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Im a Dang Rookie and Cant Do Anything Right!

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    Im a Dang Rookie and Cant Do Anything Right!

    That's right! After 33 years of bowhunting, I don't have a clue! Long read so here we go!

    There is a particular deer I have devoted my season to bow hunting. I know his life history and really like him. I have set for him at least 120 hours so far this season with multiple sightings and close calls including the rookie mistakes I made in the thread "A Living Nightmare!". Now that old buck has been MIA for a couple of weeks until five days ago. He showed back up looking like crap. probably lost 50lbs! He was hungry and was just living in my super secret corn pile. He would come in and out five or six times per hour. The problem was, he was getting back to my sanctuary every morning around 4 AM and camping in the corn.I had him patterned and all I needed was a North wind which I knew was coming Sunday night but also knew I had to be set up before he got home.

    Monday(yesterday) morning, I parked a long way back and sneaked in perfectly in the moonlight. As I peeked over the tent blind, there was a big ol boar hog in my corn pile. Now I had a choice...I knew no deer were coming with him there so I had to wait for him to leave or shoot him. Now a quick mulling of that and I realized he was going nowhere until all my corn was gone so I knocked an arrow and turned the pin light on. SMACK! Right in the sweet spot and he charged out of there. I was in by 4am. I hunted till daybreak and at 7:04 I saw my shooter come out of my sanctuary about 100yds down and kept staring into the woods. I threw all my tricks at him but he eventually walked away toward one of my food plots and never came back.

    After I got out of the stand, I pulled the card and discovered that hog had been there since 10:30pm. I picked up the trail and he went about 120yds into the thicket and was laying right in the middle of the buck trail. I couldn't even move him out of the trail and I was afraid he might ruin the spot.

    This morning, I hit it early and was set up by 3AM. At 4:05 My target deer showed up in the moonlight and ate at 20yds. he did his routine of eating a few minutes, then walk out and work some scrapes, come back and eat some more. He did that for over 2 hours and I was really wanting shooting hours to arrive. At about 6:15 he was working a scrape about 40yds away and walked out of my view to the right. Its light enough to shoot now and Im ready for his next snack!

    I had about worn my phone out txting Johnny and Jooger. Suddenly his antlers appeared in my peep hole about 6yds from me and headed back to the corn pile. I was afraid to move and waited until he was past me and about 16yds ot. He turned almost broad side with a slight quartering away, leg forward, Pin a third of the way up...Rock steady...WHACK! he bucked and made a short run and then I couldn't hear him anymore. Afew seconds later, a big buck came charging in from my left and was watching my shot deer. I raised my binoculars and he looked just like my shooter! I knew it couldn't be since the deer I shot went the opposite direction. I text several folks and told them I drilled him. Now Steve(Jooger) owed me one since I helped track his buck and I started calling him but he was snuggled up to Momma and wouldn't answer the phone.

    He finally called me back after an eternal 15 minutes and said he was on the way! I sneaked out and met Steve on the road. I was giggling because I knew I smoked him but wanted Steve to see him anyway. He got here about 8am and we headed back.

    As we approached, the arrow was easy to find and painted bright red. Blood started immediately. Within 20 yds there was a red streak on each side as he literally painted the ground. He wont be far. WRONG! At about 75yds the blood went from a road stripe to a few spots! It got hard for the next 150yds. We were expecting to find him any second. Now let me stop and say this.... Steve is one of the best blood trailers I have ever trailed with. Im really particular about working the trail and I quickly learned we had exactly the same ideas of how it should work. I shortly relinquished the lead to him and I marked blood. Hands and knees dried specks on pine straw kind of trailing! Eventually and after 300yds we found a bed. Very little blood in it and the trail leaving was dried up so we knew we hadn't jumped him. I told Steve that if we didn't know this deer was centerpunched, that bed would say a flesh wounded deer. We were able to work the blood another 50yds or so and he went into about an acre opening where the blood was totally dried up and we lost it.

    It was 10:45 and I arranged a breakfast to regroup and see if we could find a dog. No luck on the dog so we went back with full bellies to start fresh. Steve found another tiny fleck of dried blood that gave us a general direction and we started circling. A few minutes later I saw Steve waving his arms and hand signaling so I sneaked over there. He had jumped a very much alive buck and gotten a good look at his side with no visible blood. We checked where the deer was bedded and sure enough, There was about two tablespoons of blood in it.

    Its now close to noon and 5.5 hours after I centerpunched that buck. Now for the next twist. Steve described the deer and he had nothing in common with the deer I was hunting! We tailed the deer by tracks for another 100yds and never saw another drop of blood so we came home. I popped the card from my camera in the computer and there was a new 8pt about 18 inches wide that I had never seen before. Steve immediately identified him as the deer we were tracking!

    All I can figure on that is since I had seen my target deer for hours, when he came in so close, I just presumed it was him when I saw big antlers. Im a ROOKIE! I never looked at the antlers again until I shot. That explains the mystery deer running in after the shot that looked just like the deer I was hunting!

    Next is the mystery of the shot. I was shooting a mechanical broad head which deployed and looked perfect. If I live to be a hundred , I will never understand how that deer lived over that shot!

    Steve, I sure appreciate the help. Ill do better next time! I owe you one again.
    Attached Files

    Wierd stuff happens in this sport that we all love. It is hard to believe what these critters can take sometimes and live over. Keep your head up and go kill the big guy!!!


      sorry to hear about your luck bud,

      good news is the buck youve been hunting is still out there!


