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Poachers on camera!!!

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    I know is been a long time since I've last posted any updates but there really hasn't been any. The GW did show up on opening weekend for gun season and took some nice deer from neighboring properties because they were hunting without a license or because they were not legal deer according to AR. None of the hunters that he came across matched the poachers in the area. I'm glad the GW did show up to give a message that they need to start obeying county policies on hunting ant the area can be a better place to hunt for everyone.


      Sorry SOBs.....


        I didn't read every post, may have been said. But, many a poacher has been caught via Facebook these days. You could start posting their pic every day and ask your friends to re-post. Just say, "anyone know these guys, I found something that belongs to them"? .....don't tell them it's 2 pairs of handcuffs.


          Yup, yup


            Originally posted by gonzshow View Post
            I know is been a long time since I've last posted any updates but there really hasn't been any. The GW did show up on opening weekend for gun season and took some nice deer from neighboring properties because they were hunting without a license or because they were not legal deer according to AR. None of the hunters that he came across matched the poachers in the area. I'm glad the GW did show up to give a message that they need to start obeying county policies on hunting ant the area can be a better place to hunt for everyone.

            Thanks for the update... This thread crossed my mind a couple weeks ago and was wondering if anything ever came of it. Maybe they'll find them soon...


              I'm curious on an update. The video I posted on YouTube for you has gotten a bunch of hits and I just got another comment and it sparked my interest. Hope everything go ironed out.


                Instead of Worlds dumbest criminals, Worlds dumdest poachers!!!!




                    send those pics to the game warden. I have worked with a lot the game wardens in the fort worth area and they take this stuff very serious.


                      I no longer hunt this property, after this incident a lot of problems came up. The property is owned by two guys, one of them is really good friend of my dad and I. The other guy is also a friend but we associate with him more because he is co-owner with our friend.

                      Anywho, when this incident happened my friend asked me to get the warden to help with the situation so I did. Opening day for gun season came along and the other co-owner and his brother got busted for hunting without license and his brother killed a deer that didn't make AR. I guess he got upset and started to do things that showed me that I was no longer welcomed to hunt there. He would hide keys to stands and campers saying that he lost them and would just say things or blame things on me. Long story short I decided to leave it alone and back out of there. I still have a stand there that I will be picking up soon and letting them keep my cheap remington feeder. I didn't pay any Lease fee there but I always made sure all the feeders were filled before and during hunting season.

                      Our friend hunted with my dad for about 10 years when my dad had his place but dad lost his place in 2007 and this guy had bought this track so thats how we ended up there.


                        I think you are better off getting out of there. Sorry it all went south.


                          where in leon county is the property? I hunt in marquez


                            Wow that's insane, makes me so angry to see people ( if you want to call them that) doing things like that!!


                              Wow! That is unreal. I would be so ****** I would blow a gasket.


                                Wow! Some people are really SAD. You do the Right thing turning in the poachers. He gets ticked off at you because they're the dummies hunting without a license? Sorry you lost your hunting spot, but you don't need to be around people like that.

