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Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Restrictions In Texas

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    Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
    It's a sad day when people celebrate the permission from the SCOTUS to kill babies...
    I realize that this ruling was regarding the technical aspects of it but it's all the same..

    Extremely sad.


      It's the sad times we live in fellas.

      Abortion is legal and thus it is not considered a human life yet if a dude murders a mother that is pregnant (even if she didn't know and it was discovered during autopsy) they can charge the murderer with two counts of murder. Makes absolutely no sense.


        Good for the Supreme Court. You may not agree with abortion but it is legal. Lets be real about it though, abortions account for only 3% of Planned Parenthood services. There was a meme about the differences of a conservative and a liberal. It forgot to mention "If a liberal doesn't agree with abortion they won't get one. If a conservative doesn't agree with abortion they'll relegate the s**t out of it until its **** near impossible for anyone to get one."


          Originally posted by Chew View Post
          In other news.....the words Personal and Responsibility removed from the dictionary.


            No surprise to me--


              I think that pretty much sums it up.

              Sent from my VS987 using Tapatalk


                Its clear that there are survivors of abortion on this site. They escaped with all their limbs but their brains got sucked out in the process. Sad day for the unborn. White liberals are slaughtering the children under the guise of health care. 87 % of abortion mills are in neighborhoods of color.


                  Originally posted by Jason Fry View Post
                  Agreed, that's probably the best option. Anybody checked on the cost of adoption these days? Again, government intrusion has made the cost of a US adoption nearly prohibitive for many well meaning folks. It's a community and family problem, exacerbated by government attempts to help.

                  From google...

                  It generally costs from $0 to $1,000 to adopt a child from a County Foster/Adopt program. These children are often older, but sometimes infants are placed. A voluntary adoption of a newborn through a non-profit agency will generally cost between $10,000 and $25,000.

                  Aha!!! Now you are touching on something very often overlooked. Thus, the incredibly high rates of Asian and now Eastern European children being sought out. When i was in Shanghai it was scary to see the adoption process (looked more like a sale barn) firsthand. The other end of the in-demand (or lack of demand) children of color. Heck, imagine how high the welfare rolls would be if all these unwanted children were actually here? Thus the double edged sword as it exists right here in our own society. No answers from me honestly, but lots of "other" thoughts tend to come to mind when this topic is discussed.


                    Originally posted by Shane View Post
                    Government can't possibly fix everyone's problems - even if that was the role of government. Government definitely needs to stay out of people's private lives. But protecting the innocent is the responsibility of government. Beyond that, people need to deal with the consequences of their choices. It's going to be incredibly inconvenient to do so much of the time.

                    I'm a walking poster child for the alternatives to abortion. My dad was adopted as a baby. We think his birth mother was a young student and his biological father was a college professor. His birth mother gave him up for adoption at birth.

                    19 years later, I was born about 7 months after my parents got married (at ages 19 and 17). They didn't give me up for adoption, and they didn't kill me. They got married and raised me and my sister, who came along 2 years later. They celebrated their 50th anniversary a few months ago.

                    Personal responsibility.
                    Two excellent posts Shane, I tend to always agree with your views.


                      Originally posted by bowstalker210 View Post
                      Good for the Supreme Court. You may not agree with abortion but it is legal. Lets be real about it though, abortions account for only 3% of Planned Parenthood services. There was a meme about the differences of a conservative and a liberal. It forgot to mention "If a liberal doesn't agree with abortion they won't get one. If a conservative doesn't agree with abortion they'll relegate the s**t out of it until its **** near impossible for anyone to get one."
                      You want to "be real about it"? What's real about abortion is it is almost exclusively used to end unwanted pregnancies that occur due to irresponsible behavior by irresponsible people...PERIOD! The lefts arguments about the health of the mother or because of rape are complete and total BS. Abortion clinics are for profit businesses and if they had to rely on providing abortions for rapes and cases where the mothers life is at risk to stay in business then they would have to close their doors tomorrow. There's your reality.


                        Originally posted by Txfire409 View Post
                        You want to "be real about it"? What's real about abortion is it is almost exclusively used to end unwanted pregnancies that occur due to irresponsible behavior by irresponsible people...PERIOD! The lefts arguments about the health of the mother or because of rape are complete and total BS. Abortion clinics are for profit businesses and if they had to rely on providing abortions for rapes and cases where the mothers life is at risk to stay in business then they would have to close their doors tomorrow. There's your reality.


