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Covert camera wireless App?

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    You are downloading the same number of pictures whether you do it 1 at a time or 70 at once. If they are on your device to see you used data to get them regardless of the method. The cellular data use will be exactly the same assuming the picture size is the same. If you opt for better pictures to be sent with the app you will use more data than you would with email.


      Covert camera wireless App?

      The picture size factor with covert is not an issue yet, as there is only one send size.

      What I'm not sure of exactly is how the app works. Since it doesn't actually store pictures on your phone, it DL's the last 100 per camera each time you open the app...I think. I don't know if that's significant data use or not.

      If you look at one time DL's, the 34,000 pics/90 days plan allows for roughly 8000-9000 pictures per month. At around 50kb/picture that's only about 500mb of data. Probably not an issue for most cell plans data wise. I mean I don't know of anyone who's ever going to get 8000 pictures in a month. That data plan had to be designed around them eventually getting larger picture sizes to send to the app.


        I just got a new Covert off Amazon. I ordered it because it said pictures via text message so I was hoping it was a left over 2015, but it appears to be a 2016.

        Do I have to run the app or can I use it like my other 2015 and get pictures via text?


          Originally posted by markm View Post
          I just got a new Covert off Amazon. I ordered it because it said pictures via text message so I was hoping it was a left over 2015, but it appears to be a 2016.

          Do I have to run the app or can I use it like my other 2015 and get pictures via text?
          I just saw the 2016 model for $310 shipped on Amazon

          Sent to a few buddies because I don't need a 4th haha.

          Yes with the 2016 YOU MUST RUN THE will enjoy it, a lot easier


            Well if that is the case I will probably be sending it back to Amazon. Maybe I will call Covert and see if I can go backwards on the firmware, because I don't want the app until all issues are resolved and it is also more expensive than the other plan.


              I strongly dislike this app I miss my text straight to my phone! Now I have to go into an app and the picture has a big border around it.... PIA I give it a C when it was just a simple text A.


                Originally posted by gingib View Post
                I just saw the 2016 model for $310 shipped on Amazon

                Sent to a few buddies because I don't need a 4th haha.

                Yes with the 2016 YOU MUST RUN THE will enjoy it, a lot easier
                You keep saying it's easier/better but I keep trying to figure out what makes it easier or better. What makes it easier? I'm about to have to send in a 2015 and I'd like to know before I make a decision on which model to try to get. Right now my phone goes beep and I look at the picture with a click. I'm not seeing how it could be easier.


                  Originally posted by BowSlayer View Post
                  You keep saying it's easier/better but I keep trying to figure out what makes it easier or better. What makes it easier? I'm about to have to send in a 2015 and I'd like to know before I make a decision on which model to try to get. Right now my phone goes beep and I look at the picture with a click. I'm not seeing how it could be easier.
                  It's not easier in the slightest


                    Originally posted by BowSlayer View Post
                    You keep saying it's easier/better but I keep trying to figure out what makes it easier or better. What makes it easier? I'm about to have to send in a 2015 and I'd like to know before I make a decision on which model to try to get. Right now my phone goes beep and I look at the picture with a click. I'm not seeing how it could be easier.
                    Originally posted by drop dead fred View Post
                    It's not easier in the slightest
                    Well I will tell you for 100% certain you will not get a 2015 model back. Just had 2 buddies send in 3 cameras.

                    Well I will explain why I feel that way and again I am speaking from experience as I have 2 2016 models and a 2015 model now running:


                    1. Can change settings from the app(trigger interval, megapixel size, or turn it off completely)
                    2. Gives you signal strength at that location
                    3. Pic quality, trigger, and range are better
                    4. Your phone will still go BEEP when you get a pic or you can silence it like with your 2015. You still get a notification.
                    5. Setup is easier and takes less time and deals nothing with AT&T
                    6. Can send pics straight from the app to anyone or even post online I believe
                    7. Can take a picture on command
                    8. 2 year warranty on camera instead of 1 year with older models
                    9. Multiple cameras are on the same app
                    10. I like this part the can give several buddies your login info to view your pics instead of with my 2015 model you have to include them on the text which takes longer for the camera to be able to trigger for the next pic. You cannot get a true 30-60 second delay with 2-3 people on the text

                    1. $5 more for a 3 month plan(no biggie to me)
                    2. Cannot see how much data has been used
                    Last edited by gingib; 06-03-2016, 09:56 AM.


                      Originally posted by gingib View Post
                      Well I will tell you for 100% certain you will not get a 2015 model back. Just had 2 buddies send in 3 cameras.

                      Well I will explain why I feel that way and again I am speaking from experience as I have 2 2016 models and a 2015 model now running:


                      1. Can change settings from the app(trigger interval, megapixel size, or turn it off completely)
                      2. Gives you signal strength at that location
                      3. Pic quality, trigger, and range are better
                      4. Your phone will still go BEEP when you get a pic or you can silence it like with your 2015
                      5. Setup is easier and takes less time and deals nothing with AT&T
                      6. Can send pics straight from the app to anyone or even post online I believe
                      7. Can take a picture on command
                      8. 2 year warranty on camera instead of 1 year with older models
                      9. Multiple cameras are on the same app

                      1. $5 more for a 3 month plan(no biggie to me)
                      2. Cannot see how much data has been used
                      Thanks for explaining your opinions on it. The only one of the things that you listed that I would use would be the 2 year warranty. My camera eats batteries enough without having it on standby to receive commands. I just want a camera that takes a picture and sends it to me. Once I have it on my device I can do anything I want to with it. Going back through the thread you are the only one I can find that has gone to the app and likes it. I think it will be a good thing once they get it finished but they released it way too early trying to catch up with the technology field that other cameras already have. They are behind and playing catch-up but releasing an app that stinks is no way to gain customers. Bad management decision on their part IMO. I had zero complaints with mine and now I don't even want to send it in because they will make me switch to the app. Right now it's a Pay more for less plan for me. If you use all those things you listed and don't mind the headache associated with trying to make it work then I guess the extra $3.33/month is no problem. $3.33 per month added to the top of a $8 per month plan is just under 50% increase in price for something that doesn't even work as designed yet.

                      Does anyone know if there is a setting in the camera that just turns the flash off? I'm hoping that's all that's wrong with mine and I can keep the ones I already have. It still works fine but after dark it just sends black pictures with no flash.


                        Pic quality if better in minute
                        Could send commands before the app
                        And could add multiple contacts on older models.

                        The app offers the ability to alter things on the fly without having to do it in person but once I put my camera on a setting I never change it 1 min intervals normal sensitivity and send instantly. That's how every one of my cams are set so once they're set that's it.


                          Originally posted by markm View Post
                          Well if that is the case I will probably be sending it back to Amazon. Maybe I will call Covert and see if I can go backwards on the firmware, because I don't want the app until all issues are resolved and it is also more expensive than the other plan.

                          You cannot go backwards. You can't take a 2016 and put old firmware on it. If you have a 2015 that was upgraded with 2016 firmware, you cannot go back to 2015 firmware.


                            I love the app. I was able to click on my app and found put why my camera wasn't sending pics. It was because my battery was dead. I got three months on one set of batteries getting several hundred pics a day. With my older camera I was lucky to get 3 weeks of battery life because I had multiple people set to receive pics. Now they can just log in on the app and see what I see. I save more on batteries than the little extra I spend on the plan.


                              I could see how it would be useful if you wanted several people to be able to access it. When my batteries go bad I get an email that says low battery and I know it's time to change them. That and the battery meter stamped on every picture.

                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                                You have been using the app version for 3 months?

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

