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Just found a DEAD 22yo Honduran Immigrant

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    Very Sad Deal...

    I don't know what is worse, this 22 year old fella dying a death I don't even want to imagine, or all you guys piling on with no compassion. Someone died, no matter your thoughts on illegal vs. legal, someone lost their life and they were only 22 years old. He was someone's son, and for all they know he is in America living his dream, instead he died a horrible death, alone, and they may never know his fate, and that is terrible.

    Peyton I am sorry that your Dad and Pancho had such a horrible start to yesterday. I don't think anyone would want to have wake up and go deal with something like this.


      I have worked on a golf course since I was 16 til about 4 months ago. Being the only white boy on any course that I worked I can tell you that just because they are illegal doesnt meant that they are bad and on welfair and unemployment. It is very hard for them to obtain legal status and very time consuming instead of just working to support their family unlike most of the American population! I would rather see an illegal that knows who he is and proud of what he is doing than seeing an American citizen laying around the house or sitting on their front porch living off of you and me who have a job trying to support my family. I worked on several golf courses in the DFW area and can tell you that I never had anybody that would come apply for a job that was not illegal, just because that most Americans wont do manual labor any more they would rather the Gov pay them to be lazy. I have said it a 100 times that if you would take away welfare and unemployment people would actually have to get a job and support theirselves in turn gain respect for something and maybe make this country that I love a better place!!! Ill get off of my box now


        I wonder what the general thought of the above posters would be if this guy was an American citizen robbing a bank to get money to live on.....more money than he could possibly earn given his skills and education ....all in the name of looking for a better life for himself and his family...........if he got killed doing so.....


          I used to be a lot less compassionate than I am now after a few encounters over the last few years down south. No matter the situation, he was a human loved by others and by God just as much as you and I. Very sad situation and rough way to go.

          Hate to see this for Pancho and your dad after his recent loss, Peyton.
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            I am definitely not condoning the act of crossing the border, don't like it one bit but it is sad that a young man died alone out in the middle of nowhere


              Sorry your Dad had to deal with it and for the young man that lost his life.


                Originally posted by Smart View Post
                I wonder what the general thought of the above posters would be if this guy was an American citizen robbing a bank to get money to live on.....more money than he could possibly earn given his skills and education ....all in the name of looking for a better life for himself and his family...........if he got killed doing so.....
                analogy does not hold water

                We can speculate endlessly on a dead man's motives but the odds are he was here to earn a living.

                If you want to say he is somehow stealing by working his tail off in this country and possibly raising a family here, there is no comparison. The dead illegal immigrant did not make our rules.

                Click image for larger version

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                Last edited by Legdog; 07-24-2009, 10:24 AM.


                  Originally posted by Legdog View Post
                  The dead illegal immigrant did not make our rules.
                  Didn't he enter our country illegally? Isn't that against the law, just like stealing or trespassing or anything else?

                  Again, it's not a crime that deserves the death penalty, but it's still a crime. Commiting that crime (or any other) doesn't get you martar status in my book - no matter what your motives are.

                  If you want to be admired, then figure out a way to bust tail at home, save up the $, and work through the system for as long as it takes so that you can come here legally. THEN you deserve some praise. A fella can work HARD for the betterment of his family's situation on either side of the border. Crossing illegally is a shortcut, for sure, but it's illegal.


                    [QUOTE=Legdog;1671169]analogy does not hold water

                    We can speculate endlessly on a dead man's motives but the odds are he was here to earn a living.

                    If you want to say he is somehow stealing by working his tail off in this country and possibly raising a family here, there is no comparison. The dead illegal immigrant did not make our rules.

                    You are correct he didnt make our rules but he SHOULD ABIDE BY THEM the same as we have to abide by theirs! Its sad that he died but he died doing an illegal act that he KNOW is ILLEGAL and he knows the risks involved. The same goes for someone robbing your house. If you shot an intruder in your house that was recently laid off and couldnt find a job and has been looking for 4 months and needed to get some money to feed his family and he decided to try to steal to to do it and he entered your house and you shot and killed him you wouldnt feel sympathetic to him for breaking into your house would you? So for this guy to break into the U.S. ILLEGALLY and unfortunatly died is a sad deal but he was still wrong and took the risk and gambled and lost.


