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Paranormal stuff

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    Ok so my ex lived in a trailer in magnolia area. Her grandmother didn't die in the trailer but she lived there while she died. My ex moved in after. One night I was over there and my dog was with me. Her 2 kids were sleeping down the hall. We were watching tv. Lights off. My dog started barking down the hall. Going nuts. Then a candle just fell over off the top of the tv then we heard a bang like something fell down the hall where the dog was barking. We investigated it. Both kids were asleep but a cross had fallen off of the wall. Days and weeks after more weird stuff happened like a bird kept flying Into the window over and over. Weird noises. Stuff like that.


      Well, we are here you better believe. For Lawd sakes, I cannot open a cabinet yet to save my death!!! I can knock out a quick little paragraph on a keyboard though. When bowpro73 sees this, and his pin sight light on, he's prolly gonna sell the place or set it on fire. Got to go I'm feeling weak.


        For Sale...................By Owner...............


          Originally posted by DOUBLE.A View Post
          Ok so my ex lived in a trailer in magnolia area. Her grandmother didn't die in the trailer but she lived there while she died. My ex moved in after. One night I was over there and my dog was with me. Her 2 kids were sleeping down the hall. We were watching tv. Lights off. My dog started barking down the hall. Going nuts. Then a candle just fell over off the top of the tv then we heard a bang like something fell down the hall where the dog was barking. We investigated it. Both kids were asleep but a cross had fallen off of the wall. Days and weeks after more weird stuff happened like a bird kept flying Into the window over and over. Weird noises. Stuff like that.

          That sounds demonic to me good to be her ex now lmao!!! I wouldn't step foot in there to save my life[emoji33]


            Originally posted by pigstika1978 View Post
            That sounds demonic to me good to be her ex now lmao!!! I wouldn't step foot in there to save my life[emoji33]

            Yea it weirded me out for sure. She was no good anyway!!


              Anyone else had anything strange lately?


                Originally posted by fishycatfish View Post
                Anyone else had anything strange lately?

                Yeah, the elections.


                  I love this thread. Keep it up for new stories.


                    Originally posted by brysdad View Post
                    I love this thread. Keep it up for new stories.
                    No lie, we need some new stories....unfortunately i can't contribute.....


                      Originally posted by BBRU View Post
                      No lie, we need some new stories....unfortunately i can't contribute.....

                      That's because you're not delusional. [emoji12]




                          Originally posted by Ragin' View Post
                          That's because you're not delusional. [emoji12]


                            Dang I was hoping for some good stories before bed...Love this thread

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                              Fun thread, haven't run across it before... I'll play.
                              Maybe a year and a half to two years ago, late at night, me and my wife asleep in bed. Son is asleep in his room. He was 3 at the time. Anyway, he wakes up screaming at around 2 am. Didn't think much of it, young'ns do that from time to time. I get up and just go get him and bring him back to bed with us. Didn't feel like sitting in his room waiting for him to go back to sleep. Maybe 5 minutes after laying down, all of a sudden, WHAM!, door slams in the house. I mean it slammed hard! I jumped back up and go and grab my beretta, thinkin someone just broke in or something. I clear the house room by room. All is well. Also could not figure out which door slammed shut. So back to bed I go. Getting ready to go back to sleep and our bathroom light turns on. Saw it happen. Wifey asks me why the light came on, said I have no idea. And then bam! Loud slam in the attic above our bedroom. No way I was going up there in the middle of the night. Finally got calmed down, house was quiet after that. Slept relatively soundly the rest of the night.

                              Just a few nights ago my wife woke up in the middle of the night to what she thought was something jumping up into the bed, or like someone putting there hand down and just pulling down the bed, not really grabbing the blankets and sheets, but with enough pressure to feel a tug for sure. We don't have any animals, so it wasn't a cat or dog so.... Yea... She didn't sleep much after that. Poor wifey....

                              There are other stories I have but I don't necessarily share them because of the disbelief I've come across when telling them.
                              Last edited by bugbee; 08-15-2016, 09:06 PM.


                                Keep em coming Bugbee ...I am a believer

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