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If its so bad - find a way to make it public...

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    Can we tie the Vegas shooter into all of this?
    I don't where a tin foil hat but like almost a thousand ppl got shot dozens died
    And we hear very little about it
    No video
    I've gotten red light and unpaid toll tickets all across this country and they have very clear pics of me in my car.
    But no footage of this vegas dude.

    This investigation is being led by the FBI, right?

    Long story short.
    Who needs to go to jail in all of this?
    Lets comprise a list


      Originally posted by texansfan View Post
      Can we tie the Vegas shooter into all of this?
      I don't where a tin foil hat but like almost a thousand ppl got shot dozens died
      And we hear very little about it
      No video
      I've gotten red light and unpaid toll tickets all across this country and they have very clear pics of me in my car.
      But no footage of this vegas dude.

      This investigation is being led by the FBI, right?

      Long story short.
      Who needs to go to jail in all of this?
      Lets comprise a list
      For starters.

      Comey (can share a cell with Rosenstein)
      1 or 2 FISA judges need investigating, because I find it hard to believe they couldn't see through the BS and reject the warrants. So they are either completely and utterly unfit for such a position or willing participants.


      Well what'dya know about that?

      BREAKING: On The Same Day Trump Releases the Nunes Memo A Federal Judge Keeps The Comey Memos Secret

      Last edited by Let's go Brandon!; 02-03-2018, 02:42 PM.


        Originally posted by texansfan View Post

        It was used by sitting POTUS to spy on their competition.

        It's all there in the documents.

        Just read them.

        When have you ever had any political party go on record and in public to denounce someone that was trying to become POTUS under their party's umbrella?

        Only time I've ever known that to happen was. GOP trying to rig the roles so trump wouldn't get the nod and also Mitt Romney held a one hour prime time special telling all repubs to NOT vote for Trump.

        Nobody in GOP wanted the guy.

        Cops withhold evidence to get warrants all the time.

        Drugs and guns get planted on suspects.

        Water is wet.

        What else is new?

        Again, you want to use history to justify this. Why? So you want previous abuses of power to make this one “ok”?
        And while we are discussing it, did those abuses you keep repeating over and over involve the DOJ and the FBI caluding to get illegal warrants to investigate and remove a sitting potus? No. They didn’t.
        You mention the GOP going against trump as the only time you know if “that happening”? How convenient! You missed that DNC rigging the primary for Hillary, Bernie calls by them out about it, and folding like a bad hand when they offered him a jet to “use”? No. You didn’t. You just fail to mention it and hope no one else will.
        You are good with cops planting evidence...
        You are good with guns being planted...
        You state the obvious about water....
        What’s new? Nothing. You are still deflecting off topic.


          If its so bad - find a way to make it public...

          Originally posted by texansfan View Post

          Guantanamo is open for a reason.

          When you get up that high "there are no laws"

          To appease you and others let's send this thing to trial and get this show on the road.

          I just showed you cointelpro lasted almost twenty years and you're talking about a 4 page memo.

          You have too much faith in elected officials and those that they appoint to carry out their dirty work.

          They are all dirty. Trump included. He's no saint and he's not draining any swamp. He simply wants to be the controller of the flow.

          You can stop now. Your point is made. You don’t care what any government entity does to citizens or why they do it. Gotcha.
          You want to talk about things done BEFORE trump, laws broken BEFORE TRUMP, to disregard or justify what’s being done to trump. That makes you an apologist for corruption. Typical liberal democrat, if the media is any indication of that particular label.


            Originally posted by texansfan View Post
            Can we tie the Vegas shooter into all of this?
            I don't where a tin foil hat but like almost a thousand ppl got shot dozens died
            And we hear very little about it
            No video
            I've gotten red light and unpaid toll tickets all across this country and they have very clear pics of me in my car.
            But no footage of this vegas dude.

            This investigation is being led by the FBI, right?

            Long story short.
            Who needs to go to jail in all of this?
            Lets comprise a list

            Why not? That seems to be your modus operendi... drag in every possible diversion you can think of as an excuse.
            Start your list.


              If its so bad - find a way to make it public...

              Originally posted by texansfan View Post
              I do that too discredit the govt and to show you that an entity that you hold in such high regard and think of as unflawed until this 4 page memo came out has actually been dirty for well over 100 years.

              This is business as usual for them
              Dems and GOP alike

              You think Osama was born in America?
              So why do you think they let him be POTUS for two terms?
              You think DNC is stronger than RNC?

