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Now 7.8 Billion

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    Originally posted by manwitaplan View Post
    Not here to argue with you or prove any points. My take is something is not adding up.

    2009 - Swine flu infected 600,000 here in US, caused 239,000 hospitalizations, and killed 12,000! We never heard a word. No global shut down, no nothing. Then it disappeared!

    I am doing my part to self quarantine and protect my family best I can. This has gone ballistic and the numbers are not adding up. Fear is a great controller.
    I wasn't trying to argue, either. I didn't understand your point and didn't articulate it very well.

    Back then there was less social media and the president was so beloved by the media that they played to his message of "caution, not panic". Now we have an insane social media and along with a liberal media who hates this president. Plus, its an election year. They want to undermine his credibility, fuel panic, and blame it on him.

    The H1N1 virus was a novel virus, but still it was a strain of influenza. If you got it, you knew it and so did everyone else. So it was much easier to contain. COVID-19's symptoms are so mild in many cases that most people may never know they have it. Plus it is highly contagious. Those 2 factors are what makes this potentially catastrophic if we don't slow it down.

    Those H1N1 numbers are over a 12-18 month period also. We're very early into this thing and because of the shortage of tests, the totals we're seeing now don't really mean much. It "disappeared" because they eventually developed a vaccine. We're not they're yet.

    It is possible for two things to be true at the same. This is very serious. The panic is over the top. My family is doing as it sounds like you are, trying not to get it. And if by chance we do, trying not give it to others.

    We would all be better served by a media that was capable of putting the country and our safety over their own political partisanship. They are causing a lot of people to question whether this is real while fueling the insanity of those in panic mode.
    Last edited by ttechdallas; 03-18-2020, 05:53 PM.


      Originally posted by ttechdallas View Post
      I wasn't trying to argue, either. I didn't understand your point and didn't articulate it very well.

      Back then there was less social media and the president was so beloved by the media that they played to his message of "caution, not panic". Now we have an insane social media and along with a liberal media who hates this president. Plus, its an election year. They want to undermine his credibility, fuel panic, and blame it on him.

      The H1N1 virus was a novel virus, but still it was a strain of influenza. If you got it, you knew it and so did everyone else. So it was much easier to contain. COVID-19's symptoms are so mild in many cases that most people may never know they have it. Plus it is highly contagious. Those 2 factors are what makes this potentially catastrophic if we don't slow it down.

      Those H1N1 numbers are over a 12-18 month period also. We're very early into this thing and because of the shortage of tests, the totals we're seeing now don't really mean much. It "disappeared" because they eventually developed a vaccine. We're not they're yet.

      It is possible for two things to be true at the same. This is very serious. The panic is over the top. My family is doing as it sounds like you are, trying not to get it. And if by chance we do, trying not give it to others.

      We would all be better served by a media that was capable of putting the country and our safety over their own political partisanship. They are causing a lot of people to question whether this is real while fueling the insanity of those in panic mode.
      Thanks and excellent post! I agree with the social media thing and the presidential love affair at the time. Did not even consider those things.

      I guess my (not understanding) issue is:

      - people under 18 are not necessarily getting sick even though infected!

      - that cruise ship tested every passenger and it was over 90% infection with 50% being asymptomatic!

      - also we keep claiming more and more folks are infected spreading this virus than actually getting sick

      - china went from 1000 a day down to 10 a day in less than 3 months.

      The unknown and crazy predictions are off the chart with no factual information since not enough data.

      crazy times


        Originally posted by manwitaplan View Post
        Thanks and excellent post! I agree with the social media thing and the presidential love affair at the time. Did not even consider those things.

        I guess my (not understanding) issue is:

        - people under 18 are not necessarily getting sick even though infected!

        - that cruise ship tested every passenger and it was over 90% infection with 50% being asymptomatic!

        - also we keep claiming more and more folks are infected spreading this virus than actually getting sick

        - china went from 1000 a day down to 10 a day in less than 3 months.

        The unknown and crazy predictions are off the chart with no factual information since not enough data.

        crazy times
        It is crazy. I've been curious about those same things and you just about have to go 3 pages or more into a web search before you stop getting politically charged propaganda. You still never know for sure what is real.

