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Why I Can't and Won't Vote for Donald Trump

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    Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
    I suppose it comes down to this. I'm not willing to vote for someone who I believe will damage our country just so that I can say I voted for the winner. I have always voted Republican in national elections. Unfortunately I may not have that option this time, so I'll need to consider others.
    But other than stomping your feet, voting for a third, fourth or fifth party candidate, writing Mickey Mouse on the ballot..... do you really think that anyone other than the Dem or GOP nominee will win?

    Your libertarian vote will do nothing but put one or the other in office.

    It is not a matter of saying that you voted for a winner. It is a matter of voting which one is the least likely to do harm. If Trump does nothing more than quit trying to ban guns, that alone puts him head and shoulders above Obama/Clinton.

    You seem like you are content to watch as the country goes further down the toilet while you scream YeeHaa!!... I voted for the third party loser and forced the issue to Clinton!!

    I know that I will not change a single person's opinion. I just can't figure out the rationale of voting for a person knowing that someone else will win and potentially you could help the worst candidate get elected. If there are 10 important issues and you agree with one candidate on 3 of the 10 and the other 0 out of 10, the choice seems simple.

    I think that Trump is goofy. I don't think that he will sign any bills to raise taxes or to ban guns. That alone puts him way ahead of his Democratic challenger.


      It is going to be very ironic if those upset Trump supporters in this thread at some point end up deciding that they won't vote for the GOP nominee if it's someone other than Trump.


        Originally posted by Joshua Flournoy View Post
        It is going to be very ironic if those upset Trump supporters in this thread at some point end up deciding that they won't vote for the GOP nominee if it's someone other than Trump.
        I favor Trump but I will have no problem voting for Cruz if he ends up being the guy. The Democrat alternative would be way too catastrophic. Also, I would not only like for the GOP nominee to win the general election, but also to win the popular vote so the Democrats can't use that as an excuse in denying him a mandate. If the convention is contested and someone other than Trump or Cruz becomes the nominee, then I will have to further evaluate the situation. Hopefully Trump marches on and this becomes a non-issue.


          Originally posted by Joshua Flournoy View Post
          It is going to be very ironic if those upset Trump supporters in this thread at some point end up deciding that they won't vote for the GOP nominee if it's someone other than Trump.
          Really? I have not heard this from the Trump supporters. Only from the Cruz camp. But, I have not read every single thread.

          You may want to reevaluate your numbers. Appears it is mostly Cruz folks making the statement of their candidate or no one.


            Originally posted by tvc184 View Post
            But other than stomping your feet, voting for a third, fourth or fifth party candidate, writing Mickey Mouse on the ballot..... do you really think that anyone other than the Dem or GOP nominee will win?

            Your libertarian vote will do nothing but put one or the other in office.

            It is not a matter of saying that you voted for a winner. It is a matter of voting which one is the least likely to do harm. If Trump does nothing more than quit trying to ban guns, that alone puts him head and shoulders above Obama/Clinton.

            You seem like you are content to watch as the country goes further down the toilet while you scream YeeHaa!!... I voted for the third party loser and forced the issue to Clinton!!

            I know that I will not change a single person's opinion. I just can't figure out the rationale of voting for a person knowing that someone else will win and potentially you could help the worst candidate get elected. If there are 10 important issues and you agree with one candidate on 3 of the 10 and the other 0 out of 10, the choice seems simple.

            I think that Trump is goofy. I don't think that he will sign any bills to raise taxes or to ban guns. That alone puts him way ahead of his Democratic challenger.
            If Trump continues Obama's trend of completely disregarding the limitations on executive power, we are going to have a major problem. Sure, he may push a somewhat kinda maybe a little conservative agenda. Sure he may do what you want him to on illegal immigration and 2A. In the end, if he continues to expand federal power, he's still gone in a few years having set the precedent for a more intrusive and omnipotent federal government. One must remember that if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Any violations committed against the limitations of power committed by republicans to day will be used to justify the same committed by democrats tomorrow. You can't complain about democrats' abuse of power, then vote in a republican who does the same. If you do, you are being dishonest with yourself about why you oppose democrats.

            I want to reiterate that my refusal to vote for the man is not based on his rhetoric so much as it's based on my assessment that the man won't obey the limitations to executive power and will instead continue to expand it. It is my opinion, based on his own words and positions, that Donald Trump intends to do whatever Donald Trump wants to do. When given the choice between expansion of government power in a packaging that I don't like and expansion of government power in a packaging that looks a little more friendly, I will respectfully choose "none of the above".

            If you are so bogged down in the two party system that you find yourself choosing the less mushy of the two poop sandwiches being offered year after year, maybe it's time to find a new restaurant. This doesn't mean that I will never vote for a republican or (I can't believe I'm saying this) a democrat ever again. It simply means that I have not been very excited in the options I have been provided since I turned 18 (1998), and I'm tired of waiting around for the the two main parties to fix their stupidity.
            Last edited by Slow&Steady; 03-28-2016, 10:20 AM.


