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Guest Mistake Stories...

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    Will the real Cheney please stand up?


      Bump!! We gotta have some more!!


        Or at least a dramatic re-telling


          My hunting buddies brought their 10yo grandson out to the ranch for several years. The last year he came he had an AD stepping out of the old Willis. I was ~20yds away looking away from the jeep and heard the shot and just assumed he was shooting a quail or rabbit. When I turned around I saw the shock on all three of their faces and the old single shot .410 pointed at missed me. I didn't say a word but that was the last time they brought him. I was disappointed....he was a GREAT kid.


            Not really a guest mistake story, but kinda funny.

            When we hunted a big place in Ozona one of the guys came in one evening and said he shot an ocelot. My buddy and I were the only ones in camp and he mumbled to me under his breath asking "aren't ocelot endangered and really rare in Texas?" I told him yes. So we go to look at this ocelot (he had it laying across the hood of his bronco), and it was the biggest **** feral cat I'd ever seen. We had a good abundance of feral cats on this place for some reason.

            We all had a good laugh and the guy never lived it down. I showed him some pics of ocelots and told him "If you ever see one for God's sake don't shoot it!!"


              Any updates to this classic thread?


                Originally posted by scissorhands View Post
                this video cracks me up.

                That is epic


                  Had a family member tell me at thanksgiving the owner of the ranch he's managing had some family down the week before thanksgiving. Either the owners sister or a cousin, can't remember which, wanted to shoot a buck. They have to kill 100+ management deer this year anyways so that wasn't a problem. He sent her to a blind with another person with a detailed description of a big 8 that visited like clockwork that needed to be removed from the feed bill. Even showed them multiple pictures of him.

                  Needless to say they came back with a 12 point that taped out in the mid 170's
                  Last edited by 150class; 12-14-2015, 04:15 PM.


                    Originally posted by Fincher View Post
                    That is epic
                    If it's real, it's probably one of the greatest mistake stories ever. Hilarious video regardless


                      Originally posted by Fajkus7 View Post
                      If it's real, it's probably one of the greatest mistake stories ever. Hilarious video regardless
                      It's fake..... But still funny


                        Is Wildman's slick eight story in here? I didn't read all the posts.
                        If it isn't, it should be!


                          These people are why its so hard to find hunting land anymore... ugh!


                            Originally posted by Jspradley View Post
                            These people are why its so hard to find hunting land anymore... ugh!
                            One of many reasons why you see the "no guest" rule on leases. I've never understood the whole guest thing..... Seems like the guest needs to pay for a spot.
                            *not talking about spouse and children


                              When I was first getting into hunting (about 13 years old) I made one mistake and only once.
                              My brother had some family land (with his inlaws) that we were given the opportunity to hunt. We were to shoot does or mature bucks. It was in St. Mary Parish Louisiana, a really tough place to hunt especially for a new hunter. Its a swamp. Lots of hogs, black bears, and mosquitos but very few deer. It was my first ever hunt and I was sitting along a coulee looking over to the other side at a right of way that doubled as a food plot. Beyond that is swamp. Knee high water with lots of cypress trees and palmettos. I could hear splashing coming in my direction and a lone "doe" steps out on the right of way. Quickly seeing my first deer on stand ever, I level off the rifle and let one fly. Granted, I was sitting in a bow stand so there was no rail and I was shooting free hand. The deer was to my right and I couldn't turn far enough to shoot right handed so I flipped the rifle over to my left.
                              I was so proud of myself that I put a good shot on the "doe" free hand with my left hand to boot. When my brother showed up to help me, I was all smiles. We walked over to find my "doe" was not actually a doe but a young spike. I was so upset with myself for getting too excited. Luckily, the land owner is a great guy and was more happy that I killed my very first deer ever on his place than I was for killing something he said not to. So it turned out pretty well.

                              Playing by the rules as a guest has paid big dividends for myself in recent years after learning from my mistake. My BIL invited me out to his ranch to try and get my firs deer with a bow. He told me we are shooting does only. No problem, so I'm in the blind the first morning and a few smaller does show up. As I'm getting ready to draw back, I notice two great bucks coming in. I really wanted to shoot one of them, seeing how he was mature and obviously injured.
                              SO I decided to forgo shooting the doe and filmed the buck eating corn. After they moved off, the does came back and I finally got my first deer with a bow.
                              After showing the footage to my BIL, he is pleased with how I did in the stand by myself and gave me the green light to kill that deer. I hunted him for 3 more days until he finally messed up. My first buck with my bow and still the best deer to date with my bow.
                              Attached Files


                                Good story! ^

                                Way to bring in positivity!

