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"OFFICIAL" Granger Hog Hunting Thread

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    Hey all, a buddy of mine told me about this thread. I started hunting Granger last year a couple of times and only saw deer. I went out for the first time this year last Sunday 12/21 and scared up 2 big hogs (around gate #6). Didn't get a shot off, they were gone quick! I also went out 12/24 entered in gate #5 walking toward #6. Saw a small group of babies running in the thick stuff. A ton of new routing everywhere close to the water. Well, hope to run into y'all out there. Will post anytime i go out from now on.


      Welcome to the thread big red. Maybe we'll see you out there sometime


        DUM, DUM, DUM another one bites the dust. I will let Carnage explain


          Anybody got a good number to call for poaching out here? I just heard a gunshot and saw what looked to be a flashlight right across from PC. I called the operation game thief line and he told me to call the park rangers. I call the number he gave and nobody answered. I'm starting to get ******.


            Some guy earlier said 911 because they will get the right people on the way faster then anyone else


              Originally posted by Neano View Post
              Anybody got a good number to call for poaching out here? I just heard a gunshot and saw what looked to be a flashlight right across from PC. I called the operation game thief line and he told me to call the park rangers. I call the number he gave and nobody answered. I'm starting to get ******.
              It is starting to get rediculous. There should be pigs stacked like wood out there and it seems to be a little more sparce than in recent years. It has to be these guys hunting with dogs and guns or guys hunting at night with shot guns.


                Has anyone heard of any arrests or citations for illegal activities out at Granger?


                  I just called Williamson County. They said they are sending somebody out. Hopefully so but who knows. On my way in to camp yesterday I tried taking the route by the red gate that Dirty had mentioned due to less hills. The landowner that lives right next to that gate came out and ripped me a new one. Saying there was some new law saying you couldn't go within 60 yards of the private land fence. I tried to calm him down but the dude was flipping out. Saying we ruined his hunt and all. I finally got frustrated and was like would I be poaching with all my orange on? I understand they are frustrated to but jeez.


                    Originally posted by Neano View Post
                    Anybody got a good number to call for poaching out here? I just heard a gunshot and saw what looked to be a flashlight right across from PC. I called the operation game thief line and he told me to call the park rangers. I call the number he gave and nobody answered. I'm starting to get ******.
                    Tired of this BS!!! One of the numbers I had for the GW was no good just rang and rang....tried to call for you. What pissea me off is our wilco GW would rather sit on the side of the road with a dead buck they put there to see if someone would stop and cut the head off rather than go do some real work and take care of the problems out there.


                      Saying there was some new law saying you couldn't go within 60 yards of the private land fence.
                      Just trying to scare you off, they tell the WMA hunters not to hunt the fencelines and be good neighbors even though most the private landowners have no intention of reciprocating the favor. Worse thing I've seen there is holes cut in the corp fence with hog traps on private land actually butted up against the fence, ridiculous.


                        Don't blame LEO. Poor guy. blame funding. Next time you have a chance to vote do so wisely.


                          Originally posted by Neano View Post
                          I just called Williamson County. They said they are sending somebody out. Hopefully so but who knows. On my way in to camp yesterday I tried taking the route by the red gate that Dirty had mentioned due to less hills. The landowner that lives right next to that gate came out and ripped me a new one. Saying there was some new law saying you couldn't go within 60 yards of the private land fence. I tried to calm him down but the dude was flipping out. Saying we ruined his hunt and all. I finally got frustrated and was like would I be poaching with all my orange on? I understand they are frustrated to but jeez.
                          Yeah he got me one evening also walking to my car. Came up to the fence yelling hey hey hey what r you doing? I asked him if he was law enforcement and he said no but I can call them and I said well I don't have to answer your questions. He then asked if I was free or hog hunting and said hog hunting and he calmed down. He did state that we scare his deer off by walking through there but man really....ur feeder is 70 yards from the house. I've walked that trail hundreds of times and never seen a deer there.
                          I can understand frustration but he owns setting up like that.


                            Originally posted by RickyS View Post
                            Don't blame LEO. Poor guy. blame funding. Next time you have a chance to vote do so wisely.
                            ? What does funding have to do with the GW doing their job? They would literally rather take a buck that is dead and put out out on the road to write people tickets for cutting the horns rather then go take care of a poaching problem or problems by the way it sounds.


                              Me and my friend's son Ricky (my trainee) went hunting yesterday. In the morning we went to the "spot" and saw two hogs but no shot. We came back in the afternoon and park at gate #7 and headed southeast. When we got to the area which we call it "condominium" we split up about 70-80 yards apart. All of a sudden we heard gun shot by the river, deer and hogs start to run east towards the creek. I saw Ricky followed the two large hogs. I was about 60-70 yards along the creek. The animals went at the edge of creek including the two hogs, at that time I was about 40 yards from the edge. I saw the hogs and they stop in front of me, they know I was there and they are know I won't be able to make the shot because still kind of thick to drive my bolt to them. Ricky came, I told him to intercept the hogs a little further by the edge of the creek. The hogs moved towards Ricky but did not hear him shoot, so I decided to go in and saw one of the hog bed down at about 35 yards. Got closer at about 20 yards and the other hog got up and ran. Raised my x-bow and shoot the one that still laying down, only shot that I could make was a hind leg shot. The hog ran for 70 yards and laid down exhausted and almost running out of blood (we had to walk on the side of the blood trail so we don't get blood stain on our pants). Ricky is a 17 years old, 6 feet and 3 inches high, 240 pounds.
                              Attached Files


                                Awesome job!

