people than COVID too.

    Tons of info and research online about all of that. Do some Googling and reading and YouTubing. It takes some effort for the learning, and it takes some effort for a little while to build different eating habits. But it's not that hard.

    Intermittent fasting and/or time-restricted eating helps a lot too. I've been doing time-restricted eating for several months combined with keto pretty strictly for the first 2 or 3 months, and now not really paying attention to macros but still low carb and just eating whatever I want for lunch and supper - as long as it's low carb. Maybe not quite as high fat as strict keto now, but still really low carb. I've lost 30 pounds since Christmas. Didn't think I even had that much to lose. I weigh what I weighed in college now (I'll be 54 next Monday). Went from snug 36" waist pants to 34" pants that are now too loose. Need to buy 32s. All the new clothes are getting expensive. Haven't changed my workout program at all - still doing mostly strength training with a little HIIT conditioning here and there. I say all of that not to brag or anything. Not at all. Just saying that changing nothing in my lifestyle other than how I ate has lead to pretty fast and dramatic changes in my physical condition and health. All the people who said it worked were right. It'll probably work for you too.

    My daughter had COVID in March. My wife and I had spent the weekend at her house just 3-4 days before she figured out she was sick. My wife and I stayed home for the rest of the 14 days. A couple days later, my wife had fever up to 100 for a couple days and felt like she had a cold or allergies. I had a twing like a sore throat was about to get going off and on for a couple days, allergy-like symptoms, and just kinda felt a little bad for a couple days, but no fever. There was a lot of pollen at that time too though, so maybe we both just had allergies and sinus infection? Neither of us has ever been tested. Maybe we had the 'rona? Maybe we didn't, and I'll be the next guy to catch it? Regardless, I feel like I'm as ready as anyone to get it and get over it. I have some HCQ in the cabinet if I need it. Doc prescribed it for my daughter, as it had just come out that it helped a day or two before that, and it hadn't been taken away by the powers that be yet. He wrote a Rx for my wife and I as well, figuring we might need it too. Haven't yet. Taking zinc, calcium, magnesium and D3 daily. Living life as always. Praying for our nation to get over this virus and all the associated madness soon. 2020 sucks. Looking forward to see how God turns the page.
    Last edited by Shane; 07-07-2020, 10:03 AM.


      Originally posted by Shane View Post
      There's a lot of evidence that folks with metabolic syndrome, like denimslayer's friend, have the hardest time with COVID. The bad news about that is that a huge percentage of our population has it - people of all ages. The good news about that is that it's largely caused by bad nutrition and eating habits, and that is an easy fix. Stop eating sugar - completely. Alcohol is sugar. Stop eating lots of high carb foods. Eat food that comes from a farm, not food that came from a factory. Eat meat of all kinds - beef, venison, chicken, pork, fish. Eat eggs. Eat vegetables that grow above the ground, and don't eat things like potatoes that grow under ground (high carbs). Eat low carb/sugar fruits - mostly berries. Blackberries and rasberries are lowest carb. Strawberries and blueberries in moderation. Apples and other fruits are high sugar/high carb, so none of those. Eat tree nuts. Macadamias, walnuts, almonds.... Eat an avocado every day. Put olive oil on everything - I never knew how good olive oil is. It's like butter. Great on everything.

      Keto diet is great, but any other whole food low carb nutrition plan is too. It will take some time for your body to reverse metabolic syndrome, but not as much time as you think. Every week you make a little progress makes you healthier and probably reduces your risk of a bad time with COVID. It reduces your risk of heart disease, cancer, diabetes and lots of other things that kill more people than COVID too.

      Tons of info and research online about all of that. Do some Googling and reading and YouTubing. It takes some effort for the learning, and it takes some effort for a little while to build different eating habits. But it's not that hard.

