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New Year Workout Accountability 2017

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    Going to get back in the swing of things finally. It's been 3 years since I've been in a good workout routine.

    I plan on losing about 10-15 lbs before starting to work on mass and strength.

    Where do y'all buy protein and supplements? I used to buy from back in the day. Are there any better deals than them?

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    Comment or amazon for your supplements

      Yesterday was legs, today will be chest


        On my 3rd workout of the week. Shoulder has been bothering me so it is going to be a light chest and triceps workout.


          It was a good day...

          chest and biceps. Incline bench, barbell curls, incline dumb bell press, preacher curls, incline chest fly. Maybe back and triceps tomorrow.


            Hotel gym isn't the best but still knocking it out


              Yesterday was supposed to be legs, but I was running on about 3 hours sleep, my ankles were sore.......blah blah blah.... excuses! Boils down to I didn't want to. Got it done today.

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                Destroyed legs and shoulders this afternoon


                  Cancelled today. Feeling "off" all day. I've had this back "pinch" for a few weeks not getting better. Don't hurt to lift at all, it hurts to breath. So after a few weeks of that I developed a cough... it hasn't got any better either. After cutting hay today I felt achy all over. Went to dr. Did chest X-rays ... nothing. Running 100.9 with 93-% oxygen. They gave me a steroid injection in my hip and I left there and went back to chiropractor. Got adjusted and electric stimulus. Going to take today off and heal. I have too much going to get sick or down


                    Got some sleep...

                    finally. I took half a benadryl and it was lights out! I can't take a whole one cuz I'll never sleep it off and would feel groggy all day. Back and triceps today. Bent over barbell rows/skull crushers, narrow v-bar pullups/cable press down (supinated grip), seated rows/overhead cable extensions, crunches and leg raises.

                    Left elbow/arm gave me some issues this AM. A shooting pain from the elbow to my shoulder half way through the extension. I slept funny on that left arm all night so that might have aggravated it a little.

                    Rock on you gym rats!


                      Back and biceps today. I used to love doing chin ups when I was in high school. Of course I was almost 90# lighter then!

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                        Legs and shoulders today. Glad this week is over!


                          Yesterday was a off day

                          Today is chest and tri's
                          Tomorrow is back and bi's


                            Shoulders and abs today. Next week is the last week of the build block, woo hoo!

                            Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


                              I was doing great but I've had to take this week off due to a neck problem. Really sucks. I think I'm getting depressed because I can't work out.


                                Destroyed chest and tri's today along with 40 mins of cardio

