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Trump changes position on minimum wage

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    Originally posted by JGreen31 View Post

    And more.... That dirty scoundrel!!! LOL

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Sir, how dare you bring in facts that trump has true republican views!
    Havent you heard, hes an evil liberal in republican clothing.


      Originally posted by Artos View Post
      Agreed...make it $100/hr so we can all live happily ever after.

      Min wage is stupid as it sets a standard where good & bad employees get equal pay & positions of employment is set across the board with little incentive to entice promotions. If there was none the market would dictate amigo. It does nothing but promote mediocrity & owners are apprehensive to give raises due to the fear of govt intrusion of the next min wage.

      Min wage goes up...cost of living jumps & soon the need for another increase so just make it $100 or $500 per hour or would that be ridiculous. The $$$ is really all relative.
      So your saying it shouldn't be raised??
      7.25 an hour is a disgrace.
      $290.00 for a 40 hr. week(before taxes)Seriously??? That's pathetic..
      I don't care how one chooses to spin it.


        Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
        So your saying it shouldn't be raised??
        7.25 an hour is a disgrace.
        $290.00 for a 40 hr. week(before taxes)Seriously??? That's pathetic..
        I don't care how one chooses to spin it.
        Those type of jobs weren't meant to support a family on. There are a lot of jobs and opportunities out there to make a good living, regardless of your education level or experience. It takes a lot of work and effort that many don't have anymore.

        If you are making $7.25 an hr, why are you there? Its cool money for a kid to support paying for dates or a first car, not to raise a family. My $.02

        Like stated above, the best solution would be to start over and create a output/reward system. All we are doing now is guaranteeing a bare minimum workforce with a guaranteed paycheck. That is exactly why your order at McDonald's was wrong three times in a row. The more valuable you make yourself, the more you will receive. Taking an order and pushing a few buttons doesn't equal value. In terms of value, some people aren't even worth that $7.25/hr!

        Solution...if you don't like the pay, go somewhere else. Learn a skill or trade, join the military, get educated, invent a need, create an idea, start something new. Don't just expect me to pay for your pay increase so you can be paid more for no reason other than "its not fair". Go earn it!
        Last edited by Bowhuntamistad; 05-04-2016, 10:59 PM.


          Originally posted by Bowhuntamistad View Post
          Those type of jobs weren't meant to support a family on. There are a lot of jobs and opportunities out there to make a good living, regardless of your education level or experience. It takes a lot of work and effort that many don't have anymore.

          If you are making $7.25 an hr, why are you there? Its cool money for a kid to support paying for dates or a first car, not to raise a family. My $.02

          Like stated above, the best solution would be to start over and create a output/reward system. All we are doing now is guaranteeing a bare minimum workforce with a guaranteed paycheck. That is exactly why your order at McDonald's was wrong three times in a row. The more valuable you make yourself, the more you will receive. Taking an order and pushing a few buttons doesn't equal value. In terms of value, some people aren't even worth that $7.25/hr!

          Solution...if you don't like the pay, go somewhere else. Learn a skill or trade, join the military, get educated, invent a need, create an idea, start something new. Don't just expect me to pay for your pay increase so you can be paid more for no reason other than "its not fair". Go earn it!
          Doesn't surprise me, he calls it open minded or being flexible, I call it lying..

          His business mind @ work when it's not his money, he'll just spend but when it's his personal projects he just brings cheap immigrant labor.

          Like mentioned above these jobs ( minimum wage) are not meant to raise families


            How dare the sorry S O B think people deserve a livable wage!

            Ever think raising minimum wage might entice some people to get off of govt assistance and get their butts to work? As it is govt assistance probably pays more.


              Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
              So your saying it shouldn't be raised??
              7.25 an hour is a disgrace.
              $290.00 for a 40 hr. week(before taxes)Seriously??? That's pathetic..
              I don't care how one chooses to spin it.
              I assume you don't employ any teenagers? Well I employ about 60 and I can assure you that $7.25 is plenty fair for an unskilled 16 year old looking to make a little spending $.

              That is where it will kill small businesses. If you want to make more than minimum wage then work your tail off and earn more! I also have 35 or so employees (also teenagers)that make over $12 because they worked hard and earned it.


                For the record, my McDonald's order has been spot on the last three times I've gotten it...this having a McDonald's 30 seconds from my office and being busy...

                Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


                  Originally posted by Bayouboy View Post
                  How dare the sorry S O B think people deserve a livable wage!

                  Ever think raising minimum wage might entice some people to get off of govt assistance and get their butts to work? As it is govt assistance probably pays more.
                  You are joking right? How about we quit handing it out to everyone...since when did having cable tv, new cell phone and a car become a right? Give them food stamps and let them walk to Walmart and eat hamburger helper until they get a friggin job.


                    This is way more of a dynamic issue than just a dollar figure.

                    Yes you're only making $290 a week in income. But you may also make $450 a week in food stamps, your housing is subsidized, healthcare is paid for, kids meals are covered by the school and your husband is making $500 a week in a cash paying job with no income reporting.

                    This is a great situation, two working parents but both are cheating the system. I'd be all for raising the minimum wage but you've got to cut out the **** welfare as part of it.

                    If they cut out the **** welfare and make actually more economical to get a job, jobs will become competitive and salaries will go up. It doesn't take an act of congress to make that happen


                      Originally posted by gumbl3 View Post
                      This is way more of a dynamic issue than just a dollar figure.

                      Yes you're only making $290 a week in income. But you may also make $450 a week in food stamps, your housing is subsidized, healthcare is paid for, kids meals are covered by the school and your husband is making $500 a week in a cash paying job with no income reporting.
                      How many kids do you have to have in order to get $450 per week ($1800 per month) in Food Stamps?


                        Some of you are obviously Bernie supporters. You either don't want to admit it or you just like to stir the pot. Or both.


                          Originally posted by LWC View Post
                          Some of you are obviously Bernie supporters. You either don't want to admit it or you just like to stir the pot. Or both.
                          I like to stir people's minds to get to thinking.
                          If you think paying someone $650 per month to care for your child 200 hours per month

                          Then that says a lot about what type of QUALITY of care you want your daycare provider to give your child(ren).

                          Let's say you paid a high school kid $7.50 an hour to babysit while you're at work.

                          The MINIMUM everyone should be paying is $1,200 per month per kid.

                          I highly doubt most of us here pay that much.

                          Is daycare provider such a low skilled job that they don't warrant $15 an hour?

                          It's more than McDonald's workers...


                            This liberal mindset is to imbedded....just let it go.


                              Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
                              This liberal mindset is to imbedded....just let it go.
                              What do you think a person should get paid to babysit four (4) 18month old kids?
                              Per hour.
                              How much should they get paid per hour to watch all four kids at the same time?


                                Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                                What do you think a person should get paid to babysit four (4) 18month old kids?
                                Per hour.
                                How much should they get paid per hour to watch all four kids at the same time?
                                17 million per kid....