        Who knows the real story coming out of China either? They have a state controlled media a history of covering up what isn't favorable to China. We can't always trust our media either.

        One of the ironies is all these young folks out partying and dismissing the warnings coming from Trump/WH. Of course. The liberal media has been telling them for 3 years that he is a liar and cannot be trusted.



          I still personally know no one with it..

          7.8 BILION ..!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Less than 10,000 dead...

          Man this is getting out of hand fast!!

          Since we are operating with questimations with this stuff, how about Cancer in the US?

          Cases expected in the US for 2020= 1.8 million NEW

          Deaths expected in the US for 2020= 606,205

          Where is the panic and HUGE money dump surrounding this evil disease???



            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post

            I still personally know no one with it..

            7.8 BILION ..!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Less than 10,000 dead...

            Man this is getting out of hand fast!!

            Since we are operating with questimations with this stuff, how about Cancer in the US?

            Cases expected in the US for 2020= 1.8 million NEW

            Deaths expected in the US for 2020= 606,205

            Where is the panic and HUGE money dump surrounding this evil disease???

            You just don't understand. Corona MIGHT overwhelm our healthcare system in a worst case scenario.
            Last edited by LWC; 03-19-2020, 02:58 PM.


              Originally posted by LWC View Post
              You just don't understand. Corona MIGHT overwhelm our healthcare system in a worst case scenario.
              Oh. Ok. My bad.. Because cancer can't do that... MDA cancer is so large that looks like a city within a city and growing AND its no where near big enough.. GOD forbid a person has to get in that place.. It's a 3-4 month wait in most cases!!!

              Some hard numbers!!


                Not sure if you caught my sarcasm TT. But I agree that there are scarier things in this world to me at least...than corona. I can't figure out the reaction to it.


                  Originally posted by LWC View Post
                  Silvio Brusaferro, the president of Italy’s Higher Institute of Health, said on Friday that the average age of coronavirus victims was 80.3, with the majority having suffered underlying illnesses. The most common additional health issue was arterial hypertension followed by chronic heart disease, atrial fibrillation and cancer.

                  Old info already. 40% of people in the U.S. with the virus are between the ages of 20-54.


                    Originally posted by ByronB View Post
                    Old info already. 40% of people in the U.S. with the virus are between the ages of 20-54.
                    A CDC report issued Wednesday came with a new warning: COVID-19 is seriously sickening American adults of all ages, not just those who are older and immune-compromised.

                    About 20 percent of the hospitalized patients and 12 percent of the intensive care patients were between the ages of 20 and 44, according to the report.

                    Even more startling, 38 percent of those who required hospitalization in the U.S. with the coronavirus symptoms were ages 20 to 54.


                      Be cautious. Don’t panic. I sell in to Hospitals and the panic is real. Healthcare workers are trying to do the best they can under the circumstances because of procedural changes, meetings, additional sick patients, etc. I am locked out of most of them which is totally understandable. Hoping everything gets back to normal soon.


                        Originally posted by ByronB View Post
                        Old info already. 40% of people in the U.S. with the virus are between the ages of 20-54.
                        My quote was regarding corona deaths in Italy. Not just people that have it.


                          Originally posted by JBJTX81 View Post
                          Have you seen what is happening in Italy right now? They don't have the capacity to support the influx of patients in the hospitals. They don't have enough ventilators to put all those that need to be on life support on life support. If you are old they are just keeping you comfortable and letting you die. The whole idea here is to slow the spread so our system can keep up with the demand for critical care. When the system is flooded and life support and other critical care systems are not available then the death%%% increases drastically.

                          If you mom or dad got this and needed a ventilator to help aide breathing during the recovery process would you just say...Oh well, they got COVID they can die??? Everyone seems to think $$$ is more precious than life.

                          Reading some of these posts makes me wonder how many of yall support abortion. Well this baby will cause financial strain on the system so lets just kill it.

                          Thank you sir for your intelligent thought and thinking rationally. It blows my mind that people do not understand the restrictions are to slow down the spread so our healthcare system is not overwhelmed with sick people who we are unable to provide the necessary things needed to keep them alive!


                            As a number of us suggested would happen here in the US, the death rate is plummeting and is now in line with the flu. I bet it keeps going down and many, many more are going to be tested in the coming weeks.

