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Fort Hood

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    Originally posted by FtHoodBowHunter View Post
    I called earlier and only 115 and 203 was shot out for unguided areas.
    Good got my son in there for tomorrow,hopefully we get out there and give this big 10 point we been on a dirt nap in the morning. Good luck to all tomorrow is gonna be a great day


      Originally posted by popparoach View Post
      They still chasing that buck in 23 or did they shoot it out?
      Never know it will be updated by Monday for sure


        Originally posted by popparoach View Post
        Good got my son in there for tomorrow,hopefully we get out there and give this big 10 point we been on a dirt nap in the morning. Good luck to all tomorrow is gonna be a great day
        Good luck to you and your son.

        I will be headed to Lampasas to see if I can get me that doe that keeps busting me.


          Originally posted by FtHoodBowHunter View Post
          Good luck to you and your son.

          I will be headed to Lampasas to see if I can get me that doe that keeps busting me.
          A good ole snitchin doe,thats a good one to get rid of for sure. Will make the rest of your season a little easier with her out of the way. Thanks for the good luck wish same to you hopefully be postin ya'll some LDP's tomorrow.


            Just seen a nice little 6pt. Not much else yet.


              Good luck to all. Had some business to tend to this morning. But me and my boys will be headed out this afternoon. I hope to get to the blind NLT 1500. Wish us luck.


                Originally posted by GottaGetMy1stWT View Post
                Good luck to all. Had some business to tend to this morning. But me and my boys will be headed out this afternoon. I hope to get to the blind NLT 1500. Wish us luck.
                Saw 2 bucks in 200 one was a mature buck maybe 17 to 18 wide and tall couldn't close the deal for the wife had him come to 110 yards but no decoy makes it rough hunting the feild came to rattleing


                  Originally posted by fthoodhoghunter View Post
                  Saw 2 bucks in 200 one was a mature buck maybe 17 to 18 wide and tall couldn't close the deal for the wife had him come to 110 yards but no decoy makes it rough hunting the feild came to rattleing
                  Maybe he will make a mistake.


                    Just got in blind. All the BB2 is gone from yesterday. I think they were watching me all day; laughing that they were gonna eat it all as soon as I left. Smart little buggers


                      Finally got me a set on Hood. Gonna let it sit this week, and try it out Friday.


                        Originally posted by GottaGetMy1stWT View Post
                        Just got in blind. All the BB2 is gone from yesterday. I think they were watching me all day; laughing that they were gonna eat it all as soon as I left. Smart little buggers
                        Kinda gets to ya doesn't it? Seems to happen to everybody my Matt, but he probably just ain't tellin. Pigs seem to be worse at it than deer.

                        Maybe if the deer knew how hard bb2 was to come by they'd take it a little easy on the stuff. Academy can't seem to keep it in stock, Tractor Supply ain't got any, ****'s is a waste, and I ain't drivin all the way to Lampasas. Say's I, that's leaving for Alabama in the morning. Somehow, Lampases seems closer


                          Anyone been out to 105 lately or heard any reports on any hogs?


                            Originally posted by FtHoodBowHunter View Post
                            Anyone been out to 105 lately or heard any reports on any hogs?
                            I was out there snoopin around about a week ago. Didn't see anything that got me all excited. Between the trapper and the helo's they pretty well cleaned it out. They'll be back, just a matter of when. I'm thinkin it will take some folks firing up some feeders to draw them up the hill from the fish house down below. They ain't gonna leave good ole fish guts for a few acorns. Problem with that is .... keepin your feeders from the thieves. I've about given up on 105 because of the thieves. A lot more area to hide your stuff across the road in 36 and probably more hogs.


                              Originally posted by EdO View Post
                              I was out there snoopin around about a week ago. Didn't see anything that got me all excited. Between the trapper and the helo's they pretty well cleaned it out. They'll be back, just a matter of when. I'm thinkin it will take some folks firing up some feeders to draw them up the hill from the fish house down below. They ain't gonna leave good ole fish guts for a few acorns. Problem with that is .... keepin your feeders from the thieves. I've about given up on 105 because of the thieves. A lot more area to hide your stuff across the road in 36 and probably more hogs.
                              I saw 3 little ones ran over about 2 weeks ago on the road between 105 and 36


                                Originally posted by EdO View Post
                                Kinda gets to ya doesn't it? Seems to happen to everybody my Matt, but he probably just ain't tellin. Pigs seem to be worse at it than deer.

                                Maybe if the deer knew how hard bb2 was to come by they'd take it a little easy on the stuff. Academy can't seem to keep it in stock, Tractor Supply ain't got any, ****'s is a waste, and I ain't drivin all the way to Lampasas. Say's I, that's leaving for Alabama in the morning. Somehow, Lampases seems closer
                                Seems that way, good luck in AL.

