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Just found a DEAD 22yo Honduran Immigrant

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    Originally posted by Birddogss View Post
    Well said Bill!! time I head back home to the bay area to see the folks I need to look you up and buy you a beer...
    Bring your bow. I just got permission today to hunt 180 acres of hillside and oak trees loaded with pigs- 10 minutes from my house!


      Originally posted by Bill in San Jose View Post
      He made a choice.
      He chose to come into the US illegally, knowing the risks.
      He made a bad choice to travel in the TX heat w/o water.
      His choice had a negative consequences.
      I respect all human life.
      I feel sorry when little kids get cancer, soldiers who die, people how get hit by drunk drivers, but for him, to quote the song,

      "My givea****'s busted"

      Usually I try and be quiet if I don't have nothing nice to say, but this problem is a huge threat to my country on various levels. I mostly blame our *** backwards goverment for not cutting off the head of the problem, but I'll be danged if I blink about a illegal dieing while breaking the law. That goes for any illegal no matter where they're from.

      I'm not a citizen of the world. I'm a citizen of the United States of America.


        There are LEGAL ways to get in this country. NO compassion for them.


          It's easy?

          This guy would have spent his last dime trying to get here. He would have done anything possible and most likely spent considerable coin crossing. If legal channels were available, he would have gladly stood in that line. Instead he gave his life. He knew the risks and he went "all in". I work with a guy from Mexico City. He says it is impossible for the average guy to obtain legal entry into this country from the South. If you are a person of means, then you have a chance to obtain legal entry. As for this guy, he could visit, but that's it. However, you can bet this guy was not looking to be a tourist.

          Its sad there are people here with no compassion. In my opinion thats a black mark on the idviduals heart.


            Very very sad this poor soul lost his life. We are all Gods children...

            I was also thinking if our politicians had done thier job and we had secure borders, then this person could not have gotten into our desert and lost his life in this manner. I believe I will not blame the man for wanting a better life, nor will I blame anyone but the politicians we have who talk and lie while people from everywhere suffer and die.


              You could tell who the south Texas guys are on this thread without names or avatars.

              People always say that they come here and take away jobs from those that live here... I really don't see anyone but them lining up to do the work that they do.


                Originally posted by Encinal View Post
                You could tell who the south Texas guys are on this thread without names or avatars.

                People always say that they come here and take away jobs from those that live here... I really don't see anyone but them lining up to do the work that they do.
                I see both sides of the illegal easy answers but my official stance is send them back when caught regardless of intentions. Most illegals are being paid cash, sending lots of $$$ back home and add no revenue to the income tax base while the rest of us get pounded. (one of the reasons I would like to see income tax abolished & some sort of a more fair national sales tax) If this was the case, it would not bother me as there are some dedicated hard workers.

                My biggest beef is obvious pregnant women who enter at the poi's who obviously are coming across for the free labor and delivery on our dime and then they get a bonus of instant citizenship for their child and all the benifits?? This is really costing us all a lot of $$$$ that no one wants to address as you are labeled a hater. It really burdens the area hospitals too....they even have the right to file lawsuits if something bad happens. It's gotta stop.

                If I get hurt while working in mex that requires medical, i won't get squat unless I put money up front....why the double standard?? Oh right, the u.s. is morally superior for the sake of votes. Amnesty is the answer.


                  Originally posted by artos View Post
                  i see both sides of the illegal easy answers but my official stance is send them back when caught regardless of intentions. Most illegals are being paid cash, sending lots of $$$ back home and add no revenue to the income tax base while the rest of us get pounded. (one of the reasons i would like to see income tax abolished & some sort of a more fair national sales tax) if this was the case, it would not bother me as there are some dedicated hard workers.

                  My biggest beef is obvious pregnant women who enter at the poi's who obviously are coming across for the free labor and delivery on our dime and then they get a bonus of instant citizenship for their child and all the benifits?? This is really costing us all a lot of $$$$ that no one wants to address as you are labeled a hater. It really burdens the area hospitals too....they even have the right to file lawsuits if something bad happens. It's gotta stop.

