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Retirement age?

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    Never will get to retire. Sucks! Guess I didn’t plan on living to retirement age. But when you start getting older and still alive the eyes open wider and wider!


      I'm almost 35. Retirement and the millions of dollars put away that would take seems so far away...


        Retiring next year at age 50. With my federal firefighter pension, social security supplement, TSP "401k" , and VA disability. Over the last 25+ years it has taken a toll on my body and health.
        Plan on getting a part time job to keep busy and out of trouble.


          already done it. a few months before complete eligibility for SS. Had to go that long to get the few company benes they provided.
          Even if you think you are "financially fit", don't count on it. The gov will find some way to screw you.


            I semi-retired at 63 and just about to completely retire from working somewhere now at 71. I will always work on my tree farms.


              I'd retire from my paying job today if I were eligible and financially sound lol. I don't get paid to preach and I don't view that as a job so I'll do that until I die Lord willing. On a serious note, I have never had any retirement funds so I will literally work until I kick the bucket. If my wife dies before me I will liquidate everything I have, buy a piece of land in Alaska, build me a one room cabin, and live out my days as a hermit without shaving or socializing!


                I'm 38 and I set my retirement age at 57 with Edward Jones. My pie chart is all "Green" and everything seems achievable. I'm honestly not sure when I'll retire, I enjoy my job and I feel I go to work to get a break from all the hustle bustle life brings. I might think differently when my kiddos are older so we shall see.


                  I'm hoping when I'm 40. How much money should I have? Are we talking about retiring from working for someone else or can we go to work for ourselves doing whatever we want and enjoying life?


                    Originally posted by Bear82 View Post
                    I'm hoping when I'm 40. How much money should I have? Are we talking about retiring from working for someone else or can we go to work for ourselves doing whatever we want and enjoying life?
                    That's the critical question. Unless a person has a pension with a COLA, an enormous pension, or a giant nest egg, how secure would you feel retiring with inflation running so high?


                      62 for sure. I’m 54 now.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by Bear82 View Post
                        I'm hoping when I'm 40. How much money should I have? Are we talking about retiring from working for someone else or can we go to work for ourselves doing whatever we want and enjoying life?
                        Really can’t answer because no one knows the biggest unknown of how long you’ll live. Many FAs I think base it on living to 85 or you can assume average life span data
                        If you retire at 40 & have to go 45 years with added inflation over that period that’s gonna push you over $3MM


                          Hoping to retire in 7 years at 62. I enjoy my profession so I may just sell out and work for someone else. Running the business is the part I don’t like.


                            55 the first time and 60 the second. Now 62 and having a blast. Helping kids with their businesses, grandkids, hanging at the ranch and traveling. Love it.


                              Originally posted by HogHunter34 View Post
                              Really can’t answer because no one knows the biggest unknown of how long you’ll live. Many FAs I think base it on living to 85 or you can assume average life span data
                              If you retire at 40 & have to go 45 years with added inflation over that period that’s gonna push you over $3MM
                              True statements you have made above. I know a couple of gents I worked with that also participated well in the company benefits plan. When they retired they were in the 7 figure range of their 401ks. Each of these fellows thought they could spend like they had 7 figures without thinking ahead of the long term consequences. They are having regrets now. As you have stated the unknowns you can’t control and need to plan accordingly.


                                I left this past June at 66 after 33years. My wife still works from home and loves what she does and is probably 5 years from retirement. I've got several friends that when sleepy joe showed up they decided not to retire. The thought crossed my mind of staying longer but remembered 3 former employees that didn't get to retire. Don't say, "when i retire I'm going to do this and that", because we are not guaranteed tomorrow.
                                "Hunt when you can, you're going to run out of health before you run out of money". Newberg
                                I always approached it with the attitude to go while you could climb those mountains and walk those prairies. And then, make up the money spent hunting in Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming while you were still working. I'll have to budget now but still plan on hunting, fishing and enjoying my family, especially my grand daughter. I've been contacted about some part time work, maybe after January. Leaving with the family to Maui in the morning. Aloha!

