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    Originally posted by Skinny View Post
    I need a shot of Holy Water to wash all this down! [emoji41]


    LOL Brother!!!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


      Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post
      I'll take you up one

      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
      Starting you out on shots


        Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
        Starting you out on shots


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          Originally posted by Uncle Saggy View Post

          Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
          Im gonna buy you a beer or 2 but think you would be a true joy to be around.

          I would love to hear some of your life’s stories and the shots would be to getem flowing (it was meant to be a good thing sry if my humor is off)


            Originally posted by curtintex View Post
            I find, as a Christian, that I'm often embarrassed by the way my fellow Christian brothers will treat a man that doesn't agree with them. Nobody ever got ridiculed into heaven and I can't imagine Jesus treating Bob like he gets treated here repeatedly.


              Originally posted by Death from Above View Post
              Im gonna buy you a beer or 2 but think you would be a true joy to be around.

              I would love to hear some of your life’s stories and the shots would be to getem flowing (it was meant to be a good thing sry if my humor is off)
              After having spent a week in bear camp with Saggy, I can assure you it'd be your pleasure to sit around a campfire and chat him up. He's a good dude. Old as hell, but a really good dude.


                Originally posted by JeffJ View Post
                How many of these are broken by Christians on a daily basis?

                1.You shall have no other gods before Me.
                2.You shall not make idols.
                3.You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
                4.Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
                5.Honor your father and your mother.
                6.You shall not murder.
                7.You shall not commit adultery.
                8.You shall not steal.
                9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
                10.You shall not covet.
                Only those of us who breathe break these. For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
                Last edited by toaster; 09-25-2018, 08:17 PM.


                  Saggy rules.

                  His music taste sucks.


                    Originally posted by Burntorange Bowhunter View Post
                    Saggy rules.

                    His music taste sucks.

                    Dammit BOB
                    I want to meet you for BBQ he of these days

                    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                      Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                      After having spent a week in bear camp with Saggy, I can assure you it'd be your pleasure to sit around a campfire and chat him up. He's a good dude. Old as hell, but a really good dude.

                      That was a great time.
                      Would love to do it again!!!!! Now let's talk about the old part[emoji23][emoji23]

                      Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by Landrover View Post
                        Not sure if you meant what you typed or understood what I typed. But since you quoted my Israel story I guess I will comment. As you said there is a common thread, common denominator, something in common...a ancient link. I am sure Arafat & Rabin knew the ancient history of their forefathers much more intimately than us westerners. Where the ancient associations went from their (thousands of years ago) is obviously different.....thus the number of religions, sects, etc. I am a Christian from the Southern Baptist sect of deep south Louisiana. I believe in a higher power, which is almighty God. I also know that faith is KEY to any religion or deeply held belief system. I agree that TRUTH seekers will find it but I also believe in discussion and debate not my way or the highway!. God bless you also!
                        Hey Oscar. Thanks for the reply. If I misunderstood your intent, please forgive me. I partly quoted you for the Israel story but also for your agreement without hooligan that implied Christianity isn’t very different from other major religions. Jesus Christ is the foundation of Christianity, which is inherently and vastly different from every other belief out there. Fully God, fully man, and most importantly He lives today. Not a prophet, a role model, or belief in a works-based salvation.

                        I, too believe in a “higher power”, but so do most people on earth (and demons, James 2:19), so I personally want to profess the name of Jesus Christ. This is offensive to many, because Jesus told us He is the exclusive pathway to God, which is completely counterculture to our “inclusive, we’re all pretty much alike, whatever works for you” western worldview. That just doesn’t sit well with lots of folks. We want to brand our own mechanism for moral redemption that suits our nature, which is inherently selfish and generally ends up with us trying to put God in a box and redefine his unchanging character.

                        As to your point about all “faiths”—I 100% agree. We cannot see God. But, we can evaluate the tenants of other beliefs to understand their origin and founders, which I kinda think Uncle Saggy was proposing (in part, maybe?) to better understand to make an informed decision as to their authority and legitimacy. What separates the Bible completely apart from other “faiths” is the fulfillment of prophecy (or you might say predictions) that is a mathematical impossibility from a random results perspective. The greatest of which (Jesus’ resurrection) underscores the prophecy of his life, death and resurrection and therefore offers evidence for the Christian faith, that no other faith can.

                        As a professing Believer, I don’t doubt you believe these things at all. I just cannot find any evidence from any other faith that offers anything close. They may claim eternal benefits or maybe only temporal ones, but none have any authority through prophecy, miracles, overcoming death to “back them up”. So because of these things, I don’t ever want to give the impression that there is anything remotely similar between Christianity and other beliefs.

                        God’s character is intolerant of anything but truth. He doesn’t choose that, it’s just innate. All other “faiths” are shrouded in untruths and/or behavioral-driven attempts at sel-betterment, and I just try to make sure that remains clear.

                        I know many read this and probably despise my words or even me for saying it. But I love people too much to convey anything less than a clear path back to God through his son.

                        Thanks for your witness Oscar. I really appreciate and admire they way you ALWAYS so readily engage our brothers on TBH, and your genuine concern for others. God bless.


                          Originally posted by Landrover View Post
                          Not sure if you meant what you typed or understood what I typed. But since you quoted my Israel story I guess I will comment. As you said there is a common thread, common denominator, something in common...a ancient link. I am sure Arafat & Rabin knew the ancient history of their forefathers much more intimately than us westerners. Where the ancient associations went from their (thousands of years ago) is obviously different.....thus the number of religions, sects, etc. I am a Christian from the Southern Baptist sect of deep south Louisiana. I believe in a higher power, which is almighty God. I also know that faith is KEY to any religion or deeply held belief system. I agree that TRUTH seekers will find it but I also believe in discussion and debate not my way or the highway!. God bless you also!
                          This is exactly my thought, and my people are of the Deep South Louisiana Baptist variety too


                            Originally posted by curtintex View Post
                            After having spent a week in bear camp with Saggy, I can assure you it'd be your pleasure to sit around a campfire and chat him up. He's a good dude. Old as hell, but a really good dude.
                            I agree, a really good dude! You should spend some time on a tuna boat with him! Lot of fun but has some pretty strange lures.......


                              Originally posted by Skinny View Post
                              I need a shot of Holy Water to wash all this down! [emoji41]

                              I know a guy.


                                I choose to believe that everyone has the right to believe whatever they choose. There are lots of nonchristians that lead a more Christlike existence than I do.