        Boy howdy. I mean, you were watching ONE deer all morning and no other deer, correct? Then cripple horn disappears from the right then moments later a big buck reappears from the right. Yep, without even thinking...ol cripple horn. Darn the luck brother BUT good news is, for whatever reason that buck will probably live to see another day and the chase for ol cripple horn continues. Get back out there man, he ain't boogered up because of that. Looking forward to the LDP's!

        Oh, and tip that bolt with an xbow trick and blow his heart out.


          Man you are going to remember this Trophy, you will get him!! Good luck!


            Originally posted by camo_cowboy55 View Post
            sorry to hear about your luck bud,

            good news is the buck youve been hunting is still out there!
            X2! Great write up BTW.


              Dang the luck!! I thought this was going to have a happy ending.

              What's your best guess on the shot placement. High lungish or maybe single lung and out the front of his chest? Arrow sure looks good.


                Great story, matter of fact probably the best one I've read this year. Hopefully you'll get your target buck! I admire the dedication you put into this buck


                  Originally posted by Bleu View Post
                  Dang the luck!! I thought this was going to have a happy ending.

                  What's your best guess on the shot placement. High lungish or maybe single lung and out the front of his chest? Arrow sure looks good.
                  I intentionally shot him low in the chest. When he stopped, it was easy to see the angle the arrow went through him by the exit side blood pile being about 5 inches further forward than the entry side. Definitely didn't deflect out the front, blood trail on each side. I have NO explanation for the deer being alive 6 hours later. Nor can I explain the river of bright blood suddenly quitting. I just cant help but believe I shot him right through the boiler room.


                    Originally posted by Johnny View Post
                    Boy howdy. I mean, you were watching ONE deer all morning and no other deer, correct? Then cripple horn disappears from the right then moments later a big buck reappears from the right. Yep, without even thinking...ol cripple horn. Darn the luck brother BUT good news is, for whatever reason that buck will probably live to see another day and the chase for ol cripple horn continues. Get back out there man, he ain't boogered up because of that. Looking forward to the LDP's!

                    Oh, and tip that bolt with an xbow trick and blow his heart out.
                    Thanks for the optimism. You are right about watching ONE deer. that 8pt thought he would sneak in a grab a bite while CH was gone. He was a nice deer but I certainly would not have shot him. I hope he lives and I get pics of the holes.

                    Part of me wants to just give up and kill something else. I committed to this deer when I let that little gal shoot the big ten point. Now its just personal!


                      Originally posted by Aggiehunter08 View Post
                      Great story, matter of fact probably the best one I've read this year. Hopefully you'll get your target buck! I admire the dedication you put into this buck
                      x2. set up at 4 am. thats dedication. you deserve some luck. keep it up and good things will happen


                        I've got to tell you, I haven't been on as many blood trails as GarGuy, but I've followed more than a thousand. I told Steve today, I could find folks deer for them before I ever killed my first one at age 7. This was not a new trick for me today... Until I saw with my own eyes what happened.

                        Less than 1 min into the trail I told Steve, he ain't 30 yards from is right now... I was wrong. I've never seen anything like this at all. When that buck jumped and ran, he was not hurting at all! In fact, I almost didn't go investigate because this deer didn't look wounded at all. I decided to give it a look and sure enough, there was a little fleshy blood in his bed.

                        There will be more than one that will speculate on "what really happened" and I wish you could tell me. I must have run through 100 scenarios during the 5 hours of tracking and there is NOTHING that explains what took place here.

                        I really think you need to let one of them kiddos kill that buck so we can figure out what the heck happened!

                        As for Cripple Horn... You better hope you don't need me in the morning because I'll be on the river duck hunting and won't have signal He's not boogered though and I bet you get him before the weekend.

                        I hate that we didn't find the deer, but every time I'm around Steve I learn something new about deer and deer hunting. Today I even managed to pry a couple of gar stories out of him and I'm smart enough to pick out the important details and file into my brain for the spring

                        Call me when you get him bubba, I want to put my hands on him!


                          Don't give up! U will have this story to tell youngsters for years to come.


                            Awesome story, thanks for sharing. This is the kind of stuff that gets me excited to hunt deer with a bow.

                            I too have had my battles with the "1" deer and can relate. In 2011 my target deer was at my feeder opening weekend three, I was on a day hunt. I passed him in early December as he came in with not enough shooting light. I was able to kill him on 12/17, my grandfathers birthday.

                            In 2012 I passed my "1" target deer twice in November with rifle in hand and had one bow encounter in December in which I was never offered a shot. I screwed up my one and only good bow shot on the last morning of the season with only this video to show for it.

                            Sorry to hijack your thread but your story really reminded me of why I bow hunt.

                            I hunted all season and had this one and only opportunity at this buck on the last day of the season. I consider this a catch and release deer as I passed a ...


                              Originally posted by GarGuy View Post

                              Now let me stop and say this.... Steve is one of the best blood trailers I have ever trailed with. Im really particular about working the trail and I quickly learned we had exactly the same ideas of how it should work. I shortly relinquished the lead to him and I marked blood. Hands and knees dried specks on pine straw kind of trailing!

                              This is also just about the highest compliment I've ever been paid too. A lot of folks on here just know you as the guy on the green screen. I know WHO you are and have been hearing about you and your critters since Billy Lewis gave me on of your old VHS tapes when I was a kid. To have a compliment paid like that from someone with legendary status, well it really means something. Thanks Steve.