              We got it... since corrupt government officials existed a hundred years ago, we should all accept corruption today.
              And dispite your Childish statements regarding what we think or believe, this 4 page memo is a summary of more that a hundred pages compiled after review of thousands of pages of personal emails and conversations between agents of evidence proving FBI agents lied and illegally investigated a sitting potus using a warrant they lied to get. Your comments about Obama’s birthplace probably wasn’t mentioned in any of that, but if it comes to light that it WAS, then you can discuss it.


                Long read, and you can't discredit just by saying its only a 4 page memo.

                The FBI relied heavily on the dubious Steele dossier, as well as a Yahoo! News article based on the salacious document, to obtain a surveillance warrant against a Trump campaign adviser prior to the 2016 election, according to an explosive but controversial memo approved for release by the White House on Friday.
                The memo, which was crafted by House Republicans, also says that the FBI’s deputy director, Andrew McCabe, told Congress that a FISA warrant against the campaign adviser, Carter Page, would not have been granted without use of the dossier. That despite the FBI later determining that very little of the Democrat-funded document was corroborated.

                And in another stunning revelation, the memo asserts that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr was used to pass information from the author of the dossier, Christopher Steele, to the DOJ.

                Ohr’s wife, Nellie Ohr, worked at the time for Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm research firm that commissioned the dossier. Bruce Ohr, who worked closely with Deputy Attorney Generals Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein, passed his wife’s opposition research on Trump to the FBI, the memo says.

                The memo also says that Christopher Steele, the former British spy who wrote the dossier, told Ohr during a meeting prior to the election that he desperately wanted to prevent Donald Trump from being elected president.

                Steele at one point told Ohr that he “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being president.”

                “A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves,” President Trump said Friday, shortly after the White House sent the memo to the House Intelligence Committee for release to the public.

                It’s already been widely reported that the dossier was used by government officials to justify a spy warrant against Page, a 46-year-old energy consultant who joined the Trump campaign in March 2016.

                But the memo reveals that the FISA application “extensively” cited an Sept. 23, 2016 news article that was in effect planted by Fusion GPS.

                That is significant because the article, written by veteran reporter Michael Isikoff, is itself based on the unverified dossier. Isikoff was among a small group of reporters who in September 2016 was briefed on the dossier by Steele and Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson.

                A private investigator who knows both Steele and Isikoff told The Daily Caller last year that the pair are good friends, having been fixtures of the Washington, D.C. journalism circuit for decades.

                The FISA application made no mention of the link between the Isikoff article and the dossier. Instead, the article was treated as corroborating evidence for the dossier. The memo says that the FISA application “incorrectly assesse[d]” that the Isikoff article was based on information separate from the dossier.

                “That’s truly insane,” Page told TheDC on Friday about the Isikoff article’s link to the FISA.

                Page, who is suing Yahoo! over the article, said that he “look(s) forward to updating my pending legal action” in the case to include the allegations from the memo.

                The FISA warrant against Page was granted by a judge on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court on Oct. 21, 2016, shortly after Page left the Trump campaign. In order to obtain the warrant, FBI and Justice Department officials had to convince the judge that there was probable cause to believe that Page was acting as an agent of Russia.

                The FISA warrant on Page likely included additional information beyond the dossier and the Isikoff article. Page had been on the FBI’s radar since 2013 when he was approached by members of a Russian spy ring for recruitment. He claims he was not recruited and that he cooperated with the FBI in that case.

                News articles are sometimes used in FISA applications. The New York Times recently noted that articles can be cited to convince a judge that a surveillance target may begin concealing their activities after become the focus of news coverage.

                While Steele and Simpson met with reporters from The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The New Yorker as well, Isikoff was the only journalist initially briefed on the dossier to publish an article based on the document.

                The memo says that Perkins Coie, the Clinton campaign law firm that hired Fusion GPS, hosted a meeting with Simpson, Steele and reporters.

                That would appear to conflict with reporting about Marc Elias, the Perkins Coie lawyer who served as general counsel for the Clinton campaign and DNC. Though Elias was who set up the deal with Fusion GPS, CNN reported in October that a source familiar with the project said that Elias was not involved in pitching the media on behalf of Fusion GPS.

                Elias did not respond to a request for comment on that potential discrepancy.

                Isikoff’s report did not identify Steele or refer to a Democrat-funded dossier. Instead, it laid out Steele’s allegations about Page and reported that U.S. law enforcement officials were investigating the campaign adviser’s contacts with Russians.

                The article quoted an unnamed U.S. law enforcement official confirming that investigators were looking into the allegations about Page.

