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It’s getting real now

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    Originally posted by LWC View Post
    I'm a Trump fan. But I don't totally disagree. He did (or at least took credit) for rushing the vaccine. He pushed it and told folks they should take it. If it is truly harmful as it appears it is, he should take some blame. Now he did not mandate it on fed employees, military, etc... But many that trusted him took the jabs because Trump said they were great. This is one of the few things (although a huge one) I fault him on during his presidency.
    Do you think his intentions were good?

    I'd be more to the side of blaming the manufacturers that sold it as a safe product. Then, blaming the ones who mandated that people get the vaccine and suppressed those who said otherwise.

    Trump is only smart enough to tell people what he had heard about the safety and efficacy. Virology and vaccinations aren't his area of expertise, so he had to go off what he was told. Maybe that trust was misplaced. But, I really don't really feel like he endorsed those vaccines because he intended to do harm. I believe he genuinely thought they were a good thing. Anyone else think otherwise?


      Originally posted by hpdrifter View Post
      At least, I believe, he was doing it for the good of the nation/world. He was trying to help...and be a hero.
      Maybe help alleviate red tape on things.

      I don't believe that about the Demonrats.
      So at that point, do you think Trump was sold on the "fact" covid was killing off Earth's population?
      Did he have the dems advising him?
      By the time we got to the vaccine, it was a pretty well established fact among anyone with half a brain, that the whole plandemic was nothing but a crock of ****.
      Either way he played his part, but it is miniscule in comparison with what Fauci, FJB & the Dems did.


        Originally posted by MadHatter View Post
        So at that point, , do you think Trump was sold on the "fact" covid was killing off Earth's population?
        Did he have the dems advising him?
        By the time we got to the vaccine, it was a pretty well established fact among anyone with half a brain, that the whole plandemic was nothing but a crock of ****.
        Either way he played his part, but it is miniscule in comparison with what Fauci, FJB & the Dems did.
        not really, but it was one facet of the leftist attach that he succumbed to.
        as I said above, he may have been just trying to be the HERO.
        I also fault him, but not real greatly because I don't believe there was malice in his heart as there was Demonrats. I do believe he'd left it "your choice", but who knows.

        Oh, I forgot about addressing "dems advising him"!
        Seems that's all there is in cabinets and agencies.
        Last edited by hpdrifter; 08-26-2022, 10:41 AM.


          Originally posted by rtp View Post
          What's funny is the vast majority of the unvaxed are/were Trump supporters. As a group we dont trust anything anyone in govt tells us. Show us the facts and then will make up our own minds. Others, well it's unfortunate they take what politicians and media talking heads tell them as gospel.

          Yup. What people are missing is the important part.

          Trump forced no one to take it.


            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
            Yep and I was very angry about him pushing an experimental drug the way he did.. I'm sure glad no one in my family took his advice...
            The vaccines were approved after the 2020 election.
            Yes he did want people to take it but he just had control until January.
            I’m not vaxed and never will be.
            3 x survivor here , every time gets weaker.


              Originally posted by Clay C View Post
              Yup. What people are missing is the important part.

              Trump forced no one to take it.


                Originally posted by Texas452 View Post
                The vaccines were approved after the 2020 election.
                ...and the chatter on the swamp delaying it so biden could pat himself on the back is making tracks again.

                I think this it's all trump's fault is going to slowly grow.

                Little man retires in Dec & disappears.
                The failures / problems with the jabs gain traction with the masses.
                The msm blames trump for pressuring the cdc to approve & will not mention anything about forced / jobs lost / etc by this nightmare admin.


                  24/7 All Trumps fault about to hit TV and every media outlet.

                  Suckers will eventually believe every word of it and forget the last 2.5 years and what actually happened.

                  Simply amazing to watch how stupid people are.


                    Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
                    24/7 All Trumps fault about to hit TV and every media outlet.

                    Suckers will eventually believe every word of it and forget the last 2.5 years and what actually happened.

                    Simply amazing to watch how stupid people are.
                    Exactly right.
                    It’s just amazing to me how people can be so stupid.
                    I wish everyone that voted for biden had to pay the biden tax (inflation) because of his idiot policies.
                    And everyone that voted for Trump pay what is was when Trump left office. That would end a lot of this lunacy, people would grow a brain then.


                      Who was the very first TBHer to say “don’t take the jab” and what was the date of the post so I can check the date on my vaccine card. I swear u guys came in late but maybe Im wrong again I just don’t remember but that could be for all kinds of reasons


                        Originally posted by Farmdog View Post
                        Who was the very first TBHer to say “don’t take the jab” and what was the date of the post so I can check the date on my vaccine card. I swear u guys came in late but maybe Im wrong again I just don’t remember but that could be for all kinds of reasons
                        I was saying it before they ever released it, as were others


                          Originally posted by Farmdog View Post
                          Who was the very first TBHer to say “don’t take the jab” and what was the date of the post so I can check the date on my vaccine card. I swear u guys came in late but maybe Im wrong again I just don’t remember but that could be for all kinds of reasons
                          Many of us said it's unwise to take the jab before it was even available. But also said each person had to weight their own risk/situation.

                          It wasn't until a few months later people started bashing those still taking the jab because data was leaking out and things didn't add up.

                          Bottom line Farmdog - If you still, to this date, can't see how the media, government politicians, FBI etc all bold face lie to you at every turn then I don't know what to say. So next time any of them tell you to do anything it's your responsibility to at very minimum be very cautious. Personally I will believe the exact opposite of what they tell me until proven otherwise.


                            Originally posted by Farmdog View Post
                            Who was the very first TBHer to say “don’t take the jab” and what was the date of the post so I can check the date on my vaccine card. I swear u guys came in late but maybe Im wrong again I just don’t remember but that could be for all kinds of reasons
                            Please post political and non-hunting current events to this forum. Personal attacks and disrespect in posting will not be tolerated.

                            See post #118 for an early warning


                              I just walked into the other room and then realized how crazy Farmdogs questions was.

                              TBH went absolutely crazy back then. There must have been 5-10 fights every single day about vaccine posts. We were called Anti-vaxxers and moved to PACE all day long.

                              I literally don't think the anti-vaxxers could have screamed any louder.

                              But this goes hand in hand with what I just said in post 23 in this thread.


                                Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post
                                I just walked into the other room and then realized how crazy Farmdogs questions was.

                                TBH went absolutely crazy back then. There must have been 5-10 fights every single day about vaccine posts. We were called Anti-vaxxers and moved to PACE all day long.

                                I literally don't think the anti-vaxxers could have screamed any louder.

                                But this goes hand in hand with what I just said in post 23 in this thread.
                                Do you think he even pays attention to anything going on, based off his post?
                                Say nothing of what we were talking about on here.

