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General/Secretary Mattis

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    Originally posted by Mike D View Post
    I definitely agree with him on the use of military against citizens. Other than that, the rest is drivel.

    If he thinks Trump is the only President that seems divisive where the hell was he when Obama was president.

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    Originally posted by M16 View Post
    I'm not a fan of using the military either. What is your solution if the mayor and governor of a state refuse to call in the national guard when the police are overwhelmed ? Let the rioters rape pillage and plunder? Are you willing to let defenseless people die?
    Originally posted by OldRiverRat View Post
    This exactly
    Where was Mattis when Flynn, a fellow military leader, was thrown under the bus.

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    Originally posted by RiverRat1 View Post

    Most Dem controlled State would let their own cities burn before letting Trump help.

    The general was a hell of a general. No , you didn’t have to SERVE to have an opinion. Trump drew this country out of the Obama mess and despite 3 Years of Having to fight the constant treasonous actions of the democrat party and the media. If that’s not leadership I’m not sure what is. So now we have this manufactured “ pandemic “ and you can’t tell me anyone else in his shoes could have handled it any different from the start. “ Experts” telling your millions are going to die unless. Now, leadership says this shut down needs to end and end now despite the numbers going up.
    Riots, I guess the president has something to do with that? The one president who has done more for the black community in 3 year than the black president did in 8? I’m quite sure using the military on US soil is the last resort but there are provisions in place to allow it to happen for a reason and if thousands of people with chips on their shoulders prefer to destroy rather than to build and local leaders apparently more than happy to allow it drastic measures need to be done


      Originally posted by Texarkana View Post
      That’s because you couldn’t handle a black president

      You are so wrong with that statement

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        Mathis was silent when Barry was droning Americans to death, but now wants to play the “Equal Justice Under Law” card. And the people that he wants to side with, are the law abiding........"protesters" and the swamp, ha.

        Timing seems very convent as well.


          Originally posted by M16 View Post
          I'm not a fan of using the military either. What is your solution if the mayor and governor of a state refuse to call in the national guard when the police are overwhelmed ? Let the rioters rape pillage and plunder? Are you willing to let defenseless people die?


            I agree Trump is ignorant as hell about how to be presidential and on how thing should and shouldn't be done in some areas. But they don't understand he is not a politician. He is a business man trying to fix an economic disaster.
            However his predecessor was the one who not only did not take action to fix the divide but drove in a wedge splitting it wide open by encouraging groups like antifa and BLM to commit acts of violence and anarchy as a method of protest vs using the legal system to change things.
            But as I've stated before, we humans tend to forget our history.



              I'm disappointed in Mathis. If he had the structure I thought he had he would have NEVER undermined a commander in chief. He's part of the problem now.


                You will see who Mattis is when this is over.


                  Originally posted by ACCURACYINC View Post
                  Half black. And his skin color had nothing to do with it. As stated, I would have proudly voted for Ben Carson or Herman Caine. I thought Condoleezza Rice would have also made a fine president. You know, black men and women who love this country and didn't want to "fundamentally change it", and didn't have spouses who were "proud of the country for the first time in their adult life". Obama is a race baiter, as was his entire staff.
                  Agree 100%


                    Originally posted by unclefish View Post
                    Mattis resigned over Trump pulling out of Syria...he said there would be mass genocide if troops were pulled. That was proven untrue very quickly and now he's a bitter ex girlfriend. Sad really.


                      Learn to pronounce
                      wild animals that are believed to be harmful to crops, farm animals, or game, or that carry disease, e.g., rodents.
                      parasitic worms or insects.
                      people perceived as despicable and as causing problems for the rest of society.
                      "the vermin who ransacked her house"


                        I love watching the liberals coming out of the woodwork when someone speaks against the POTUS. This is the man who tied the hands of marines on engaging the enemy in Afghanistan. All the former marines I know said he liked to talk tough but would always hem them up when it came to fighting. Thats just from people i know. Might be sour grapes. who knows.


                          Can you name the last POTUS liked by both sides of the political aisle????

                          Bush Jr....nope
                          Bush Sr....nope
                          Nixon...See where this is going.


                            I'm glad he spoke up, agree with his sentiment. When someone is talking about "dominating" American people and denying constitutional rights (such as the right to peaceful protest, which is different from the looters and rioters) that is being divisive.




                                Originally posted by BrianL View Post
                                Can you name the last POTUS liked by both sides of the political aisle????

                                Bush Jr....nope
                                Bush Sr....nope
                                Nixon...See where this is going.
                                "Liked" and "respected" are 2 very different things. Then there is utter disrespect.

