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Been in a slump

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    Originally posted by 1riot1ranger View Post
    May not be what you want to hear. And maybe you’ve already done it. Get your dr to test Thyroid. And testosterone. Both or either will make a difference
    Check this one. You're about the right age to start to have those issues. Speaking from experience, you'd be amazed at how much difference T therapy makes.

    Don't recommend the Ole Slump Buster remedy. It's fun but can cause a whole lot of blowback if you're already married.


      There's a slump buster remedy utilized in baseball.

      It is featured in the movie Bull Durham, and Jason Giambi was known to employ it...


        Originally posted by BigL View Post
        Thats what I've been needing. A good big girl with daddy issues who is thankful for the opportunity and going to make the most out of it because she doesn't know when her next opportunity will come.
        Your wife would put a full country azz whupping on your arse if she read this! 😂


          Go out tomorrow and help someone or do something for someone.

          Focus on helping someone else instead of thinking about yourself!!!


            Been in a slump twice in my life. Got two new wifes from them. Best way to get out of a slump. No more slumps for me, the first two were practice wifes and this one is a keeper.


              Power through it. I was in the biggest slump of my life a few years ago. I was having anxiety attacks two and three times a day and could not sleep. I started praying every day in my truck before I left the driveway and had faith the lord would not put more on me than I could take on. I stayed the course ! I got remarried to a great lady that loved to
              Hunt and fish. I Started my own company and moved to the country. Slumps gone !
              Last edited by sharkhunter; 03-18-2021, 08:25 PM.


                Acknowledge shortcomings. Say them out loud. Make it a point to approach situations with optimism. Go out of your way to do something nice any chance you get, especially for strangers or people you know couldn't return the favor. Eat healthy, exercise when you can, and get out in the sun. Wake up early. Give prayers a chance, and count what you're truly thankful for! All it takes is a perspective shift and a clear mind to bust out of it. Good luck!


                  Originally posted by MagicBlade View Post
                  Go out tomorrow and help someone or do something for someone.

                  Focus on helping someone else instead of thinking about yourself!!!
                  Depends on who it is I might add. Don't give anyone money you can't afford to lose, you'll never see it again and it could cause another slump. Don't set yourself up for failure. Be kind, most definitely. But don't make helping someone a habit because if they ain't helping themselves they'll drag you down with them.

                  I look at it the same way I'd look at jumping in the water to save someone that's drowning. That person can drown you with them if you're not careful. There's been times when I didn't hesitate for a second to help someone in need. It came back to bite me every time. I'm only jumping in the pool so many times before I just sit down on the side and put my feet in the water. If I drown it's because of me. That's my bad. But I ain't letting someone drag me down with them.

                  Helping people is good. But it can be a double edged sword. Getting burnt time and time again can harden your heart. Trust me I know. Help those that are trying to help themselves. If you give some people an inch they'll take a mile.

                  And don't think that excludes family. They're the worst there is about it. Before you stick your neck out for someone ask yourself an honest question. Would they do the same for me? If the answer is no you ain't on lifeguard duty. Don't so much as kick floaties in the pool. Let their *** sink.

                  I use the drowning analogy for a few reasons. I've helped people that I'd like to come across when they had trouble swimming and I'd like to have a stack of bricks close by so we could play catch.
                  Last edited by okrattler; 03-19-2021, 02:32 AM.


                    Have a conversation with God.
                    Make your bed.
                    If your body or mind is dependent on a substance, get help.
                    Drink more water.
                    Get a hobby or 2 that you enjoy.
                    Limit your social media usage.
                    Get a massage.
                    Listen to your body.


                      God bless you PB.

                      Hunt slump... I go hunt.
                      Archery slump... I go arch...often changing form drastically to bring it back to a known consistent form.
                      Marriage slump...I pinch her fanny and talk dirty unnecessarily often. Simple date nights provide best relational results for me.


                        Originally posted by Pushbutton2 View Post
                        The past few years.

                        Hunting, Archery, Marriage, you knew the usual.

                        What are some things y'all have done to break them?

                        Get off social media, focus on yourself and your priorities. Set small attainable goals that you can work on and realize short term progress. Big, life style changing improvements are nothing more than a series of small goals and daily battles you win on the road to real change.

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                          Hope you’re doing better PB2.


                            drama and issues always follow some!

                            If you don't like your life, change it! Only you control it


                              Consider a soup kitchen or volunteering at a retirement home. Might be a way to remind you what you have and what you should be grateful for.


                                Read Extreme Ownership.

                                The jist of the book is you are the only one who can get yourself out of your slump. Read the book, understand it, implement it, and your slump will be gone.