                          Pay attention you abortion sympathizers. This is what Texas was trying to prevent.

                          "An honest government has no fear of an armed population".


                            Originally posted by Mike D View Post
                            Pay attention you abortion sympathizers. This is what Texas was trying to prevent.

                            "An honest government has no fear of an armed population".
                            And this is what the "progressive" left is and always has tried to accomplish.

                            Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. You know—the leftist‘s favorite institution, ever, of all time. If the democrat party built a church (funny, right?) Margaret Sanger would be the patron saint. Just to refresh, Planned Parenthood’s the place that murders babies and sells their parts for profit. Which is totally cool with all the liberals… Well, here’s the thing no one likes to tell you about Margret Sanger, patron saint of Planned Parenthood:
                            Margaret Sanger was the founder of Planned Parenthood. You know—the leftist's favorite institution, ever, of all time. If the democrat party built a church (funny, right?) Margaret Sanger would be the patron saint. Just to refresh, Planned Parenthood's the place that murders babies and sells the...


                              Originally posted by Txfire409 View Post
                              You want to "be real about it"? What's real about abortion is it is almost exclusively used to end unwanted pregnancies that occur due to irresponsible behavior by irresponsible people...PERIOD! The lefts arguments about the health of the mother or because of rape are complete and total BS. Abortion clinics are for profit businesses and if they had to rely on providing abortions for rapes and cases where the mothers life is at risk to stay in business then they would have to close their doors tomorrow. There's your reality.
                              Yes, you would be correct that of the 3% about 90% of them are due to unwanted pregnancies. Abortions due to rape or incest are miniscule but to say they would somehow be closed for those only reasons is just ignorant. They provide many other services like STD testing, prenatal care, etc. As far as the myth that "they're selling baby parts" go, a majority of the abortions provided are done at cost so no profit is made. Yes, there are those few who undermine the system and make a profit of it and that is a serious problem but those only make up a small portion of abortion providers. Since you bring it up though lets look at those "irresponsible" numbers. Teen pregnancy is trending downward, take San Antonio for example. The birth rate is dropping and more women are waiting till they are stable and have a better chance of raising the child without govt assistance. Why? The community has taken a more proactive role about sexual education and stressing the obstacles of getting pregnant too early as well as helping parents with talking to their children about the issue. Many cities in Texas have started to take this approach and are starting to see the same result, TX is still one of the highest percentage wise in regards to the issue but we're making headway. That's the reality...PERIOD.


                                My view on abortion:

                                - Abortion is a way to relieve the mother, and maybe a father if around, of parental responsibility, but does nothing to prevent the process that leads to another pregnancy and more than likely another abortion
                                - It is a way to relieve the mother of the byproduct of rape, because she didn't want to be raped, so why should she have to, in the least, carry a baby to term and give it up for adoption. But the mother didn't have a voice in wanting to be raped either, so I guess that makes rape OK.
                                - "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion is already born.", President Reagan
                                - Maybe conservatives throw such a fit about abortions because conservatives value life.
                                - Since a baby....oh, sorry....FETUS...has no voice to defend the abortion, then maybe the handicapped, invalid child/adult who received such a disability from a traumatic event, and in turn cannot speak for themselves, have their spinal cord snipped so as to relieve the parent(s) of special needs responsibility.
                                - Placing a child up for adoption might not guarantee that they will live a happy, joyful life, full of success and love and a spouse and kids of their own, and the possibility for that child's life to make an impact on another life, but an abortion guarantees they won't have a chance at all.
                                - It is more socially accepted to fight for the rights of animals, even animals that eat other animals to survive, than to fight for the lives of a human, which has been created in the image of God. A cow was not created in the image of God.

                                The benefits of an abortion is a lie from the Deceiver. A short term gain, resulting in long term losses. Someone eventually pays dearly for this act. Pro-abortion advocates are fooling themselves to think that there is nothing wrong with it, and you will go on with your life like nothing ever happened. Stories that I read or hear from women who have followed this lie usually describe a life of guilt, where the decision haunts their life. Every year that passes by that the woman thinks about what they have done; like an anniversary remembered. And the thoughts continue to grow, like "I wonder what they would've looked like?", "Would they have been a doctor, lawyer, teacher, firefighter, police officer, pastor, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother?", "Who would they have inspired?", "Would they have made me a better person?".

                                There are couples who try so hard and spend thousands of dollars to have kids, but can't. Then there are those who throw them away.

                                I'll never understand it.

