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Paranormal stuff

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    I never really believe in this stuff but...after college I was dating a girl and her parents bought an old log cabin that was converted into a BBQ restaurant. It was just her and I there one morning getting ready to open the place up and we were in the back kitchen. I started hearing kids laughing so I thought a customer had arrived early and headed to the front to help them out. When I got there nobody was there. Just her and I in the kitchen. I walked outside and nobody. So I came back in and we just went about the day. Later on we were telling her mother about it and she confirmed that the previous owners had heard children there several times. It was creepy and I get chills just telling the story.

    Then, a few years later my new wife and I bought a house in Collingswood NJ. It had wood floor throughout and was separated into two halves...the dining room, kitchen, and living room on one side...then 3 bedrooms with a long hallway and a bathroom on the other. We used to close the door separating the two halves at night since we had a couple young kids. Several times we were laying in bed and heard foot steps run down the hallway. I got up several times to see if it was one of the kids and they were always asleep. Then we eventually got a dog since I was traveling a lot and he would protect the family when I was away. He is a pitbull and very quiet...he would not just bark to bark, if that makes sense. One night he woke me up barking. He was in our front room looking down the hallway just barking his *** off. I popped my head out in the hallway and hit the light and he was staring almost right through me. So I went down the opposite way behind me to see what he was barking at and absolutely nothing there.

    In this same house our older son started sleep walking. I started waking up and he would be standing there in our room looking at us in the dark. Freaked me the he11 out. I started keeping a pillow in the bed with me so I could throw it at him to wake him up. The freakiest thing he did is, I woke up one night and he was standing in the hallway, looking around the door at us like he was hiding. I could only see his face in the doorway. I was like "Ali, what are you doing?" and he responded in this crazy voice "You sound weird." Then he turned around and went back to his bed. After that I started sleeping with the bedroom door closed.


      Never seen or heard anything personally. I guess I don't have the gift. Where as some others can see or experience all sorts of stuff.


        I've never seen anything but after my brothers passing my mom worried all the time about whether he was steadfast in his faith to be in heaven. I tried all the time to convince her he was. It got so bad one August night I prayed for God to give her peace of mind. Well that night in a dream I saw my brother in a bright white room sitting down in an old wooden chair. He got up and said "I love you and will see you again one day". When I awoke I was so taken back I called my mom. There was a brief moment of silence and she said she had the exact same dream. Ever since she never questioned it again.


          I wish I had a story to share.


            Originally posted by Geraldg6 View Post
            I wish I had a story to share.

            Me too. But since non of this exists I don't.


              As man of "faith and amateur student of science" I have my own ideals on this: Most of the time its energies/essence trapped and being used by familiar spirits. These things know nothing of a mans future just his past and use it against him. I think a lot of this is the energy trapped and manipulated by those said spirits taking the image of the passed people. All they can do is imitate that individuals past,horrors,happy times what ever it was they were or did or to an event even...that's how some are violent some are not so violent.Its the "familiar" that they use. Why do they bother with this? Spirits try to intimidated and distract the living.Cast Doubts,fear,stress....
              My advice,none of this can do anything outside of the authority or attention you lend it.
              The bible mumbo jumbo that many have said ,isn't as mumbo jumbo as some think...its real language and it works based on divine authority!


                Gift ? Maybe I am not sure. When u get to be 63 yr's old u don't care what people think and u don't lye about things, well maybe bup up the story about how big the fish u caught is a stretch. But I have seen 1 ghost close up when I was a kid. I saw him plain as day. And I don't care if anyone believes me, because I know what I saw. But this second experience is something else.
                On a golf outing where we were playing different golf courses across E Texas, and after the first day we got motel rooms for that night. I entered my room and caught a shadow figure in the room. This figure left the room as soon as I entered. I saw it. Have never seen anything like it before or after. The shadow was about 4' tall and was wearing a cloak and a hat. The hat was the type u see men wear in old gangster movies. As this shadow moved across the wall and up into where the corner and the ceiling meet and it disappeared into the fold of the wall and ceiling. Freaked me out for sure. So when I researched on the net when I got home I found out these shadow people wore cloaks and hats. Now that is weird about the cloaks and hats because when I did the research, I did not add the cloaks and hat in the research. Still a little spooky when I think about what I saw.



                    Originally posted by raceruss2003 View Post

                    I started keeping a pillow in the bed with me so I could throw it at him to wake him up.
                    This made me LOL. Just pictured myself chunking a pillow upside my kid's head to wake him up.

                    My son used sleep walk sometimes. I don't know why it is so creepy... but it is. He hasn't done it in a while. He never made sense when he would talk, he was always covered in sweat, and it was always about 11:00-11:30pm when it happened. I had to be very careful because if I startled him, he would start crying uncontrollably. Freaky Weird.








                            Yall Suck!

                            I start reading these stories and cant stop.

                            The only thing that I can contribute is living in Stephenville going to college at Tarleton.

                            We lived in a house on Phelps St. I had 2 roommates and one of them would always go home to Abilene on the weekends. The house was not really very old. Built in the late 80's I think but had lots of tenants in and out of it over the years.

                            The kitchen cabinet doors would sometime be all the way open and the hallway bathroom door would creek sometimes if you were sitting in the living room watching TV or whatever. Never saw or heard anything else though.




                                Originally posted by raceruss2003 View Post
                                I never really believe in this stuff but...after college I was dating a girl and her parents bought an old log cabin that was converted into a BBQ restaurant. It was just her and I there one morning getting ready to open the place up and we were in the back kitchen. I started hearing kids laughing so I thought a customer had arrived early and headed to the front to help them out. When I got there nobody was there. Just her and I in the kitchen. I walked outside and nobody. So I came back in and we just went about the day. Later on we were telling her mother about it and she confirmed that the previous owners had heard children there several times. It was creepy and I get chills just telling the story.

                                Then, a few years later my new wife and I bought a house in Collingswood NJ. It had wood floor throughout and was separated into two halves...the dining room, kitchen, and living room on one side...then 3 bedrooms with a long hallway and a bathroom on the other. We used to close the door separating the two halves at night since we had a couple young kids. Several times we were laying in bed and heard foot steps run down the hallway. I got up several times to see if it was one of the kids and they were always asleep. Then we eventually got a dog since I was traveling a lot and he would protect the family when I was away. He is a pitbull and very quiet...he would not just bark to bark, if that makes sense. One night he woke me up barking. He was in our front room looking down the hallway just barking his *** off. I popped my head out in the hallway and hit the light and he was staring almost right through me. So I went down the opposite way behind me to see what he was barking at and absolutely nothing there.

                                In this same house our older son started sleep walking. I started waking up and he would be standing there in our room looking at us in the dark. Freaked me the he11 out. I started keeping a pillow in the bed with me so I could throw it at him to wake him up. The freakiest thing he did is, I woke up one night and he was standing in the hallway, looking around the door at us like he was hiding. I could only see his face in the doorway. I was like "Ali, what are you doing?" and he responded in this crazy voice "You sound weird." Then he turned around and went back to his bed. After that I started sleeping with the bedroom door closed.
                                That is some creepy stuff man.

