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Lake Whitney and Lake Aquilla 2015 -2016 this is it!!!

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    Or at least Google earth.
    Originally posted by CARLOCK View Post
    never leave the truck without gps...I've learned the hard way...


      Oh I've got Google earth. I was using it the entire time. The compass on it is fairly worthless. Problem is that in that particular area, there are very few trails. You'll think you have a tree line and it'd be nothing but impassable briars. I'm sure it'd be alright if I had trail markers and knew where I was going first.

      I did run into an older guy setting up for tomorrow named Massey. He looked at me awfully funny when I told him I walked in there rather than coming in by boat, haha. Now I know why!


        20-30mph winds with gusts up to 45mph expected tomorrow... will hit DFW around 5am and the waco area around daybreak.

        Ya'll be careful if your tree ain't exactly sturdy!


          Originally posted by Kirby86 View Post
          20-30mph winds with gusts up to 45mph expected tomorrow... will hit DFW around 5am and the waco area around daybreak.

          Ya'll be careful if your tree ain't exactly sturdy!
          Can't wait rodeo in a hr or so should be really good..


            Originally posted by CARLOCK View Post
            Can't wait rodeo in a hr or so should be really good..
            Just a day of fun and games I guess since I get to play where's Waldo with the spot I marked on Google Earth where I left my stand. Yay adventure.


              Originally posted by Kirby86 View Post
              Oh I've got Google earth. I was using it the entire time. The compass on it is fairly worthless. Problem is that in that particular area, there are very few trails. You'll think you have a tree line and it'd be nothing but impassable briars. I'm sure it'd be alright if I had trail markers and knew where I was going first.

              I did run into an older guy setting up for tomorrow named Massey. He looked at me awfully funny when I told him I walked in there rather than coming in by boat, haha. Now I know why!

              Always take a good old fashioned compass. Cell phones and GPS can run out of batteries . . Just make sure it's not a marine compass . I've got a story on that one .


                Speaking of Google Earth I made a image overlay showing the hunting ground boundaries on the satellite image. If anyone wants it PM me.

                Also, I was wondering. If you have your CHL is it illegal to carry a weapon while hunting? I asked the lady at the dam office, and she didn't know a dam thing! HAHA see what I did there?


                  I'm really debating going this afternoon. This wind is killer. I went and corned yesterday an my spot has been getting hit hard it looks like.


                    Hey Boom stick, I was told sheriff dept. doesn't matter what the rules are, if your CHL you can carry and with all the drugs and stuff now a days your crazy if you dont. Think about it you run into some low life out here you are an easy target.


                      Originally posted by Stink Bait View Post
                      Hey Boom stick, I was told sheriff dept. doesn't matter what the rules are, if your CHL you can carry and with all the drugs and stuff now a days your crazy if you dont. Think about it you run into some low life out here you are an easy target.
                      That's what I was thinking. Or even running into a pack of hogs that decide they don't like hunters. I've been hunting before and had one charge me up. It wasn't till he took a 7.62x54r in the face that he stopped.


                        You can not carry a handgun on corp property..


                          I called the GW and he said he doesn't care, and that he doesn't know of any regulations on their side. Said the corps may have their own regulations, but he spoke to a few rangers that said they wouldn't do anything if they caught you carrying so long as you weren't hunting with it or doing anything stupid. Said worst case scenario you would get a $100 fine.


                            I called 2 years ago and spoke with a ranger, was told they are not allowed. It even says it in the rules. I don't agree with the rules, but my luck I would get caught carrying.


                              The only way they can stop you is the entrance must have a sign. Still doesn't matter to me.


                                I was hunting yesterday and had two rifle shots really close to me. Got down 3 hours later and 400 yards away found an under 13in buck and a doe full cleaned. Guy must have just packed the meat out in a backpack. Called GW and Corp. they came and investigated. I never heard anything other than the gun shots. Crazy!

