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Poachers on camera!!!

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    I'm glad that the GW is at least cracking down on those good ole boys and making sure that they follow the same laws the rest of do.


      I am sorry but the legal system is not good enough for these guys. They deserve some good old fashion land owner justice


        Gheez, that stinks. I wonder why the co-owner got upset with you? You were trying to help him out by stopping illegal activity on his land and deer. It's not your fault he was hunting without a license. Hm. Sounds weird.

        I'd keep pushing the GW to find these guys, though. Even if you don't like the co-owner anymore these guys need to be caught.

        Sorry, man


          Hope you catch them. I had the same problem a few years back but didn't have any photo proof. The problem sort of "went away" on its own. I detest poachers


            I hate Poachers


              Originally posted by Gonzo View Post
              I no longer hunt this property, after this incident a lot of problems came up. The property is owned by two guys, one of them is really good friend of my dad and I. The other guy is also a friend but we associate with him more because he is co-owner with our friend.

              Anywho, when this incident happened my friend asked me to get the warden to help with the situation so I did. Opening day for gun season came along and the other co-owner and his brother got busted for hunting without license and his brother killed a deer that didn't make AR. I guess he got upset and started to do things that showed me that I was no longer welcomed to hunt there. He would hide keys to stands and campers saying that he lost them and would just say things or blame things on me. Long story short I decided to leave it alone and back out of there. I still have a stand there that I will be picking up soon and letting them keep my cheap remington feeder. I didn't pay any Lease fee there but I always made sure all the feeders were filled before and during hunting season.

              Our friend hunted with my dad for about 10 years when my dad had his place but dad lost his place in 2007 and this guy had bought this track so thats how we ended up there.
              Brush it off... your better without the headaches anyway... I have a suspicion that if the other owner is too cheap to purchase a license along with his friend, then he probably know's who he told it was alright to go and poach the doe. Whether it's poaching or hunting without a license, it's all really the same thing isn't it?



                WOW! I followed this thread originally and I am disheartened to hear that they did not catch these guys and not surprised at all to hear that the OP got the reaction he did from the landowners.

                Kind of makes you feel hopeless in terms of doing anything about poaching when they can not even wrap up a case as clear cut as this. If they cannot wrap this case up than I am of the opinion that there only purpose is a figure head to scare people into following the law and to write petty tickets (compared to poaching) to generate revenue and pay for the position. With the amount of night time poaching that goes on from October to January in East Texas, I don't beleive that a GW should see the light of day during those months. I am saddened by the outcome of this and do not envy those whose job it is to catch these guys, it must be MUCH harder than it looks.


                  Man, I remember this thread last year!!! And it SUCKS!!!! (Not the thread but these dang pospoachers!!)

                  Thanks for the update and good luck with your next place. You will get one and kharma works both ways and I gotta feeling you are due for some good by doing the right thing.

                  Hang in there!


                    **** I look on camera!... Totally kidding... Don't live anywhhere near there... Ain't gonna travel that far to just shoot a doe... But would travel that far to shoot a poacher in the knee cap!


                      Looks like an inside job to me, or at the very least nearby locals. Poachers with cell phones, and ice cooler??? Did you show this pics to all lease members, could have been some members buddies.

                      Hungry illigals?...

                      They need to be caught, illigal or not.

                      Last edited by GILBERT; 07-04-2012, 04:45 AM.


                        Gonzo you are better off without that place and those people. I am sure we will be hunting some place together in the near future. Stay focused on the right things and keep your head up.


                          Good luck. let everyone know how it works out. Where i hunt pics would'nt be enough. They have to catch um.


                            I'll bet the "other co-owner" knows who the poachers are in your trailcam pictures.


                              they steal our cameras everytime!


                                Put a table out with BBQ and all the fixings and take aim! That doesn't fly where I hunt and it's also a good way to get lead poisoning!

