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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    We have to set up something like a way to notify each other when we see this so we can chain call the TPWD and Williamson county to get a response.
    A way that if someone sees something and can't call or does and doesn't get a response that the rest of us find out in short time and can continue to call the TPWD. Like a neighborhood watch. Thinking out loud cause this ****** me off


      Originally posted by crod888 View Post
      Who is gonna call? Or should we all call?

      F it. No one ever answers or responds anyway. Let all get our 30-30s and ar's and go pig hunting.

      Kidding of course. I would of followed these knuckle heads to the car or truck.

      Or tbh style SSS
      Click image for larger version

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        Same guys me and pig addict saw behind the dam last month.....


          Anyone call? Im going to call the tip line....see if this fails too....


            Sent the game warden a picture of those guys. He says anytime you guys see illegal activity, call then immediately and they'll get out there. Here's the numbers to Williamson county game wardens 254-534-4209 254-534-4212


              I called Op Game Thief - operator already heard of the incident from forums and told me that I have to call Joel. Spoke with Joel and texted him the photo.


                Originally posted by jtslush View Post
                Sent the game warden a picture of those guys. He says anytime you guys see illegal activity, call then immediately and they'll get out there. Here's the numbers to Williamson county game wardens 254-534-4209 254-534-4212

                So did they get out there?


                  Thanks village!! Glad you were sly enough to get a photo and follow up!! Great job!!


                    I had gotten ahold of Joel just after posting the thing about the buck. Said he was heading out after a call to wherever.


                      Here's that bucks rack by the way.
                      Attached Files


                        Tired of this bs. Tired of the **** GWs doing nothing when this crap is going on non stop.


                          Village, I saw these guys and that same scene today also. I was up near the private land behind the crescent pond and saw them walking across the dike with the pig.

                          I heard them shooting earlier, sounds like they took it down with buckshot. I also heard them fire off about 5 rapid rounds of a small caliber gun (which I also see in the pic).

                          The wind was blowing my way so I could hear you greet them and thought I heard one say "thank you". I couldn't see you all at that point though. I'm glad you got a pic of it.

                          I swear, at least half the time (more like 75%) I'm out there I see illegal activity or "hear" it. Mostly hear guys hunting pigs with shotguns and seeing rifles. Before Christmas, I saw two guys load up in a boat at the Prim launch and one had an AR with two flashlights attached.

                          I get that the game wardens can't monitor this place closely..there's so much territory for them to cover in the state. But what do the CoE and Park Rangers have to do in the winter? There can't be that much going on out there. Very few fishermen, no recreational boaters, most of the campgrounds are closed. I don't see how hard it would be for them to police this activity in winter when there is little else to do. I'm assuming they have the authority to go after this activity.

                          Tracker, I saw a similar sized buck up behind the PC before Christmas that someone had shot and left.



                            Oh, and duck hunters were playing shenanigans at Taylor Park early this morning. I get there and all the gates are closed and I can't get in. WTH. I get out of the truck and raise the right hand gate by hand and leave it open (which it usually always is anyway).

                            I get down to the boat launch and there's 3 trailers parked down there, which I'm assuming were duck hunters.

                            Knowing duck hunters like I do, it wouldn't surprise me to know one of them pulled the gate down behind them when they came to keep others out.



                              Sick. Just sick.

                              Sad thing is until it starts hitting someone's pocket book ex: less licenses bought it will get out put on the back burner.
                              Agencies want the BIG fish. The big busts. It's not the LOE fault they can't focus on the small matters like this when the brass above wants them to focus on BIG Fish to make them look good.
                              Rant over.
                              I'm up for doing what I can and taking the proper steps on my end to get the info necessary to get these guys caught. If that means some sort of surveillance then so be it.


                                I have heard the gunshots the past 3 weekends. I go the other way. Not turning a blind eye, just not sure which way they are shooting. On another note, I had a negligent discharge for the first time in my life today (with my bow).

                                I was pushing through some bush trying to drive the hogs out of cover to my son. I see movement about 3 feet away from me and see that it was a hog trying to stand up. There was a downed tree that the hog was under for cover and when it tried to get up and run, the tree was preventing it from a quick get away. So why that hog was trying to get unstuck I point the bow at it and begin to draw. I get about 1/3 draw and poof..negligent discharge happens. Arrow sticks in mud and pig gets clear and runs off. Well it was fun anyway. Will have to work on my technique some more.

                                My son tried to chase down a small stripped/ spotted piglet later on..the piglet dissappeared into the bush. Nice morning hunt though. Good busting bush with tracker.

