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"Official" Somerville WMA thread

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    I'll be there Sunday in yagua


      got to head to work tomarrow. i would like to learn something about that real hunting!!!! ill hit u up when i get back. look foward to meeting yall


        What time Thursday or Friday?
        Hopefully I'll be able to bow hunt for the first time this year


          Duck and Drax, I can meet up with you guys tomorrow (Friday) mid-day if you can make it. Otherwise, I'll just stay close to home and wait for the cool front!



            Can't wait for Sunday!!! I also can't wait for these dang weeds to die!!!


              Yea, well, it's going to take one heck of a freeze, then another month, for them to die back to the point they're easier to get through. I'm not going to lie, I would have gone out there last Sun. evening, but the though of walking through all that ragweed, still wet from the rains, kept me from going. I would have been soaked to my underwear before I ever reached my tree.



                It really wasn't that bad Sunday afternoon. I had to walk twice through about 30 yards of it and I was fine. I was just picking ticks off me the whole time in stand


                  Ticks! geez do we need some cold weather. Can't wait! IIRC, it was mid-October last year that we had a couple of 27 degree mornings. I know at least one, because I sat in the stand for an hour and a half before the sun came up that day and froze my butt off!

                  It's just too warm right now. I don't think I'm even going out there until it cools off. My hunting spot is more than 1/2 mile from where I park, with no trail at all. By the time I get there on a warm day, I'm so sweated up that I have no confidence anything will come near me.

                  I have to make a run to A&M tomorrow to help my son out, and can swing by Somerville if someone wants to meet me there mid-day. I have about 3 good spots I'm willing to give up. Probably no more than that though.



                    Yeah. I picked 7 off on me after I got settled and my girlfriend found 1 on my back when I got home and had her check me. I walk along way also. I really wouldn't hunt right now but I wanna get a doe before the season closes for them. I don't remember the ticks being so bad out there but the hogs r a lot thicker out there this year and maybe a reason for it. Hopefully I can score on a doe this weekend and them wait till it cools off to go again.


                      Good luck. If it cools off, I'll be out there myself. I ain't driving an hour to walk through 10' weeds for 1/2 mile and sweat to death in my stand.

                      Incidentally, since getting a muzzleloader last year (something I'd always wanted to do anyway) I'm a lot less concerned about getting a doe or two in the bow season than I used to be. The late muzzleloader season at the NF is either sex, which is great for us "meat hunters!"



                        Their is a muzzleloader season? At Sam Houston?


                          Yup. Montgomery county, either sex. And decent M/L's are pretty darn affordable too. I'm not sure why everyone doesn't have one, really. I had a CVA Wolf that I think I got for $150 on clearance from Cabelas, and it was a tack driver. Found out I preferred my bolt-action Ruger 77/50 to it (even though the CVA uses shotgun primers and the Ruger uses caps) so I sold the CVA, but not before my son dropped a big doe in her tracks at 100 yards last winter.

                          It's definitely worth doing, and a lot of fun learning anyway, regardless of whether you hunt or not. Darn cheap way to shoot too, if you do it right.

                          Back to S'vill, I'll be in that area later today if anyone wants to meet up.

                          PM me before 10:30 this morning.



                            I grew up in Michigan so I have a muzzleloader. I may have to at goin out and hunting with it


                              Anyone out today? Great day for it


                                I am at Nails

