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"Official" Somerville WMA thread

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    Got my spots set at Yagua. Depending on the wind ill be putting my stand up early saturday morning and hope to see a good ol doe come bye.


      Yea, I saw the chance of rain. Wish it was going to be cooler, but hey, it's still September in Texas, right? ha, ha.

      My favorite hunts of the year are always the first good cold weekend at Somerville. Last year, it got down to 37 degrees early in Oct. and I took a buddy out there and put him in a stand and then went to my stand. We got there EARLY and even after getting in my stand, I sat and watched the stars for nearly an hour before the sunlight started to show. By then, I was freezing my butt off.

      I had told my buddy to stay put until 10:00 if he could, but that I wasn't going to budge until at least 10:00. Well, as luck would have it, he got cold and got down about 9:00. On his way out (he was "hunting" his way back to the truck) he kicked up two bucks that headed my way. I didn't know this, and about 9:50 I was starting to pack up my backpack while still in my stand. Good thing too, since I was looking behind me and saw those two bucks making their way through the woods in my direction!

      One was a nice little 8 (too narrow) and the other was a nasty scraggle-horn spike with a thick neck. I drew a bead on the spike and drilled him through the heart at 12 yards. He took one hop, stood there and then fell over. Literally a 10 foot blood trail at exactly 10:00 a.m.

      Gotta love those other hunters moving deer around for you

      I never got that cold the rest of the season, but it was worth it that day. It took two of us to drag that buck back to the truck, and we were plenty warm by the time we were done!



        I would be ok with a fat spike also


          I wont be out Saturday due to work commitments. Ill be out there Sunday in Yagua. Hopefully I can find my standin the dark, I didnt want to mark it cause a guy sat in it last year.

          Anyone wanna do lunch Sunday afternoon?


            I'll probably be sticking close to home Sunday, and hunting near my house. Church with the family comes first for us. The deer can wait to be killt'

            Thanks for the offer though! Will let you know if plans change. Where do you go for lunch?



              Anyone hunt today? How'd u do? Still debating on leaving in the morning or afternoon to hunt tomorrow


                Went this morning saw a hog before heavy rain buddy went back around 4 saw 4 bucks and doe something spooked them and away they went


                  Haven't gone yet. WAY too wet yesterday for me to brave the ragweed forest. I'd be soaked to the skin just trying to get to my stand location. Today, I stayed close to home and will be heading to church soon. Might head up there this afternoon though, if it stops raining.




                    Off topic...I like your avatar!! Please tell me about your riser and limb combo. Is that a Pinnacle or a Sky?? It also looks like you are able to shoot sights with a "stick bow". Very cool!!


                      kestimator, that's a riser I no longer own, but it was a good one - an original DAS Kinetic prototpe that I hunted with for about 4 years. I did use a sight on it sometimes, but oddly enough I never used it that season since the longest shot I took (of 4 deer taken) was only 13 yards. The buck in the photo was shot at 3 yards, after he literally walked under my feet. No sight needed there! ha, ha.

                      I eventually decided the metal riser was just too cold in the hands for hunting, so I went to wood ILF risers. I used the Pinnacle II for a while, but now have a Black Onyx. No sights.



                        Oh, and the bucks are moving! Saw 3 different bucks back near my house this morning. No, not the WMA, but the weather does have them moving around! That's a good sign!



                          Thanks Limbwalker!!
                          Wow! A prototype DAS....very cool indeed!! I have a lot of respect for David Sosa's creations!!
                          I think you are right on the bucks. Our neighborhood deer (no hunting allowed ) have been very active this morning.
                 I'm off to take one of my kids to an 8 year old birthday party
                          Hopefully, I'll shoot some pretend deer on my target range this evening LOL!!!


                            Hope someone had a good hunt at Somerville. I wasn't willing to drive an hour to risk getting rained on, so I hunted near the house. Hoping to get to Somerville this week though!



                              Beautiful hunt tonight. Had two groups of hogs move through. One at around 330 the other around 545. No deer. I was the only vehicle at the parking lot today. I'll be out next weekend


                                Yeah tonight was a beautiful night. It was nice and cool I saw a couple does and a good sized bobcat. Still haven't seen any hogs out there in daylight.