                      Originally posted by Shane View Post
                      Didn't he enter our country illegally? Isn't that against the law, just like stealing or trespassing or anything else?

                      Again, it's not a crime that deserves the death penalty, but it's still a crime. Commiting that crime (or any other) doesn't get you martar status in my book - no matter what your motives are.

                      If you want to be admired, then figure out a way to bust tail at home, save up the $, and work through the system for as long as it takes so that you can come here legally. THEN you deserve some praise. A fella can work HARD for the betterment of his family's situation on either side of the border. Crossing illegally is a shortcut, for sure, but it's illegal.
                      Who said the guy needs to be admired, martyred or praised?

                      The posts I'm reading have been about compassion. That's it.

                      Walk in his shoes and then tell what you would do.
                      Last edited by Legdog; 07-24-2009, 10:47 AM.


                        No one is BLAMING the guy for wanting to come to AMERICA at all!! Heck who wouldn't want to live in a free society! BUT that dosent mean that ANYONE should feel compassionate towards a guy that knows how too ( even if its hard and expensive) get here legally but chooses to try and SNEAK through the system and get here ILLEGALLY and ILLEGALLY steal someones social security number and ( happens ALOT) usually ruins someones credit and at the very least makes life HELL on someone untill they get all of the crap cleared up from the theft of their social security number but none the less he dies in the process of trying to better his life but in the long run for his family and all who lost? His family is who he should have been thinking about and DONE IT THE LEGAL way and he would still be around to see and support his family! LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE! He paid the ultimate price and lost his life and his family lost him because he wanted to ILLEGALLY get to the US when all he had to do was be patient and do things right and then he would be here and they could have a great life!


                          Originally posted by Eliminator View Post
                          No one is BLAMING the guy for wanting to come to AMERICA at all!! Heck who wouldn't want to live in a free society! BUT that dosent mean that ANYONE should feel compassionate towards a guy that knows how too ( even if its hard and expensive) get here legally but chooses to try and SNEAK through the system and get here ILLEGALLY and ILLEGALLY steal someones social security number and ( happens ALOT) usually ruins someones credit and at the very least makes life HELL on someone untill they get all of the crap cleared up from the theft of their social security number but none the less he dies in the process of trying to better his life but in the long run for his family and all who lost? His family is who he should have been thinking about and DONE IT THE LEGAL way and he would still be around to see and support his family! LOOK AT THE BIG PICTURE! He paid the ultimate price and lost his life and his family lost him because he wanted to ILLEGALLY get to the US when all he had to do was be patient and do things right and then he would be here and they could have a great life!

                          It's not "hard and expensive" to get here legally.

                          It's impossible.

                          I work with a guy from Mexico. You have to have rich man money to do it (yes, this guy is rich).

                          People don't risk their lives for short cuts.


                            I have no problem with a man trying to better himself or find a better life for he and his family. This world is our home I dont know why we cannot go anywhere we choose to.

                            Its no different than what many of our ancestors did several hundred years ago.
                            We load up on boats came to America to escape persecution they kicked abunch of indians asses and took their land. Seems like a double standard standing on the safe side.


                              You feel sorry for someone dieing.. but hey I am sick and tired of trying to solve all the world's problems. We have enough people unemployeed and on welfare to do every job needed to be done in America..without using illegals at all. In a previous time in our history.. These people might have been shot and killed with impunity.


                                Originally posted by Texpppr View Post
                                You feel sorry for someone dieing.. but hey I am sick and tired of trying to solve all the world's problems. We have enough people unemployeed and on welfare to do every job needed to be done in America..without using illegals at all. In a previous time in our history.. These people might have been shot and killed with impunity.

                                Question is, will they do the work this man was coming here to do?

                                Export every illegal alien and watch the collapse.

                                Illegal immigration is a complex and huge problem. But our dead Honduran is nothing more than a guy who was willing to risk it all for a shot at some American pie.

                                Its the same kind of spirit (cojones?) our country was founded on.

