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Active shooter in Uvalde

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    Sad Sad Sad day in Texas History. I've been pretty vocal about shootings that happen in "Gun Control" states and that "Gun Control" doesn't stop crazy people, but now it has happened to my own state.

    As a father of two babies under 5 this is nerve racking and sad and makes me very nervous about my kid's future. Makes me want to quit my job and sit in front of my kid's school and keep an eye out for their safety all day...

    My heart and condolences goes out to all the families who lost a young innocent life...
    Those kids will never live to see another birthday, hold their mother and father, smile, will never see and have the fun days of high school and college and will never feel what it's like to fall in love, marry and have children of their own, all because of a selfish *******... Gun control is not the answer. Placing Safety Measurements and protection for innocent kids in schools is the answer.
    Last edited by ATI; 05-25-2022, 10:12 AM.


      I personally don't care for videogames, but I also don't believe this are the problem.
      The main issue here is a mental health issue that is not being addressed. Schools are so worry about offending people that they create victims everywhere. Some of this victims become hyper sensitive due to all this extra attention, I won't surprise me that this cause them more mental issues that drives them to this.
      I saw a video of some "public" figure got all upset because a police officer dare to call him "sir". Like it was the worst offence you could ever do!.


        Going around SM:

        NEW: TX State Senator John Whitmire tells
        per ATF briefing he received, the Uvalde shooter legally purchased two AR style rifles at a local federal firearms licensee on 5/17 & 5/20.
        On 5/18, bought 375 rounds of 5.56 ammo.
        Seven 30 round magazines found inside school.

        CLEO & ATF 'should' have received a multiple long gun form if from the same store.


          Originally posted by Sticks&Strings View Post
          but I'd be all for eliminating the shoot em up games. These kids don't live in reality. They are of a different generation. They don't have consequences for their actions, they don't get spanked at home or pops at school, they get trophies for participating, and now they are consumed with more unrealistic ideas such as a shoot em up game that they get a false idea of consequences, because they have never had any.
          NONE of the things you mentioned, are a video game problem. They are 100% parenting problems. Blaming video games for human weakness is just as reckless as blaming guns.

          FTR, I don't play video games, but I used to be really bad *** at Tiger Woods 2008, and it didn't shave a single stroke off my actual game.


            Originally posted by Artos View Post
            Going around SM:

            NEW: TX State Senator John Whitmire tells
            per ATF briefing he received, the Uvalde shooter legally purchased two AR style rifles at a local federal firearms licensee on 5/17 & 5/20.
            On 5/18, bought 375 rounds of 5.56 ammo.
            Seven 30 round magazines found inside school.

            CLEO & ATF 'should' have received a multiple long gun form if from the same store.
            They'll get the Hi Capacity Mag Ban out of this, at minimum.


              If the campus had warning and a back door was still unlocked.... that's gonna be an issue.


                Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
                They'll get the Hi Capacity Mag Ban out of this, at minimum.
                Headed up to Academy at lunch to get one more of the evil hi-cap magazines.

                Prayers for Uvalde.


                  Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
                  NONE of the things you mentioned, are a video game problem. They are 100% parenting problems. Blaming video games for human weakness is just as reckless as blaming guns.
                  This guy didnt have parents. He was raised by his grandmother, and my understanding is that he shot her.

                  I agree parenting is the start of the problems, but not everyone grows up in a normal 2 parent household with a white picket fence. Sitting around playing video games, compounds antisocial behavior, which can lead to more problems.


                    So now it’s being reported the 3 different police officers engaged him before he entered the school. They stood by outside and didn’t do anything. And off duty border partrol agent went in by his self and killed the shooter .


                      Mental Health
                      Dysfunctional home life

                      Seems like everyone one of these shootings can be traced back to these issues.


                        Originally posted by Strummer View Post
                        So now it’s being reported the 3 different police officers engaged him before he entered the school. They stood by outside and didn’t do anything. And off duty border partrol agent went in by his self and killed the shooter .
                        I hope thats not true


                          Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
                          Video games? Really....that's your "logic"??? That's an even weaker take than the left blaming this on guns.

                          You whine and ***** and bellyache about how VIDEO GAMES are to blame, and then go on to talk about the level of stupidity in this country. You don't understand any of what you're griping about anyway...
                          Gamer are you? Not surprised though. It's not your fault. It's the world you grew up in. You are'nt old enough to know a time when this garbage didn't exist like some of us are.. Some of us are old enough to see the drastic culture change and how it has changed this country. Back before Cowboys listened to gangster rap..

                          But here you are blaming bleeding hearts, blaming schools, and the break down of society.. By your own logic that is as dumb as the left blaming guns... I think you don't really understand what you are griping about. As a matter of fact I know you don't..


                            Originally posted by Strummer View Post
                            So now it’s being reported the 3 different police officers engaged him before he entered the school. They stood by outside and didn’t do anything. And off duty border partrol agent went in by his self and killed the shooter .
                            Man, if that's true, that really sucks.


                              Originally posted by flywise View Post
                              I hope thats not true

                              Here ya go

                              Uvalde school district police “engaged” suspected shooter Salvador Ramos outside the elementary school where he shot and killed 19 students and at least two adults on Tuesday. Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Erick Estrada told CNN that Ramos shot his grandmother Tuesday morning before arriving at the school. Police were called to investigate, but …


                                Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
                                Video games? Really....that's your "logic"??? That's an even weaker take than the left blaming this on guns.

                                You whine and ***** and bellyache about how VIDEO GAMES are to blame, and then go on to talk about the level of stupidity in this country. You don't understand any of what you're griping about anyway...
                                I thought it was rap and heavy metal that caused the shootings? Now vidya games too?

