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Gap Aiming

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    every bow and arrow combination is going to have different gaps..

    hell even different point weights and feather length changes effect gaps...

    tiller changes change gaps

    brace height changes change gaps

    string changes change gaps....

    even shooting glove or tab changes in brands, thicknesses, etc. change gaps

    when you're trying to shoot that perfect shot, all things must be taken into consideration as they all will have an impact on...well...where you impact.


      not getting the gap you want?

      if you're looking to tighten the gap and give you greater arrow acquisition in your "sight picture" come up one or two fingers in relation to your face with your anchoring finger to bring it closer to your line of sight or under your eye...

      love how your bow shoots but can't reach those farther targets? change to index finger to the corner of your mouth or go down a finger in relation to your face and your "index" or arch of your shot will change and open up your gaps some.

      typically from the coaching and shooting I've done... for most bows the average change in point of impact is between 6-8" up or down depending on which finger your change over to at 20 yards


        oh yeah...and grip changes on your bow of any kind will also change your gaps..

        so keep all this in mind when shooting and changing things on your bow. Just like a fire arm or a compound, when shooting this method it is always advised to "re-sight" in your bow!


          Originally posted by Trick View Post
          I think I understand what your saying and I do believe I'm pulling straight. I'll work on that. Thanks! Does it seem strange that my point on is 20 yards? I'm shooting a 49#@28" bow with 565gr arrows. From what I've read and the DVD's I've watch so far it seems that 30 or 40 yards seems to be a normal point on. ???

          are you short or have a short draw length? at that weight... for the average shooter if you're shooting an arrow roughly 10 grains or a little heavier per lb of draw weight and are shooting your middle finger as your anchor point in your mouth...

          no matter the bow.. if that's how many grains per lb of arrow weight you're shooting in relation to your draw weight that sounds normal.


            Originally posted by TraditionalRJ View Post
            not getting the gap you want?

            if you're looking to tighten the gap and give you greater arrow acquisition in your "sight picture" come up one or two fingers in relation to your face with your anchoring finger to bring it closer to your line of sight or under your eye...

            love how your bow shoots but can't reach those farther targets? change to index finger to the corner of your mouth or go down a finger in relation to your face and your "index" or arch of your shot will change and open up your gaps some.

            typically from the coaching and shooting I've done... for most bows the average change in point of impact is between 6-8" up or down depending on which finger your change over to at 20 yards

            Just dont change your anchor in a 3D tourney or you could be disqualified. Alot of organizations dont allow string or face walking. Ryan where have you been?


              Dude! Thank you so much for that.


                Originally posted by meangene1969 View Post
                Just dont change your anchor in a 3D tourney or you could be disqualified. Alot of organizations dont allow string or face walking. Ryan where have you been?
                That's right! Check the rules! If you can't allow you changing your anchor point, DON'T! Bold faced cheating when it's in the rules and you do it! No string walking and FACE WALKING! Keeping your fingers in contact with the nock but climbing through your fingers is considered face walking...

                keep this in mind when choosing the right finger to use for an anchor when determining your gap shooting needs!


                Always trying to get better.. one day I'll be as well known as this guy Gene Bohannan....whoever that is.


                  Originally posted by traditionalrj View Post
                  that's right! Check the rules! If you can't allow you changing your anchor point, don't! Bold faced cheating when it's in the rules and you do it! No string walking and face walking! Keeping your fingers in contact with the nock but climbing through your fingers is considered face walking...

                  Keep this in mind when choosing the right finger to use for an anchor when determining your gap shooting needs!

                  I've been doing nothing but shooting my friend!

                  Always trying to get better.. One day i'll be as well known as this guy gene bohannan....whoever that is. :d
                  good luck my friend!!!!!!!!:d:d:d:d


                    For the ones that shoot gap how does it work off and elevated stand


                      It will work but you need to really know your distances from your stand


                        Originally posted by meangene1969 View Post
                        It will work but you need to really know your distances from your stand
                        Gene, do you and Tanya (and Jeff and Rachel) gap shoot? I'm still trying to figure out how all of y'all got so gooooood!
                        I know the original Archery Goddesses, Lisa and Sheryl, use this method with great success. They told me they started out laying rocks at specific distances and practiced often enough to where they KNEW exactly what the distance to a target was. I'll never have (or make) the time to figure this out myself, lol.


                          I tried and tried but I can't do it.


                            The problem with gap shooting for 3-D is that it requires two things I no longer have... the ability to judge distance and the ability to remember your gaps...


                              Lol mike ill use a range finder and write my gaps on a piece of white tape put that on the belly side of my bow


                                Originally posted by ElfEyes View Post
                                Lol mike ill use a range finder and write my gaps on a piece of white tape put that on the belly side of my bow

