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2020 Workout Accountability thread!!!!!!!!!

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    It was crowded in the gym this morning, but fortunately everyone was working on something other than I was. Shoulders and triceps today so I could rest my legs for a day. A little cardio to get the blood moving then 3 warmup sets and 4 working supersets.

    Military press/bodyweight dips/incline situps
    Seated lateral raise/skull crusher/incline leg raise
    Rear delt cable fly/overhead rope extension/ab roller
    Front raise/Cable pushdown

    Chest and biceps tomorrow or chest, back and biceps.


      Made it 2 days in a row at the Gym.

      Just some stairs, bike, elliptical cardio mixed in with my PT and core. Gotta keep it up and get back on track.


        Another week and 5 days in a row. I'm glad to get to sleep in tomorrow! Chest, back and bicep giant sets with a little ab work today.

        Incline chest press/preacher curl long bar row/incline situp
        Inverse grip chest press/low row/BB curl/incline situp
        Seated wide grip chest press/BB row/hammer curl

        Have a great weekend!


          Planning on a jog this evening and back in the gym tomorrow AM


            3.5 miles yesterday and currently in the gym knocking out some PT and cardio


              Working things a little different for awhile. Still supersettting, but concentrating more on holding the contraction and slowing the eccentric down while increasing the volume. That means a little lighter weight, which goes against my grain but I'm gonna stick with it awhile. Back and legs today. On the treadmill, bicycle and abduction machine to get the blood moving then three sets of back and legs to warm up and 4 working sets.

              BB row/leg extension/incline situp
              Cable pulldown/supersquat
              Assisted pullup/prone leg curl/cable rotation
              Intermediate grip row/Calf raise


                2.25 mile jog this morning with the Mrs

                Gym tomorrow morning


                  0336 came early this morning, but it gave me a little more time in the gym today so that makes it worthwhile. I guess. Chest and legs supersets.

                  Smith machine incline press. Hit every setting all the way to flat bench 15 second rest between sets X3/prone leg curl/incline situp

                  Decline bench press strip set/deadlift/incline leg raise

                  Seated wide grip chest press/calf raise/ab roller


                    I'm still on track to run some kind of race in the fall or winter this year. However with the Covid virus still hanging around I'm not sure if they will have any races for awhile. It's always better to have a target to focus on for motivation.

                    Keep on moving everyone.


                      In keeping with kicking my own arse every day I have decided that Wednesday is going to be my circuit workout. I did it last week and it was good. Today totally sucked balls. 10 rounds of 10.

                      Body weight ring pullups (after 5th set switched to v-bar pullups)
                      Weighted sled 20 yard sprint
                      Weighted crunch
                      Weighted sled 20 yard sprint
                      30 seconds battling rope (5 sets front/5 sets lateral)



                        Missed yesterday but made it this morning to the gym!


                          Got 32 miles on the bike last night. Day off today and then see what is going on tomorrow and if the storm will cancel my normal ride.


                            I started about 3 weeks ago. Eating better and working out 6 times a week. I do 2
                            Days of upper body and one day of legs then repeat. I am down 20 lbs and feeling better. Most of my problem was bad eating. Now I am eating healthy and trying to take in calories. I am full with what I am eating but still having to snack on fruits mainly for my calories and vitamins.


                              I've not chimed in once on this thread BUT, the first few months of this BS quarantine had me eating and drinking way too much. July 4th I was at 264lbs. Having a drink every day starting about 4pm, then big dinner. Just got tired of feeling bad. I'm 45, 6' 3" and was 264. I've done nothing but get my *** up and walk 4 miles every morning. All through McAlester park in SA. I get to see the deer as they have grown through the summer and they are about to start rubbing out. I am eating better but I do still enjoy a sip of brown liquor on the weekends and some BBQ. Was 242 this morning and have about 20 more to go. Y'all hang in there and keep it up. What helped me was buying a Fitbit off TBH and then later an iWatch which holds me accountable (doing contests with my family). It really does help.


                                Originally posted by HoustonHunter94 View Post
                                I've not chimed in once on this thread BUT, the first few months of this BS quarantine had me eating and drinking way too much. July 4th I was at 264lbs. Having a drink every day starting about 4pm, then big dinner. Just got tired of feeling bad. I'm 45, 6' 3" and was 264. I've done nothing but get my *** up and walk 4 miles every morning. All through McAlester park in SA. I get to see the deer as they have grown through the summer and they are about to start rubbing out. I am eating better but I do still enjoy a sip of brown liquor on the weekends and some BBQ. Was 242 this morning and have about 20 more to go. Y'all hang in there and keep it up. What helped me was buying a Fitbit off TBH and then later an iWatch which holds me accountable (doing contests with my family). It really does help.
                                Freaking awesome sir and keep up the good work!

                                I unfortunately just started the realization the last 8-10days and started going back into the gym (food part is lagging but always the hardest). Hopefully I can follow a similar path.

                                Tried going to the gym today just to find out they were closed due to the Hurricane.... Wth...

