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Fence line etiquette

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    Interesting how folks were raised differently hunting. My dad would have jerked a knot in our azz if we put a blind/feeder on a neighbors fenceline.

    Seems like the ones doing it are normally on a lease with 3 times too many hunters on it so trying to get deer over from the neighbors is their “only” option.

    We’ll all be hunting high fence soon...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


      Originally posted by arrowsmack324 View Post
      Lol, you don't want drama but you posted it in this knitting circle?!


      Exactly what I was thinking. If’n he didn’t want more drama, he would have never posted here.

      Good luck with your lease search next year.


        I have always used the 100yd rule to keep stands and feeders off property lines out of respect for neighbors. Not against the law just simply respect! You aren't the only one hunting!Even had a guy put a feeder so close to one of my fence lines he was throwing corn on on my side. Just placed a couple Big No Trespassing sign on fence to maybe give him a message(he moved it). You guys that think these fence line stands are perfectly ok don't get mad when the neighbor refuses your request to retrieve your deer or other game on their side. Around 100yds is just common sense IMO on how far a hit deer may go before it goes down, general safety concerns, and good neighbor relations.
        Last edited by ShaBow; 11-27-2019, 01:13 PM.


          Originally posted by flywise View Post
          I really dont think more than 1 or 2% of HF are installed due to people hunting a fence line.
          Those fences are tens of thousands or more dollars and more likely they are installed because someone with deep pockets would rather guarentee bigs bucks rather than hunt big bucks
          I can see your logic but at the same time I'll say you obviously have no clue about how much money a man, WITH MONEY, will spend to prove his point..
          1-2% is not even close..


  's just good ole tx respect & assumed rules just like leaving gates how you found them if unsure, using the reverse lights to help the passenger lock up the gate & stopping to pick up trash.

            I was raised not to set up permanent feeders & blinds on property lines because it was considered poor hunting manners...100yds has always been the unwritten rule & it sure doesn't need to be or ever been on a set of rules by property owner because we know better. This is exactly how good hunters got & still get fenced out of the King / Kennedy / East etc. Ranches & if they were not so greedy would still have that deer traffic.


              You boys will be looking for a lease next season.


                Originally posted by Ramball36 View Post
                Bet you my next paycheck that the landowner left the note not a lease hunter
                This is what I was thinking. Could it have been your LO who disabled the feeder and wrote the note because the feeder was in violation of the lease?


                  If I see a feeder from my side of the fence I will set me a blind up catching them before they cross over to your feeder


                    I bought 11 acres that shares the back fence with a 400 acre place that I was told by the owner no one is allowed to hunt. According to some of yall I should only be allowed to sit under a tree in my ghillie and watch birds.


                      We had a new group lease the pasture across the fence from our place. Not only did they put a feeder right up against the fence line, they built a pen around the feeder using the fence as one side of their pen! The blind was also set up so that the feeder was between it and the fence. Any shots had nowhere to go but onto our place. We told the landowner and he contacted the neighbor and straightened them out. Who does that?


                        Originally posted by Ramball36 View Post
                        Bet you my next paycheck that the landowner left the note not a lease hunter
                        Hadn't thought of that, but why go to all the trouble rather than just telling them?


                          Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                          I can see your logic but at the same time I'll say you obviously have no clue about how much money a man, WITH MONEY, will spend to prove his point..
                          1-2% is not even close..
                          You nailed it with the no clue
                          Tons of short stretches of HF on LF places just to keep trigger happy neighbors in check. And like you said to prove a point


                            Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                            I can see your logic but at the same time I'll say you obviously have no clue about how much money a man, WITH MONEY, will spend to prove his point..
                            1-2% is not even close..
                            You are correct sir.....hehehe


                              Originally posted by Radar View Post
                              You boys will be looking for a lease next season.

                              Hehehe... judging by their words, some on here sure would or will be.....


                                Originally posted by ttaxidermy View Post
                                I can see your logic but at the same time I'll say you obviously have no clue about how much money a man, WITH MONEY, will spend to prove his point..
                                1-2% is not even close..
                                That's probably why scripture mentions things like
                                It's easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to get into heaven.
                                And, the meek shall inherit the earth

                                Good luck