                  If i get hurt while working in mex that requires medical, i won't get squat unless i put money up front....why the double standard?? Oh right, the u.s. Is morally superior for the sake of votes. Amnesty is the answer.
                  very good answer!


                    Originally posted by Encinal View Post
                    You could tell who the south Texas guys are on this thread without names or avatars.

                    People always say that they come here and take away jobs from those that live here... I really don't see anyone but them lining up to do the work that they do.
                    I agree. Very easy to tell who has never been down this way even for a visit. Much less lived here and dealt with it on a regular basis. A human is a human even if they don't look like you, talk like you, or think like you.


                      It's sad that this guy died, and he is was as valuable as a human being as everyone else.

                      The fact that it's very difficult, if not impossible, for someone like him to gain legal entry into the U.S. doesn't make it OK for him to attempt to come in illegally though. I don't think it's a crime that he deserved death for or anything, but he did die while crossing the border illegally. Attempting to cross the desert of Mexico/Texas in July without an adequate water supply isn't the smartest thing anyone ever did either.

                      We can feel bad for the conditions in his homeland that lead him to want to come to America, and we can certainly mourn the loss of his life and the loss that it means to his family. But let's not make him a martar.


                        Originally posted by Artos View Post
                        I see both sides of the illegal easy answers but my official stance is send them back when caught regardless of intentions. Most illegals are being paid cash, sending lots of $$$ back home and add no revenue to the income tax base while the rest of us get pounded. (one of the reasons I would like to see income tax abolished & some sort of a more fair national sales tax) If this was the case, it would not bother me as there are some dedicated hard workers.

                        My biggest beef is obvious pregnant women who enter at the poi's who obviously are coming across for the free labor and delivery on our dime and then they get a bonus of instant citizenship for their child and all the benifits?? This is really costing us all a lot of $$$$ that no one wants to address as you are labeled a hater. It really burdens the area hospitals too....they even have the right to file lawsuits if something bad happens. It's gotta stop.

                        If I get hurt while working in mex that requires medical, i won't get squat unless I put money up front....why the double standard?? Oh right, the u.s. is morally superior for the sake of votes. Amnesty is the answer.
                        Couldnt have said it better. facts are facts.


                          wow thats crazy


                            Originally posted by k9trainer View Post
                            not sure anyone asked you to donate your givea****
                            Hey Bill in San Jose, man I posted this kinda in the moment last night and looking back this morning, it's a stupid and rude thing to say. Sorry man.


                              Originally posted by Artos View Post
                              I see both sides of the illegal easy answers but my official stance is send them back when caught regardless of intentions. Most illegals are being paid cash, sending lots of $$$ back home and add no revenue to the income tax base while the rest of us get pounded. (one of the reasons I would like to see income tax abolished & some sort of a more fair national sales tax) If this was the case, it would not bother me as there are some dedicated hard workers.

                              My biggest beef is obvious pregnant women who enter at the poi's who obviously are coming across for the free labor and delivery on our dime and then they get a bonus of instant citizenship for their child and all the benifits?? This is really costing us all a lot of $$$$ that no one wants to address as you are labeled a hater. It really burdens the area hospitals too....they even have the right to file lawsuits if something bad happens. It's gotta stop.

                              If I get hurt while working in mex that requires medical, i won't get squat unless I put money up front....why the double standard?? Oh right, the u.s. is morally superior for the sake of votes. Amnesty is the answer.
                              I agree... but there does appear to be a small silver lining. Lots of illegal immigrants are working in this country with fake social security numbers and are paying into the system to the tune of an estimated 13 billion a year. Thanks to the illegal immigrant, we just might see our social security benefits after all.

                              Of course, the drain on education and healthcare is substantial and overriding... but it would be nice to actually see a social security check some day.


                                Heck thats a sad situation. I say by the time one of the illegals cross the border and stumble all through the south tx brush, sometimes without even a light and barely any worthwhile shoes on their feet with a milk jug gallon of water they should be given at least a temporary passport. Hell they do it without their fancy snakeboots and golf carts,clean water and clothes. Think about it. Thats a pretty big risk and some large cajones those guys have. They are probably the ones you want to work

