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    BTC under 10....


      Originally posted by jkg2003 View Post
      I wouldn’t if it wasn’t already in coinbase. One of those bank account transfers that takes 10 days and it just hit this morning, so might as well get in while it’s low.

      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      not if its going lower


        Definite craziness - No idea what's going on.

        Profit has dropped to double what I put in ...


          Originally posted by systemnt View Post
          I'm having a difficult time taking a guy seriously whose supposed to be leading a top level cryptocoin technology with a twitter avatar that looks like he was on "Saved By The Bell".
          He is a Mario Lopez wannabe !!!

          Had to do a double-take on the pic to make sure it was not Mario Lopez !!


            Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
            1,376 crypto coins

            How many can the market handle?

            I hope you guys make money but we all know what happened when the internet bubble popped. Same thing will happen here sooner or later.
            1,442 coins now.

            On the top gainers list only 18 are up. They actually have ones down listed on the gainers list
            So if you're holding the 30th BEST performing coin today it's down 7%

            Which are the best and worst performing cryptos in the last 24 hours? Our list includes mineable coins, ERC-20, DeFi tokens and more.

            This may be capitulation day. So if everything "air" drops really fast at some point that may be the time to get back in. That's IF these coins act anything like stocks.


              Originally posted by jkg2003 View Post
              What would you put $500 into? Btc, eth, or Ltc? Right at this second

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

              BTC at $2,000 is reasonable but $20,000 the way it ran up was crazy! What worries me the most is that no one is talking about the Dow at 26k.... that's where my real investments are! Don't get me wrong we needed a recovery from the greatest recession ever BUT we kinda had it already. It was lackluster but still there. What's happened with the stock market since November 2016 is scary. It's wonderful but scary. Also look at house prices and whats going on with those.

              My advice to everyone regarding ANY type of investment right now is don't buy at the top because you are scared you are gonna miss out and make sure you got at least 2 years worth of bill money in cash just in case **** hits the old fan.



                Think about the return you would have if you held the top earner for the last 24 hours. Sell it at its high (153%) for today, for btc, and in a couple days btc goes back to 14-16k. Double dipping the rise and fall!

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Take cover/shelter.......this is not a drill.


                    Originally posted by rtp View Post
                    Take cover/shelter.......this is not a drill.
                    Are you false alarming it like Maui


                      The good thing is that most of the folks on this thread have been having fun with some "play" money. This isnt the end of the world and by summer time all will be good again.


                        itll be good by the end of the week.


                          Yep. I didn’t invest any money I couldn’t afford to lose. That’s the key to this whole deal as volatile as it is. My only regret so far was not taking more profits along the way up and holding those funds to buy more at the dip!



                            Originally posted by Skinny View Post
                            Yep. I didn’t invest any money I couldn’t afford to lose. That’s the key to this whole deal as volatile as it is. My only regret so far was not taking more profits along the way up and holding those funds to buy more at the dip!

                            Live and Learn as always. My plan was to do just that and I did. There were times I was kicking myself in the rear for selling because I was looking at what I "could" have had. Then I would remind myself of what I tell my sons.....never be upset when taking a profit nor having to pay taxes on that profit.

                            It is very apparent the main coins have brought down all of the alts proportionately for the most part. Im well positioned in all of the ones I want to be in for the next run up. I will continue to slow roll more money into them as long as they stay depressed.


                              As far as I see it, it's just like going to Vegas for a few days. I go expecting to lose with money I can afford to lose.


                                I'm positioned well for the future. (i think).

