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    My definition of a "millennial" is a spoiled brat that expects everything to be given to them without having to work for it. I believe most of them were products of how their parents raised them, in most cases, and what is actually taught when they go to college. Thank God my dad fired me from our family business after high school, for being lazy, and made me go learn how to work. These protesters don't have to wake up to go to work tomorrow, and I am thankful that they are worried that their handouts are probably going to start dissapearing soon Btw my BIL is one of them

    Edit: I don't think my in-laws were what made my BIL this way... but more so college and the people he surrounded himself with. Just in case they read this lol
    Last edited by UncleBubba; 11-09-2016, 09:44 PM.

    Technically I am a millennial by definition. I was kicked out of my parents house at 17 when I graduated hs. It ****** me off more than anything to see people associated with my generation as one of he biggest hand out generations around. I was raised with the idea that if you want something, work for it.

    Too many silver spoon, everyone gets a trophy kids these days


      That about sums it up.


        Originally posted by hooligan View Post
        Technically I am a millennial by definition. I was kicked out of my parents house at 17 when I graduated hs. It ****** me off more than anything to see people associated with my generation as one of he biggest hand out generations around. I was raised with the idea that if you want something, work for it.

        Too many silver spoon, everyone gets a trophy kids these days

        I'm also a "millennial", and it irritates the hell out of me when I get lumped in with with that crowd. I work hard, and I earn what I have.

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


          Yep. It's disgusting to see the me generation.


            They are not all brain dead imbeciles. Some are actually thinking and are conservative.


              I think a lot of it has to do with the way kids are raised nowadays. I'm a millennial by definition (not by yours I hope) and I see so many people my age whose parents worked their arses off as kids and ended up doing pretty well for themselves as adults. They think they're making it easier on their kids by "saving" them from "hardships" they went through and buy their kids' cars, don't make them get a job, etc. because they want them to have a good life but it makes them complacent imo and leaves them with a lack of appreciation for the rewarding feeling of hard work.


                I'm wondering how many of them are high as a kite during the protest. Stupidity flows through these idiots.


                  I have always considered baby boomers the me generation.


                    Originally posted by neskora View Post
                    I think a lot of it has to do with the way kids are raised nowadays. I'm a millennial by definition (not by yours I hope) and I see so many people my age whose parents worked their arses off as kids and ended up doing pretty well for themselves as adults. They think they're making it easier on their kids by "saving" them from "hardships" they went through and buy their kids' cars, don't make them get a job, etc. because they want them to have a good life but it makes them complacent imo and leaves them with a lack of appreciation for the rewarding feeling of hard work.
                    I completely agree, I was born in 1985 so depending on who you talk to I could be considered one. I was lucky to have amazing parents.


                      I think the Boomers thought the same about the Gen Xers, and the Gen Xers thought the same about the Gen Y- ers, and so forth.
                      The venerated Winston Churchill said, "Any man under the age of 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over the age of 30 who is not a conservative has no brain."
                      A portion of them will come to their senses. Hopefully it is the majority of them.


                        Don't blame the kids blame the parents.

                        I have a 17yo daughter that was telling me before school started how stressed out she was. She was talking about her fairly new job (which mama made her get), her duel credit college classes and having to pay her bills (cell phone and car insurance). I told her there was a simple solution to her problem. We can sell your car because you aren't driving without insurance and cut your phone off because you're too old for me to keep paying it if you aren't working. Needless to say she's a straight A having volleyball manager and cheerleader who's working weekend to take care of what she owes to keep what she has.

                        She understands more than ever now how sorry those protestors are.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          Originally posted by Brute Killer View Post
                          I think the Boomers thought the same about the Gen Xers, and the Gen Xers thought the same about the Gen Y- ers, and so forth.
                          The venerated Winston Churchill said, "Any man under the age of 30 who is not a liberal has no heart, and any man over the age of 30 who is not a conservative has no brain."
                          A portion of them will come to their senses. Hopefully it is the majority of them.
                          My thoughts here ^


                            I work at a web development firm, and we are about 50/50 millinials. I've actually been impressed with their work ethic. They work intelligently albeit differently than my generation and the ones before me. The larger deviation is their worldview and views of equality. And they expect their degree(s) to establish them prior to any real experiences or accomplishments.


                              Originally posted by neskora View Post
                              I think a lot of it has to do with the way kids are raised nowadays. I'm a millennial by definition (not by yours I hope) and I see so many people my age whose parents worked their arses off as kids and ended up doing pretty well for themselves as adults. They think they're making it easier on their kids by "saving" them from "hardships" they went through and buy their kids' cars, don't make them get a job, etc. because they want them to have a good life but it makes them complacent imo and leaves them with a lack of appreciation for the rewarding feeling of hard work.
                              Some kids (not all) these days don't learn the hard lesson that the real world can suck some times. I remember when I tried to start a lawn mowing business and I didn't do as well as I thought my dad told me "well, you should have worked harder and had more customers. Not everything is handed to you so if you want it work for it"

                              I feel like noawadays parents are their kid's friends and not parents. Sometimes life hands you a crap sandwich and you just have to eat it. Protesting does nothing. If you want change vote, run for local office, contact your representatives and senators don't cry about it on favebook

