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Why I Can't and Won't Vote for Donald Trump

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    I for one will abstain from voting in this election if trump is the nominee. I cannot bring myself to cast my vote for him.


      yep, bring out the loosers, that will get everyone voting for 'em.


        Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
        But other than stomping your feet, voting for a third, fourth or fifth party candidate, writing Mickey Mouse on the ballot..... do you really think that anyone other than the Dem or GOP nominee will win?

        Your libertarian vote will do nothing but put one or the other in office.

        It is not a matter of saying that you voted for a winner. It is a matter of voting which one is the least likely to do harm. If Trump does nothing more than quit trying to ban guns, that alone puts him head and shoulders above Obama/Clinton.

        You seem like you are content to watch as the country goes further down the toilet while you scream YeeHaa!!... I voted for the third party loser and forced the issue to Clinton!!

        I know that I will not change a single person's opinion. I just can't figure out the rationale of voting for a person knowing that someone else will win and potentially you could help the worst candidate get elected. If there are 10 important issues and you agree with one candidate on 3 of the 10 and the other 0 out of 10, the choice seems simple.

        I think that Trump is goofy. I don't think that he will sign any bills to raise taxes or to ban guns. That alone puts him way ahead of his Democratic challenger.
        Well spoken.... Then there is also a difference in that baby killing question....

        Trump being pro life
        Killary being murdering babies.


          Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
          If Trump continues Obama's trend of completely disregarding the limitations on executive power, we are going to have a major problem. Sure, he may push a somewhat kinda maybe a little conservative agenda. Sure he may do what you want him to on illegal immigration and 2A. In the end, if he continues to expand federal power, he's still gone in a few years having set the precedent for a more intrusive and omnipotent federal government. One must remember that if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Any violations committed against the limitations of power committed by republicans to day will be used to justify the same committed by democrats tomorrow. You can't complain about democrats' abuse of power, then vote in a republican who does the same. If you do, you are being dishonest with yourself about why you oppose democrats.

          I want to reiterate that my refusal to vote for the man is not based on his rhetoric so much as it's based on my assessment that the man won't obey the limitations to executive power and will instead continue to expand it. It is my opinion, based on his own words and positions, that Donald Trump intends to do whatever Donald Trump wants to do. When given the choice between expansion of government power in a packaging that I don't like and expansion of government power in a packaging that looks a little more friendly, I will respectfully choose "none of the above".

          If you are so bogged down in the two party system that you find yourself choosing the less mushy of the two poop sandwiches being offered year after year, maybe it's time to find a new restaurant. This doesn't mean that I will never vote for a republican or (I can't believe I'm saying this) a democrat ever again. It simply means that I have not been very excited in the options I have been provided since I turned 18 (1998), and I'm tired of waiting around for the the two main parties to fix their stupidity.
          How many executive orders did Bush sign while in office? Did you vote for him?


            Originally posted by JGreen31 View Post
            How many executive orders did Bush sign while in office? Did you vote for him?

            Ronald Reagan 381

            George H. W. Bush 166

            William J. Clinton 364

            George W. Bush 291


              Originally posted by Mike Javi Cooper View Post
              Ronald Reagan 381

              George H. W. Bush 166

              William J. Clinton 364

              George W. Bush 291
              Is there a number for Obama? Maybe a rolling count somewhere?


                Originally posted by Ham Slammer View Post
                Is there a number for Obama? Maybe a rolling count somewhere?
                215 thru 2015


                  Originally posted by Ham Slammer View Post
                  Is there a number for Obama? Maybe a rolling count somewhere?
                  Around 2oo last I heard, but that was from a talk radio show. Bottom line, all of them use it as part of the bully pulpit.........just pitiful how they are all the same..........just different clientele (sorta).


                    I did vote for Bush. Doesn't mean I agree with everything he did. In fact, I learned a lot about the party during his term. Much of it regretable. Life is about learning and applying those lessons going forward, not doggedly ramming your head into the same wall over and over.


                      Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
                      I did vote for Bush. Doesn't mean I agree with everything he did. In fact, I learned a lot about the party during his term. Much of it regretable. Life is about learning and applying those lessons going forward, not doggedly ramming your head into the same wall over and over.
                      All the more reason to vote Trump. Out with the old, in with Trump.


                        Originally posted by JGreen31 View Post
                        Well spoken.... Then there is also a difference in that baby killing question....

                        Trump being pro life
                        Killary being murdering babies.
                        Which trump are you speaking about?


                          Originally posted by Tommyh View Post
                          Which trump are you speaking about?

                          The one that is running currently as a republican candidate.


                            Originally posted by Mike Javi Cooper View Post
                            Scott Walker is supposed to announce next day or two.

                            Oh boy, more losers signing up.
                            Originally posted by Vermin93 View Post
                            Paul Ryan is terrible on illegal immigration. Two thumbs down on Ryan for President.
                            This is an interesting article about the party's rules. They put in a rule in 2012 that says the only people eligible to be the nominee are candidates that win at least 8 states' primaries. That means that Trump and Cruz are going to be the only two people who could be the nominee - UNLESS they change the rule at the convention, which would undoubtedly destroy the party.

                            The establishment is gonna have to pick between Trump and Cruz. I love that. I also love that they are more likely to pick Cruz than Trump. But will Trump go independent after that? I sure hope and pray he doesn't.

                            edit: deleted the 2nd link, as I saw there was already a thread about it, including the predictable responses.
                            Last edited by Shane; 03-28-2016, 09:05 PM.


                              Originally posted by Shane View Post
                              This is an interesting article about the party's rules. They put in a rule in 2012 that says the only people eligible to be the nominee are candidates that win at least 8 states' primaries. That means that Trump and Cruz are going to be the only two people who could be the nominee - UNLESS they change the rule at the convention, which would undoubtedly destroy the party.

                              The establishment is gonna have to pick between Trump and Cruz. I love that. I also love that they are more likely to pick Cruz than Trump. But will Trump go independent after that? I sure hope and pray he doesn't.

                              Another interesting letter from a Trump strategist that managed to come out of the spell somehow. Here's hoping there are more where she came from.

                              Good info.........really goin to be some sparks flying!!


                                Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
                                The young man who stood in front of the tank at Tienemen Square did not think that his getting squashed would stop the Chinese government. He did it because he felt it was the right thing to do at the time. In his action of protest he made a statement that became timeless.

                                I am considering rebellion against the Republican Party because I feel they have abandoned their base just as the Democrats have. In short, if all Democrats were Kennedy and all Republicans were Reagan, we wouldn't be having this conversation now. Both parties have lost their way, and it's the people who suffer for it.
                                I think you are absolutely right.

                                I also think and said many times that it will be a long time before we have a conservative as President simply because their are way too many voters on the Government dole. They out number working folks. We are screwed

