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Shooting Does with yearlings?

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    Definitely got some good information. I'm always trying to learn more. Also, for who was wondering...My place is bucks only with the antler restriction for rifle season. But you can shoot does during archery season. As I believe is true now statewide (every county allows you to shoot does during Oct.) - could be wrong though.

    Thanks fellas!


      i dont shoot them. Her and the kid will get a pass


        I did read shooting a doe w/ buck yearlings the buck yearlings will stay and not disperse. I did pass up a doe w/ yearling sinc eye yearlng was so small, must have Just lost its spots. Only shot I had for 3 years there too. Would do it again


          A good doe is a down doe. I do not discriminate. Where I hunt there are so many does. We are a 4 doe county, and we have some areas where we get from 50 to 100 MLD tags. I have shot both mother and offspring (at the same time). They all eat good. Most of all, it is either we shoot them or the disease get them.


            I used to think a lot like you softies! But I have watched quite a few momma does beat the h e double hockey sticks out of fawns. If you are trying to remove mouths and fill the freezer just fire away. They will be kicking them to the curb soon anyway. I don't usually take mine until a little later in the year.

            I normally try to shoot the meanest one, they usually get right out in the middle offering the best shot.


              Seasons are set up for a reason as stated before. Just because you dont see the fawn does not mean she does not have one, its probably just laying down in the brush. Most does will have fawns every year.


                I guess itn really depends on your lease and doe numbers.

                I will NOT shoot a doe w/fawn, unless I'm hunting somewhere that I have been instructed to KAD's. I dont have a problem with yearlings. I think some peeps are getting fawns/yearlings mixed up on this thread?