              OK, here's a question for everyone.....

              I could certainly be wrong, but I think the most likely choice we'll face in November will be between 3 candidates. It'll probably be Hillary on the Dem ticket, and Trump will probably be one of the 3 choices, either as the GOP nominee or as an Independent. But the 3rd candidate is up in the air. That will be determined by the outcome of the Republican convention, which is almost certainly going to be an open convention. If Trump somehow gets enough delegates at the convention, then he'll be the Republican nominee. If that happens, it's possible that the current Republican "establishment" progressives will form a 3rd party and put up a candidate - maybe Kasich or Jeb??

              So one possible slate of candidates could be:

              Democrat: Hillary
              Republican: Trump
              Independent: Kasich/Jeb/some other RINO progressive

              Another possibility is that Cruz gets enough delegates in the convention to win the nomination. If that happens, Trump will cry "UNFAIR!", and he'll run as an independent. So that slate would be:

              Democrat: Hillary
              Republican: Cruz
              Independent: Trump

              A third possibility is that the GOP establishment is able to defeat both Trump and Cruz at the convention and nominate Kasich or Jeb or whoever. Trump will cry "UNFAIR!" and run as an independent if that happens too. So then the slate would be:

              Democrat: Hillary
              Republican: Kasich/Jeb/some other RINO progressive
              Independent: Trump

              I really don't think it's going to come down to a 2-person choice between just Hillary and Trump. Certainly, I could be wrong. This year, especially, is just NUTS and unpredictable. But I expect a 3-person race, one way or another.

              For me, it would be a very easy decision if Cruz is the GOP nominee, of course. But any other 3-person race that involves Trump and some other RINO is gonna be a tough one. It probably won't matter, if it comes to that anyway, as Hillary will win easily no matter what. But maybe, just MAYBE, if Cruz is the GOP nominee, maybe people will not follow Trump to the Independent ticket so that we can defeat Hillary??

              Who knows? What a year.


                Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
                If Trump continues Obama's trend of completely disregarding the limitations on executive power, we are going to have a major problem. Sure, he may push a somewhat kinda maybe a little conservative agenda. Sure he may do what you want him to on illegal immigration and 2A. In the end, if he continues to expand federal power, he's still gone in a few years having set the precedent for a more intrusive and omnipotent federal government. One must remember that if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Any violations committed against the limitations of power committed by republicans to day will be used to justify the same committed by democrats tomorrow. You can't complain about democrats' abuse of power, then vote in a republican who does the same. If you do, you are being dishonest with yourself about why you oppose democrats.

                I want to reiterate that my refusal to vote for the man is not based on his rhetoric so much as it's based on my assessment that the man won't obey the limitations to executive power and will instead continue to expand it. It is my opinion, based on his own words and positions, that Donald Trump intends to do whatever Donald Trump wants to do. When given the choice between expansion of government power in a packaging that I don't like and expansion of government power in a packaging that looks a little more friendly, I will respectfully choose "none of the above".

                If you are so bogged down in the two party system that you find yourself choosing the less mushy of the two poop sandwiches being offered year after year, maybe it's time to find a new restaurant. This doesn't mean that I will never vote for a republican or (I can't believe I'm saying this) a democrat ever again. It simply means that I have not been very excited in the options I have been provided since I turned 18 (1998), and I'm tired of waiting around for the the two main parties to fix their stupidity.
                the issue comes in that when it comes down to killary or trump, thats your choice. hemming and hawing on the candidate's stances is long gone since he has left Texas and moved on to snooker others in primaries everywhere with every one of your concerns. he is an emotional vote, just like Obama's was for the other side.


                  Originally posted by Slow&Steady View Post
                  If Trump continues Obama's trend of completely disregarding the limitations on executive power, we are going to have a major problem. Sure, he may push a somewhat kinda maybe a little conservative agenda. Sure he may do what you want him to on illegal immigration and 2A. In the end, if he continues to expand federal power, he's still gone in a few years having set the precedent for a more intrusive and omnipotent federal government. One must remember that if it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander. Any violations committed against the limitations of power committed by republicans to day will be used to justify the same committed by democrats tomorrow. You can't complain about democrats' abuse of power, then vote in a republican who does the same. If you do, you are being dishonest with yourself about why you oppose democrats.

                  I want to reiterate that my refusal to vote for the man is not based on his rhetoric so much as it's based on my assessment that the man won't obey the limitations to executive power and will instead continue to expand it. It is my opinion, based on his own words and positions, that Donald Trump intends to do whatever Donald Trump wants to do. When given the choice between expansion of government power in a packaging that I don't like and expansion of government power in a packaging that looks a little more friendly, I will respectfully choose "none of the above".