                “It’s on our radar screen. It’s being looked at,” the unidentified source told Isikoff.

                Isikoff’s article, which was touted in a Clinton campaign press release after publication, cited claims from a memo Steele wrote on July 19, 2016. It alleges that during a well-publicized trip to Moscow earlier that month, Page met secretly with two Kremlin insiders, Igor Sechin and Igor Diveykin. The dossier also alleges that Page worked with former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort as part of a “well-developed conspiracy” with Russians to influence the election.

                Page has denied ever meeting Sechin, Diveykin or Manafort and refers to Steele’s report as the “dodgy dossier.”

                No evidence has emerged validating the claims made about Page in the dossier. The Republican memo says that FBI counterintelligence chief Bill Priestap has said that an investigation into the dossier’s veracity was in its “infancy” when it was used in the FISA application.

                **During a Senate hearing last June, Comey called the dossier “salacious and unverified.” **

                ****The memo also says that McCabe told the House Intelligence Committee in December that “no surveillance warrant would have been sought from the FISC without the Steele dossier information.” ****

                Simpson, the Fusion GPS founder, has also been unable to offer evidence to corroborate any of the dossier’s allegations during interviews with congressional committees investigating Russian interference in the election.

                Isikoff’s article has caused some confusion among reporters and pundits, as it has often been cited as independent confirmation of Steele’s dossier. It only became clear last April that Isikoff’s article was based on the document when Steele submitted court filings in London, where he is being sued. In the document, Steele said he was directed by Fusion GPS to brief reporters on his Trump investigation.

                The memo also focuses heavily on McCabe and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein’s involvement in obtaining FISA warrants against Page.

                The memo says that Rosenstein signed off on one renewal for the Page warrant shortly after taking office in April. McCabe, who abruptly quit as FBI No. 2 earlier this week, signed off on one application, and James Comey okayed three applications when he served as FBI Director. On the Justice Department side, then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and then-Acting Deputy Attorney General Dan Boente also approved warrant applications.

                Critics of the memo have expressed concern with Rosenstein’s prominence in the document. They say that President Trump might use the information to fire Rosenstein in order to clear a path to remove Special Counsel Robert Mueller from the Russia investigation.

                Steele’s relationship with the FBI regarding Trump began in July 2016, shortly after he begin investigating the Republican. The ex-spy reached out to an FBI contact on July 5 to provide a briefing of his findings. He met with FBI agents again in Rome in early October and was told that he would be paid if he could corroborate other findings in the dossier.

                The FBI never paid Steele, and according to the memo, the bureau “suspended and then terminated” him as a source because he violated the bureau’s rules against leaks to the media.

                Steele was a direct source for Mother Jones reporter David Corn. Corn, who is co-writing a book with Yahoo’s Isikoff, published an article on Oct. 31, 2016 in which he quoted Steele anonymously and revealed details of the dossier.

                The Republican memo asserts that Steele violated one of the FBI’s “cardinal rules” and had demonstrated that he was a “less than reliable” source for the bureau.

                The memo provides another new detail about Page’s FISA warrant. The document says that the application mentions information regarding former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos. (RELATED: Revelations From Glenn Simpson’s House Intel Interview)

                While on the campaign, Papadopoulos was in contact with a London-based professor who claimed in April 2016 to have learned that the Russian government obtained Clinton-related emails. The date is significant because it was not publicly known at the time that Russian operatives had hacked Democrats. In May 2016, Papadopoulos told an Australian diplomat named Alexander Downer about the information he had received from the professor.

                Downer relayed the information to his associates in July 2016, and the FBI was informed about the conversation later that month. The memo notes that the Papadopoulos information “triggered” the FBI investigation into possible Trump campaign collusion.

                *****It says that there is no evidence that Page and Papadopoulos engaged in a conspiracy. Page has told TheDC that he interacted infrequently with Papadopoulos during the campaign....... From the Daily Caller 2-2-2018
                Last edited by Thumper; 02-03-2018, 07:49 PM.


                  Originally posted by Thumper View Post
                  News articles are sometimes used in FISA applications. The New York Times recently noted that articles can be cited to convince a judge that a surveillance target may begin concealing their activities after become the focus of news coverage.

                  That is absurd given today's quality of journalism.


                    Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                    Both sides are crying
                    Right here on TBH there are cries for people to get locked up.
                    Just whining from both sides.
                    Both sides do this crep.
                    It's nothing new.
                    Hillary lied about 4 folks dieing in Benghazi but Bush/Cheney lied about who was really responsible for 9/11.

