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Lake Whitney and Lake Aquilla 2015 -2016 this is it!!!

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    Yeah shot my buck last year just after rain as a cold front was blowing through. Think its raining just a little to hard for them to move this morning. Lots of water out there. Had to walk through about three inches all the way to my spot. The Brazos is already rising aswell.


      Originally posted by Kirby86 View Post
      I'm debating going, but I have a feeling that canoeing up a creek out there in the dark with the amount of rain we have gotten would be a bit more sporting than I would enjoy...
      the creek I hunt is moving to fast for me to want to kayak it. makes me sick I aint hunting right now. next 2 days are gonna be amazing


        Well I'm out here in my canoe... and it's pretty wild. Then spots I'd normally hunt are under 2 ft of water. I left my bow back in my vehicle because I didn't wanna chance it winding up in the bottom of the creek. I wish I hadn't now considering how many hogs I've seen.

        If you do come out be dang careful. Lots of snakes, fireants, and spots that look shallow are a lot deeper than you think.


          Originally posted by Kirby86 View Post
          Well I'm out here in my canoe... and it's pretty wild. Then spots I'd normally hunt are under 2 ft of water. I left my bow back in my vehicle because I didn't wanna chance it winding up in the bottom of the creek. I wish I hadn't now considering how many hogs I've seen.

          If you do come out be dang careful. Lots of snakes, fireants, and spots that look shallow are a lot deeper than you think.
          You sir have lost your mind!!! There ain't no deer worth that!! Be careful out there.


            Who said I was after deer? Geesh, wheres your sense of adventure?!

            That's hackberry creek off in the distance along the treeline.
            Last edited by Kirby86; 10-24-2015, 11:34 AM.


              Hey Kirby, I've got a 14ft surf rod with some heavy line. Think we could catch a hog with it?


                Hmm... prolly. Idk if you can make corn stay on a hook though.

                Then craziest thing I've seen today was either a group of 4 river otters, 4 nutria, or the loch ness monster. If those really were nutria, I didn't know they swam like otters. It was definitely weird.


                  Did a little research to make sure I don't need to have my eyes checked (notice I didn't say sanity since a few of you think I'm a cucoo bird for being out there).

                  Apparently River Otters are native to Texas, but they're very rare and very shy. They're generally found in East Texas but there have been reports of them further west in our area.

                  The first thing I noticed about them is that they swam like a serpent... kind of in a wavy motion. I was paddling pretty hard upstream at the time so I didn't have time to catch them on film. It was really cool to see them and even cooler to find out I'm not crazy!


                    That looks like fun . wow, See any deer ? I'm thinking bout going. But thinking bout it and doing it are ... well you know .


                      Sigh this is the longest hitch ever I'm so ready to be home so I can put an arrow through something


                        Yes on otters being a native. Had a buddy over in Weatherford that got one last year trapping on the Brazos. They are much bigger than nutria. And nutria do swim the same, at times.


                          Hey Kirby they won't let me pm yet but glad I was able to help. Hope to meet you sometime.


                            Originally posted by bucknuts View Post
                            That looks like fun . wow, See any deer ? I'm thinking bout going. But thinking bout it and doing it are ... well you know .
                            I did, but I always wind up seeing deer considering I have a long walk in. One non legal buck I saw ran towards the water, milled around for a minute or so then wound up running back near me. He didn't wanna cross the water! I can't blame him.

                            Its going to be really interesting out there over the next few weeks because deer are going to be forced into different bedding areas, different feeding patterns (especially if they involved crossing water) and into concentrated areas.

                            I bet a lotta new deer will show up on cameras as well.


                              Cool man , bet that was a blast. I would go, but never been yet. Prob not a good weekend to start , lol. Plus I saw a post where folks are ****n on trees. lmao not cool.


                                Headed back down early in the morning. Should be an interesting day. Still raining here but forecast shows it to be done early tomorrow. Everybody be safe.

