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Macie :)

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    Knee mail still going up!


      Every day for Macie and all of you.


        Praying for your family Brian. Thanks for being a great example of how a Christian family handles adversity.


          WOW, another answer to our prayers. God is good!

          Macie so glad to hear that you're better. Praying that you will continue to improve.

          Brian, THANKS for keeping us in the loop. Tell Keili that she's in our prayers.

          God Bless the Gardner's!


            Miss Macie,

            I haven't posted anything about you in a long time. I did, however, walk dead straight middle though a mud hole last week on a job site. Someone (some white collared guy who had a dead fish hand shake) asked me what I was doing. I just smiled and said you wouldn't understand.

            I ended up talking to a couple of mill wrights (they work on moving machinery) who were working on some nearby equipment. They mentioned the mud puddle and I told them about you. One of those 3 mill wrights (I promise you this boy was tough. He was like an outlaw motorcycle bandit and a Army war hero rolled into one). Anyway he went and stomped through the mudhole too. Then, his two coworkers followed suit. We all had a big laugh and them boys declared a new pump they were installing to be named Macie.

   be famous young lady.


              Hey Macie! You have a great Friday and weekend!!! Still sending prayers up for you and your family!!!


                StrayDog that is flat out awesome. Tears!



                  Mornin Miss Macie! Have A Great Day!


                    Originally posted by StrayDog View Post
                    Miss Macie,

                    I haven't posted anything about you in a long time. I did, however, walk dead straight middle though a mud hole last week on a job site. Someone (some white collared guy who had a dead fish hand shake) asked me what I was doing. I just smiled and said you wouldn't understand.

                    I ended up talking to a couple of mill wrights (they work on moving machinery) who were working on some nearby equipment. They mentioned the mud puddle and I told them about you. One of those 3 mill wrights (I promise you this boy was tough. He was like an outlaw motorcycle bandit and a Army war hero rolled into one). Anyway he went and stomped through the mudhole too. Then, his two coworkers followed suit. We all had a big laugh and them boys declared a new pump they were installing to be named Macie.

           be famous young lady.
                    Dadgum allergies!

                    Morning Macie gal, have a great day and an awesome weekend.


                      Good morning Miss Macie, hope you have a great day! Brian my prayers are with you and your family. You guys are incredible. . .


                        Hey Macie, it's weekend. It's time to get up and go outside and ride yor bike and play with your friends.

                        We're still watching and waiting to see what all God has in store for you.

                        Have a great weekend and stay cool inside.

                        Brian, praying for all of you and still asking God to give Keili rest and comfort.

                        God Bless the Gardner's.


                          Originally posted by brianlg31 View Post
                          Just realized what the date is today. Been 3 years today since Macie's accident. In one way is seems like yesterday, on the other it seems like forever ago.

                          So blessed to still have her with us. Thank you Lord

                          Keep it up Brian. The Gardner family is an awesome team. With you and Kelli as the captains. It makes Jen and I tear up sometimes what you go through on a daily basis. Believe it are not you have made us as a family more strong. Every night when we bow our heads you guys are mentioned.

                          Keep up the good fight brother.


                            Good morning beautiful Macie, may your day be filled with a lot of smiles, giggles, and laughs. Have a great one gal!


                              Good morning Macie!!! Hope you had a good weekend. Sending more prayers your way. Have a great week!


                                Stay strong, Gardners. You guys are an inspiration for a lot of us. I tell the story of Macie to someone at least once a week and you can SEE the problems they think they have grow small in an instant.

                                I'm still believing, praying, waiting on and EXPECTING total healing!

