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Super Tuesday...the day after??

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    Carson does not see a path moving forward and will not attend debate. He does still intend on being at CPAC


      Originally posted by Sparkles View Post
      What do y'all think Romney is about to say?
      it COULD be something brilliant, genius, mind blowing, or game changing... but i'm going to go with...something stupid.


        Originally posted by systemnt View Post
        it COULD be something brilliant, genius, mind blowing, or game changing... but i'm going to go with...something stupid.



          Where I am starting to fall on this having accepted the reality that my guy Kasich is indeed done is that neither Rubio nor Cruz are going to move the needle as a POTUS. Neither, IMO, has demonstrated any real leadership capabilities and as fractured as the GOP, will not have nearly the support that Obama had from Dems.

          So bring on Trump and lets hope he pivots to a more presidential figure and addresses the specific issues that made him so popular with Republicans in the first place.


            Originally posted by systemnt View Post
            it COULD be something brilliant, genius, mind blowing, or game changing... but i'm going to go with...something stupid.


              Originally posted by systemnt View Post
              it COULD be something brilliant, genius, mind blowing, or game changing... but i'm going to go with...something stupid.


                Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                We were joking about this whole mess over lunch Monday. I included a bit of Ron White philosophy...

                "If we're going down, hit something HARD. I don't wanna limp away from this piece of ____."


                  Originally posted by Sparkles View Post
                  Carson does not see a path moving forward and will not attend debate. He does still intend on being at CPAC
                  I just got this alert on my phone. Does that mean he is dropping out? Could change the outcome of the next few states.


                    I've slept a bit since last night. I'm sort of at the **** it, if the gop is going to go retard, might as well go full retard and see what happens. It'll probably be not good for the country, but what else is new. Has anyone seen that advertisement for that place in Canada for if Trump becomes president? Lol


                      Originally posted by ttechdallas View Post
                      Where I am starting to fall on this having accepted the reality that my guy Kasich is indeed done is that neither Rubio nor Cruz are going to move the needle as a POTUS. Neither, IMO, has demonstrated any real leadership capabilities and as fractured as the GOP, will not have nearly the support that Obama had from Dems.

                      So bring on Trump and lets hope he pivots to a more presidential figure and addresses the specific issues that made him so popular with Republicans in the first place.
                      Trumps speech last night was much tamer then normal. I think he figured out he needs to stop with the childish antics.

                      Just for the record, I'm not a Trump fan.


                        Originally posted by Charles View Post
                        Trumps speech last night was much tamer then normal. I think he figured out he needs to stop with the childish antics.

                        Just for the record, I'm not a Trump fan.
                        trump wont be able to stop himself when it comes to the NE attitude. they all kind of get ****ty as a defense mechanism.


                          Originally posted by Shane View Post
                          The best chance to stop Trump would be for Rubio and all the others to drop out today and for Cruz to go ahead and name Rubio as his intended running mate. That would put all of the non-Trump vote in one place, and that would likely mean Trump's defeat.

                          If Rubio and Kasich keep going until they get to their home states' primaries on the 15th (which they will), then it will be more difficult to get everybody behind Cruz after that and still have enough states left to beat Trump. Might still be possible, but way less likely to work.

                          If everybody but the top 3 drops out and those 3 stay in all the way to the convention, then it's pretty likely that it will be a contested convention. If that happens, it's doubtful that Trump will emerge from the war zone with the nomination. He'll then go independent and torpedo the GOP out of spite.

                          If Trump gets more than 1,237 delegates in the primaries, then the GOP bosses could try to change the rules after the game is over and nominate somebody else anyway, but that would be horribly wrong. It would kill the party for good (no huge loss, I guess). Trump would go independent and torpedo their chances anyway.

                          The GOP bosses hate Cruz, but they need to rally behind him NOW if they want to beat Trump. That's the only way they can beat Trump AND Hillary. Even Lindsey Graham said so in an interview this morning. He came out in favor of Rubio and Kasich dropping out and everybody getting behind Cruz. It killed him to admit it, but at least he admitted it.

                          That said, even if the rest of the party got behind Cruz and he went on to win enough delegates to get the nomination, I would be shocked if Trump didn't run independent anyway. The only way he won't run independent is if he gets the GOP nomination.
                          To believe this, you have to assume that Trump, with no party fundraising infrastructure in an "Independent" bid for President, would be willing to spend several hundred million dollars of his own money on a bid for President that is likely doomed to fail. That is not going to happen.

                          There have been multiple stories about how he has skimped on his get out the vote effort in several of the early states. That is not a guy who is going to lay down a quarter of a million bucks to run a doomed bid for President.


                            Originally posted by Axe Man View Post
                            I just got this alert on my phone. Does that mean he is dropping out? Could change the outcome of the next few states.
                            Check Cruz's twitter feed to verify.


                              Originally posted by Shane View Post
                              They'll help whoever wins them.

                              I don't know the rules in those states. Does the candidate with the most votes automatically win, or does a candidate have to get at least 50% in order to win? If a majority of votes is required, then they'll have runoffs between the top 2, I assume. ??

                              If a plurality is all that's required, Trump will probably get lots of those states. If a majority is required, and that means a runoff between the top 2, then that should favor Cruz.
                              I think in the winner take all states, you only have to win a plurality of the vote. Do keep in mind that there are a lot more CLOSED primaries and caucuses going forward than OPEN ones, like Trump has greatly benefited from to date, and especially yesterday all over the South. All 4 of the contests this Saturday are CLOSED, which means no Democrat or Indy crossover votes, only Republican. I'll be surprised if Cruz doesn't win at least 2 of those contests, and I wouldn't be shocked if he won all 4. I said yesterday morning on my twitter acct. that I thought Cruz would win Oklahoma because it was a CLOSED primary. He ended up outperforming his poll #'s there by 14 points!


                                Originally posted by JFISHER View Post
                                By far, this has been the most satisfying result of Super Tuesday coverage.

                                There is likely some cause and effect here. Some of the decline on the Democrat side likely has to do with Dems turning out to vote in the Republican primary for Trump.