                  If you are so bogged down in the two party system that you find yourself choosing the less mushy of the two poop sandwiches being offered year after year, maybe it's time to find a new restaurant. This doesn't mean that I will never vote for a republican or (I can't believe I'm saying this) a democrat ever again. It simply means that I have not been very excited in the options I have been provided since I turned 18 (1998), and I'm tired of waiting around for the the two main parties to fix their stupidi
                  I could not agree more!!! Going off the rails in another direction ain't gonna fix the BS of the last 15+ years. Ur thoughts are not uncommon across the country.......folks are very much in a quandary!
                  Originally posted by Shane View Post
                  OK, here's a question for everyone.....

                  I could certainly be wrong, but I think the most likely choice we'll face in November will be between 3 candidates. It'll probably be Hillary on the Dem ticket, and Trump will probably be one of the 3 choices, either as the GOP nominee or as an Independent. But the 3rd candidate is up in the air. That will be determined by the outcome of the Republican convention, which is almost certainly going to be an open convention. If Trump somehow gets enough delegates at the convention, then he'll be the Republican nominee. If that happens, it's possible that the current Republican "establishment" progressives will form a 3rd party and put up a candidate - maybe Kasich or Jeb??

                  So one possible slate of candidates could be:

                  Democrat: Hillary
                  Republican: Trump
                  Independent: Kasich/Jeb/some other RINO progressive

                  Another possibility is that Cruz gets enough delegates in the convention to win the nomination. If that happens, Trump will cry "UNFAIR!", and he'll run as an independent. So that slate would be:

                  Democrat: Hillary
                  Republican: Cruz
                  Independent: Trump

                  A third possibility is that the GOP establishment is able to defeat both Trump and Cruz at the convention and nominate Kasich or Jeb or whoever. Trump will cry "UNFAIR!" and run as an independent if that happens too. So then the slate would be:

                  Democrat: Hillary
                  Republican: Kasich/Jeb/some other RINO progressive
                  Independent: Trump

                  I really don't think it's going to come down to a 2-person choice between just Hillary and Trump. Certainly, I could be wrong. This year, especially, is just NUTS and unpredictable. But I expect a 3-person race, one way or another.

                  For me, it would be a very easy decision if Cruz is the GOP nominee, of course. But any other 3-person race that involves Trump and some other RINO is gonna be a tough one. It probably won't matter, if it comes to that anyway, as Hillary will win easily no matter what. But maybe, just MAYBE, if Cruz is the GOP nominee, maybe people will not follow Trump to the Independent ticket so that we can defeat Hillary??

                  Who knows? What a year.
                  Yep, who knows! Lots of speculation by many wanna be pundits. Lots of GREAT points also by plenty of folks. All I can see is the "end game"'s gonna be UGLY but dang entertaining!!!


                    Hey.... you can always vote for Bubba J. That's what I'm thinking of doing...

                    Last edited by Mike Javi Cooper; 03-28-2016, 10:55 AM.


                      I think there is no scenario where the establishment runs a third party candidate and can expect to win. I believe the establishment would prefer to lose rather than support a Trump or Cruz presidency.


                        Originally posted by Gunnyart View Post
                        I think there is no scenario where the establishment runs a third party candidate and can expect to win. I believe the establishment would prefer to lose rather than support a Trump or Cruz presidency.
                        I agree. If they run a third candidate, it will solely be in order to derail Trump.


                          Originally posted by Gunnyart View Post
                          I think there is no scenario where the establishment runs a third party candidate and can expect to win. I believe the establishment would prefer to lose rather than support a Trump or Cruz presidency.
                          I don't think the establishment cares as much about winning the election as they care about maintaining control of the/a party. They're concern is about their own place at the table and their own control. That's why I've been hoping all along that we, the voters, use the primaries to vote in better people into positions of power. We've been making some progress over the last couple of election cycles. We did get rid of Boehner. Of course we got Ryan as a replacement, but that was still a small win/first step.

                          I hope there aren't 3 candidates on the ballot in November, but I'll be surprised if there are just 2. I hope that if there's just 2, by some miracle, I hope that another miracle happens and Trump isn't one of them. Not holding my breath for that either though.


                            Originally posted by Shane View Post
                            I don't think the establishment cares as much about winning the election as they care about maintaining control of the/a party. They're concern is about their own place at the table and their own control. That's why I've been hoping all along that we, the voters, use the primaries to vote in better people into positions of power. We've been making some progress over the last couple of election cycles. We did get rid of Boehner. Of course we got Ryan as a replacement, but that was still a small win/first step.

                            I hope there aren't 3 candidates on the ballot in November, but I'll be surprised if there are just 2. I hope that if there's just 2, by some miracle, I hope that another miracle happens and Trump isn't one of them. Not holding my breath for that either though.
                            Human nature regrettably.........protect what I have no matter how much of a bad idea it is! Sad that both parties operate in that vacuum and look at the folks that put them their as peons.
                            It is looking like Ryan is going to be the 3rd candidate if this thing goes to convention unsolved.


                              Scott Walker is supposed to announce next day or two.

                              Oh boy, more losers signing up.


                                Paul Ryan is terrible on illegal immigration. Two thumbs down on Ryan for President.