                    And they leave us pedestrians holding the bag.

                    Obama bailed out the auto industry at the expense of tax payers.

                    Just one huge mess.
                    Who was responsible for 9/11?


                      Originally posted by rocky View Post
                      Who was responsible for 9/11?
                      Please stop feeding the troll.

                      Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


                        Originally posted by rocky View Post
                        Who was responsible for 9/11?
                        What we knew then should have kept the U.S. out of Iraq, but the president wasn't told everything.

                        Few remember the story of Hussein Kamel, but it's a particularly clear example of the Bush administration's brazen falsehoods.

                        Mushroom clouds, duct tape, Judy Miller, Curveball. Recalling how Americans were sold a bogus case for invasion.

                        Vox is a general interest news site for the 21st century. Its mission: to help everyone understand our complicated world, so that we can all help shape it. In text, video and audio, our reporters explain politics, policy, world affairs, technology, culture, science, the climate crisis, money, health and everything else that matters. Our goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of income or status, can access accurate information that empowers them.

                        Donald Trump invoked the September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center to tear into Jeb Bush at Saturday night's debate, saying they were in part a result of George W. Bush's national security failures. |
                        Last edited by texansfan; 02-04-2018, 12:13 PM.


                          What's so idiotic is Trump hires a guy that has been under surveillance for suspicion of being a spy.

                          Why didn't anyone do their due diligence and tell trump that Page would be a liability?

                          Before you defend this....
                          I don't care what you say, if you draw enough suspicion to have the FBI on your tail about being a spy, I'm not hiring you in that capacity.
                          If you draw enough suspicion to be a child predator (but you're cleared of any and all wrong doing, I'm not hiring you to be a summer camp counselor or sending my kids to where you work)
                          I'd rather not press my luck

                          6 to 12 people on Trump's team that he has appointed have fallen victim to stuff like this.

                          Either trump isn't vetting these ppl that he's hiring or he's not as smart as he says he is.

                          That AUSA that never tried a case but was up to be a judge Only to be grilled by a GOP politician and made to look a fool.

                          The other lil tiny guy that wears cool suits and made a ton of money in the market. I think he sold his business to a Chinese firm.

                          The list goes on...
                          Last edited by texansfan; 02-04-2018, 12:27 PM.


                            Originally posted by texansfan View Post
                            What's so idiotic is Trump hires a guy that has been under surveillance for suspicion of being a spy.

                            Why didn't anyone do their due diligence and tell trump that Page would be a liability?

                            Before you defend this....
                            I don't care what you say, if you draw enough suspicion to have the FBI on your tail about being a spy, I'm not hiring you in that capacity.
                            If you draw enough suspicion to be a child predator (but you're cleared of any and all wrong doing, I'm not hiring you to be a summer camp counselor or sending my kids to where you work)
                            I'd rather not press my luck

                            6 to 12 people on Trump's team that he has appointed have fallen victim to stuff like this.

                            Either trump isn't vetting these ppl that he's hiring or he's not as smart as he says he is.

                            That AUSA that never tried a case but was up to be a judge Only to be grilled by a GOP politician and made to look a fool.

                            The other lil tiny guy that wears cool suits and made a ton of money in the market. I think he sold his business to a Chinese firm.

                            The list goes on...

                            And what did any of these people do to cause the FBI to lie to a FISA court, neglect to present evidence to that court while getting it renewed, and make FBI agents plot to remove a sitting POTUS?


                              Originally posted by Lostacresranch View Post
                              We got it... since corrupt government officials existed a hundred years ago, we should all accept corruption today.
                              And dispite your Childish statements regarding what we think or believe, this 4 page memo is a summary of more that a hundred pages compiled after review of thousands of pages of personal emails and conversations between agents of evidence proving FBI agents lied and illegally investigated a sitting potus using a warrant they lied to get.
                              Cheney and Bush were lieing about Why we should invade Iraq.
                              Should we put them in prison?
                              Give them two a cell right next door to Osama and Hillary.
                              They can play cards for cigarettes during recess.

                              You can't point to a decade in our history where the govt has not did something underhanded.
                              Just live and let live.


                                Originally posted by Lostacresranch View Post
                                And what did any of these people do to cause the FBI to lie to a FISA court, neglect to present evidence to that court while getting it renewed, and make FBI agents plot to remove a sitting POTUS?
                                I can see this will be another Benghazi

                                Trump has control
                                He needs to do what he needs to do in order to convict those that did wrong

                                Let's see if he can get it accomplished

