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Human resources question

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    Human resources question

    The company I work for was bought out. All of the senior staff from previous company was terminated by new (Califorian) owner. I'm the only person that knows how to properly mix the specialized products that is made/packaged/sold and shipped. The new owner has already instructed me to make videos of the multiple production processes. Now he wants me to write down the recipe/ratios and production processes. I believe if I do as instructed that I will be replaced. I would resigned but haven't found a new job yet.

    I had thought about seeking a 5 year employment contract with a substantial pay raise.
    It feels like I have the new owner at a disadvantage

    Could I be fired if I don't comply? If so on what grounds?

    Thoughts are appreciated!!

    Texas is an “At Will” employment state. I believe, unless you are in a union or a civil servant, you can be terminated at any time with or without cause. I think.


      Human resources question

      If you mixed a product for my company and refused to provide me with the formula you’re using when instructed I’d fire you. Sucks that you’re in a position to work yourself out of a job but I don’t think trying to strongarm him is your best course of action. Do as instructed but express your concerns to your supervisor and tell them you’re committed to staying with the company and hope they see the value you add.

      Or if you don’t want to stay and don’t have a non-compete quit, take your knowledge with you and open your own company.


        Yep, Texas is at will. They don’t need grounds to fire; can do it anytime they would like without reason. I’m not sure I would try to hard ball them into a 5 year contract. Would probably be a miserable 5 years for you. Maybe be upfront with your concerns and negotiate a hefty severance package / one time payment?

        I guess it depends on how sure you are you have them over a barrel.


          As stated previously, your employment is "at will" for both parties (employee and employer).
          Even if it wasn't, companies can find grounds for termination for a multitude of different reasons one being insubordination.
          Your employer could easily consider you not doing what you are instructed to do as insubordination and terminate your employment.


            Like mentioned, if you don’t have a non compete then starting your own or finding a competitor, taking the trade secret and working for them might be an option.


              If I bought a company and one of the key things was a formulation for the product I would have that formulation in writing before closing the deal
              I would not be dependent on a single employee to provide me that information

              Sounds like you want to keep working for them but believe they are going to cut you as soon as you give them what they need
              Guess you have to gamble they will keep you or walk with the keys to their product
              If I thought they would let me go I would have walked before making them videos


                Maybe be upfront with your concerns and negotiate a hefty severance package / one time payment?

                I guess it depends on how sure you are you have them over a barrel.[/QUOTE]
                I really appreciate the straightforward advice from yall. Not really trying to strong-arm the new owner, I'm more trying to protect my years of personal investment in the company and provide for my family.

                Thinking it might be better to just step away from the company

                But again I appreciate the thoughtful input


                  If he doesn't know how to make it or how to find someone that does you might have good pot odds!


                    Human resources question

                    I don’t know what your product is, but I’m thinking if you’re the only person that can mix it then you’re the product. Call up some of those senior employees that got fired and put the team back together. Y’all were good enough to help build a company worthy of an acquisition, do it again. This time for yourselves.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                      Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                      I don’t know what your product is, but I’m thinking if you’re the only person that can mix it then you’re the product. Call up some of those senior employees that got fired and put the team back together. Y’all were good enough to help build a company worthy of an acquisition, do it again. This time for yourselves.

                      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                      This! Think big. Nobody ever got rich from being afraid of going broke.


                        Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                        I don’t know what your product is, but I’m thinking if you’re the only person that can mix it then you’re the product. Call up some of those senior employees that got fired and put the team back together. Y’all were good enough to help build a company worthy of an acquisition, do it again. This time for yourselves.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

                        You hold the cards here. What will they do if you walk? Figure it out somehow. Why not give them an easy solution and say, myself and these 4 people can make this happen.


                          Originally posted by Big Lee View Post

                          You hold the cards here. What will they do if you walk? Figure it out somehow. Why not give them an easy solution and say, myself and these 4 people can make this happen.
                          Take the formula leave the company and start your own. After all there is no documentation of the formula.


                            Originally posted by Ungawa View Post
                            Take the formula leave the company and start your own. After all there is no documentation of the formula.
                            Bingo, all in the mind!!!!


                              Sounds like you have some leverage. Tricky part is balancing not overplaying your hand vs. where you want to be going forward 5-10 years from now.