      Intermittent fasting and/or time-restricted eating helps a lot too. I've been doing time-restricted eating for several months combined with keto pretty strictly for the first 2 or 3 months, and now not really paying attention to macros but still low carb and just eating whatever I want for lunch and supper - as long as it's low carb. Maybe not quite as high fat as strict keto now, but still really low carb. I've lost 30 pounds since Christmas. Didn't think I even had that much to lose. I weigh what I weighed in college now (I'll be 54 next Monday). Went from snug 36" waist pants to 34" pants that are now too loose. Need to buy 32s. All the new clothes are getting expensive. Haven't changed my workout program at all - still doing mostly strength training with a little HIIT conditioning here and there. I say all of that not to brag or anything. Not at all. Just saying that changing nothing in my lifestyle other than how I ate has lead to pretty fast and dramatic changes in my physical condition and health. All the people who said it worked were right. It'll probably work for you too.

      My daughter had COVID in March. My wife and I had spent the weekend at her house just 3-4 days before she figured out she was sick. My wife and I stayed home for the rest of the 14 days. A couple days later, my wife had fever up to 100 for a couple days and felt like she had a cold or allergies. I had a twing like a sore throat was about to get going off and on for a couple days, allergy-like symptoms, and just kinda felt a little bad for a couple days, but no fever. There was a lot of pollen at that time too though, so maybe we both just had allergies and sinus infection? Neither of us has ever been tested. Maybe we had the 'rona? Maybe we didn't, and I'll be the next guy to catch it? Regardless, I feel like I'm as ready as anyone to get it and get over it. I have some HCQ in the cabinet if I need it. Doc prescribed it for my daughter, as it had just come out that it helped a day or two before that, and it hadn't been taken away by the powers that be yet. He wrote a Rx for my wife and I as well, figuring we might need it too. Haven't yet. Taking zinc, calcium, magnesium and D3 daily. Living life as always. Praying for our nation to get over this virus and all the associated madness soon. 2020 sucks. Looking forward to see how God turns the page.
      One thing the MSM will not come outright and say is that most who are over weight or diabetic have a much higher probability of dying from the disease. Instead of me being forced to wear a mask to protect this group, why are they not at least ASKED to take into consideration their own health? No one will talk about obesity. It’s now labeled as a disease, but why can’t we focus on the fact that you are more likely to have substantial impacts to health from obesity?

      I don’t think all who are overweight are lazy, but I do think most who are lazy are overweight.
      Last edited by HoustonHunter; 07-07-2020, 10:22 AM.


        Originally posted by bboswell View Post
        At what point did he find out he had Covid?
        He never did


          Originally posted by HoustonHunter View Post
          One thing the MSM will not come outright and say is that most who are over weight or diabetic have a much higher probability of dying from the disease. Instead of me being forced to wear a mask to protect this group, why are they not at least ASKED to take into consideration their own health? No one will talk about obesity. It’s now labeled as a disease, but why can’t we focus on the fact that you are more likely to have substantial impacts to health from obesity?

          I don’t think all who are overweight are lazy, but I do think most who are lazy are overweight.

          Can't we just be fat and happy? Fat Lives Matter. I have more issues with the fitness people bicycling on my county road with no shoulder.


            Originally posted by HoustonHunter View Post
            One thing the MSM will not come outright and say is that most who are over weight or diabetic have a much higher probability of dying from the disease. Instead of me being forced to wear a mask to protect this group, why are they not at least ASKED to take into consideration their own health? No one will talk about obesity. It’s now labeled as a disease, but why can’t we focus on the fact that you are more likely to have substantial impacts to health from obesity?

            I don’t think all who are overweight are lazy, but I do think most who are lazy are overweight.
            It should be a focus for sure. It's not just about lazy or not though. I wasn't lazy before Christmas. I was just eating what we've all been told was a healthy diet that was mostly carbs - "healthy grains", low fat, etc.... Sure, folks who are lazy are typically overweight too. But lots of very active and NOT lazy people are as well. It's about how and what you eat. Garbage in = bad outcomes, regardless of your activity level. You can't outwork poor nutrition. And once you start eating the right things, it doesn't matter how many calories you consume. Eat until you are satisfied, and you're good - as long as you don't eat the wrong stuff.


