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    Originally posted by Man View Post
    Class of '99 here also brother. Klein Forest High School.

    Needville High!
    Looks we dodged a bullet buddy ......wait, what do they call us?

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      Originally posted by Backwoods101 View Post
      Needville High!
      Looks we dodged a bullet buddy ......wait, what do they call us?
      Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
      Well hello neighbor...I live in Rosenberg. Holy crap dude I think we are millennials!!
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        old timers "kids these days" gripes go back to the dawn of time.
        now we just do it on the internet in our underwear.


          Originally posted by jerp View Post
          My sons are 27 and 23, both went to work right out of college, are completely off the parental teet and are busting their humps to develop careers. I would like to think my wife and I had something to do with helping them form a work ethic but some part of it is probably just luck. (we are very blessed in that regard) Among their friends/peer group there are those who fall across the entire spectrum from hard-working and responsible to whiny entitled lay-abouts. I'm not sure this generation is any better or worse than mine (tail end of the baby boomers) but I think the difference is, now there are more parents willing to enable lazy behavior in their unmotivated offspring. I had a few friends that were unmotivated lazy bums, but once they were of age they had to sink or swim on their own.
          Thanks for being the voice of reason here, amigo. Your words reflect the time and effort and thought you put into typing out a solid response, which is more than I can say for a lot of folks that seem to enjoy being heard more than making a **** bit of sense.


            Just because of a few bad apples doesn't make them all bad.

            My kid just sent me a picture of a protest/demonstration at UNT. He said it wasn't an anti-trump protest, it was more of "we support the people he speaks of hating".


              Originally posted by The General View Post
              Almost 25 years old, graduated from an incredibly liberal college (UT), and have held a 'real' job since I was 16. Oh and I voted for Trump. It's not all 'millennials' that have the 'me-me-me' problem. And I was thinking about this yesterday regarding the 'lazy millennials'- Granted they make their own ****-poor decisions using their own brain, is it their fault or their parents fault for being raised like a brat? If it's the parent's fault, was it their parents (the grandparents) fault for raising them wrong also? It's a trickle down effect IMO and the 'lazy millennials' are a result of more than just their own generation. Too many millennial parents were/are in favor of participation trophies/everybody wins/etc. Regardless of the cause- it make me sick seeing/hearing some of the crap people may age come up with and believe. Put me in the crowd of 'don't lump me with those millennials'- they are a disgrace.
              General---I salute you. It's as you say---trickle down effect. Started with "helicopter parents" hovering over their kids every second of every day. Now my son (he's 46) says they have transformed into "Lawn Mower parents" meaning they get in front of their kids and mow down every obstacle for them. I see it in some of the families at our church-their kids' behaviors just make me shake my head and want to go over and turn them over my knee, but then I'm the "cranky old guy" and my opinion doesn't carry any weight.

              Unfortunately, the minority give the majority a bad name (or the majority give everyone a bad name).

              And, Rodeo--the cell phone is their substitute for "critical thinking" or thinking on their feet, or good decision-making skills---something that has been lost in our education system in my opinion.
              Last edited by dustoffer; 11-10-2016, 05:12 PM.


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                  Originally posted by bphillips View Post

                  Luckily I'm 30 and am honored to be in the presence of many more millennials like myself. I'm loving the stories gentlemen, thank you for the restored hope in our generation.


                    Originally posted by bphillips View Post



                      Originally posted by bphillips View Post


                        Originally posted by bphillips View Post
                        Spot on.


                          Some of us still like to Rock n Roll


                            I am 65. I am the oldest guy in my plant. I work with people from Germany, Egypt, Mexico, Guatemala, and several different Asian countries. Not to mention us homegrown folks. Ages range from geezers (me) down to freshly minted HS graduates. Some are slackers, some are workers. Age or the lack age doesn't have a whole heck of a lot to do with it. Motivation, internal and external, and desire have more to do with success or failure than age. It does seem to me that the ones that possess the worst attitudes and work ethics are the 40 somethings. The children of my generation. We did a sorry job for the most part.


                              Originally posted by Pedernal View Post
                              ^^^^^Ding Ding Ding for the Win Win Win!!!^^^^^

                              There are lazy arse bastages from all generations. including from the greatest generation of all, yes I said it flame away if you must. What are parents teach us along with we learn in our school s day care) is what we basically turn into.

                              No need to paint all of a certain group off peeps wuth the same brush!!

                              My dad was one of those "I had to learn it the hard way by myself so should you" in ways it benefits me and in someways it doesn't. The work ethic part came on my own nobody could teach me that. The down fall of learn things on your own is there is a lot of things I don't know that I should mainly financial things such as "loans,credit.. Etc" and by going and doing things on my own has caused me not to ask questions because I have figured it out on my own for so long which is a big downfall when it comes to a lot of things.

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                                Originally posted by TalonErickson7 View Post
                                My dad was one of those "I had to learn it the hard way by myself so should you" in ways it benefits me and in someways it doesn't. The work ethic part came on my own nobody could teach me that. The down fall of learn things on your own is there is a lot of things I don't know that I should mainly financial things such as "loans,credit.. Etc" and by going and doing things on my own has caused me not to ask questions because I have figured it out on my own for so long which is a big downfall when it comes to a lot of things.

                                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                                neither of my parents were permitted to finished grade school so I learned a lot of stuff the hard way also.

                                I am going to agree with you on learning "work ethic" to a certain degree. Work ethic is not a lesson per say but it is conveyed to us from what we experience in the environment we grow up in. Not to say we don't/can't learn stuff as adults but I believe we are highly influenced by our childhood experiences.

                                Both of my parents worked hard for what we had. My father at work and my mother at home. We as kids all had chores to do but school was the most important responsibility we were given. Both me and my brother work our tails of and have a decent lifestyles. My sister not so much. Why if we all grew up in the same enviroment did she not pick up the work ethic is beyond my comprehension.