              Originally posted by Shane View Post
              It should be a focus for sure. It's not just about lazy or not though. I wasn't lazy before Christmas. I was just eating what we've all been told was a healthy diet that was mostly carbs - "healthy grains", low fat, etc.... Sure, folks who are lazy are typically overweight too. But lots of very active and NOT lazy people are as well. It's about how and what you eat. Garbage in = bad outcomes, regardless of your activity level. You can't outwork poor nutrition. And once you start eating the right things, it doesn't matter how many calories you consume. Eat until you are satisfied, and you're good - as long as you don't eat the wrong stuff.
              I don’t mean lazy in the effect of someone who doesn’t do anything throughout their day. My dad was the hardest worker I’ve ever known and he was overweight. He wasn’t lazy in his day, but he was lazy with his diet and lazy in his lack of exercise.

              I think if we were able to see the statistics of COVID deaths as it relates to obesity/diabetes then we would all be alarmed. My guess is this is the highest percentage of the deaths. There is some data regarding certain groups of people more likely to die (ethnicities) and its typical in said ethnicities to have much higher levels of diabetes than the others.
              Last edited by HoustonHunter; 07-07-2020, 10:45 AM.


                Getting you to wear a mask is gonna happen a lot quicker than forcing an obese country to lose weight....


                  Originally posted by HoustonHunter View Post
                  One thing the MSM will not come outright and say is that most who are over weight or diabetic have a much higher probability of dying from the disease. Instead of me being forced to wear a mask to protect this group, why are they not at least ASKED to take into consideration their own health? No one will talk about obesity. It’s now labeled as a disease, but why can’t we focus on the fact that you are more likely to have substantial impacts to health from obesity?

                  I don’t think all who are overweight are lazy, but I do think most who are lazy are overweight.
                  A big reason we could never pull off what Sweden did is due to the ****ty nature of our nations health. Heart Disease kills 650,000 Americans per year. It's the leading cause of death in the US.


                    Originally posted by HoustonHunter View Post
                    One thing the MSM will not come outright and say is that most who are over weight or diabetic have a much higher probability of dying from the disease. Instead of me being forced to wear a mask to protect this group, why are they not at least ASKED to take into consideration their own health? No one will talk about obesity. It’s now labeled as a disease, but why can’t we focus on the fact that you are more likely to have substantial impacts to health from obesity?

                    I don’t think all who are overweight are lazy, but I do think most who are lazy are overweight.
                    A nurse from a local hospital posted at the time a live FB vid my wife showed me saying 90% of their serious cases involved this group & with the intention of communicating the warning to the valley & take was removed within 24 hours, but not sure if it was at the request of the hospital or fb politics?? This was only a few days ago.


                      Originally posted by sotx View Post
                      He never did
                      So im guessing he was tested after he passed?


                        Just found out my manager has it, fortunately she is 6 states away and all we do is talk via phone/con call/IM.


                          Originally posted by ACCURACYINC View Post
                          Getting you to wear a mask is gonna happen a lot quicker than forcing an obese country to lose weight....
                          It might be a tie. I'm not wearing a mask.


                            Originally posted by Shane View Post
                            It might be a tie. I'm not wearing a mask.
                            Me neither.... but I am trying to lose a few!


                              This is a Facebook video from a Primary Care Physician in McKinney, TX. He originally wrote a FB letter about his experience with COVID 19, and it has been deleted several times. He did a video where he basically read the letter he wrote. It sounds promising, so I figured it is worth a share.

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                                Freaking doctors. My wife, who is normally very healthy, is suffering now. I called the doc to make an appt and whoever answered said that since she hasn't seen him in two years, she is considered a new patient. And they are not taking any new covid patients. Un****ing believable.

                                Sent from my moto e5 cruise using Tapatalk

