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Big Mistake, Lesson Learned

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    I would not have minded sleeping on the couch. It would mean that I actually got to have cover all night long. Also the couch is a lot closer to the kitchen.


      Let me understand this. She got mad at you and you slept on the couch.. Next time give her a blanket and pillow for the couch.


        Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
        No...I ran out of throttle...

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        A girlfriend would have been sure they did, wife-not so much.

        I bet the OP wishes this thread would just go away.


          Originally posted by Codie View Post
          So women are to respect their husbands desire to hunt, yet the husband is allowed to dis-respect their wives desire to not see something die in person themselves?

          Enjoy the time you can with your family any way you can (even if it means leaving the rifle at camp the few times they are with you). If you know your wife, mother, family member, freind ect. ect. does NOT want to see something die themselves then (OUT OF THE SAME RESPECT THEY GIVE YOU TO SPEND TIME HUNTING) you leave the rifle at the cabin if they are with you out on the ranch. If you are not willing to provide them with that respect then don't bring them to the ranch at all.



            Huh? So your married to Beto Orourke? That’s a twist. Your wife knows you visit a website that glorifies the killing of animals daily, right? We eat them the majority of the time as well, that ought to go over like a shart in the bed. Lol.


              My wife love the meat I bring home from hunting and will go with me, but she absolutely will not pull the trigger. She will even help clean it just doesn’t want to do the killing.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                Originally posted by chunkinlead View Post
                My wife love the meat I bring home from hunting and will go with me, but she absolutely will not pull the trigger. She will even help clean it just doesn’t want to do the killing.

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                Curious how some have this mentality. All in expect killing. Sounds like she even helps field dress which is by far the most gruesome part.

                What does she say besides “I just don’t want to” in regards to shooting game?

                Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  Texas tall tails.....


                    Originally posted by gatt40 View Post
                    My wife decided she wanted to go to the Ranch this past weekend. Keep in mind we have been married 40 years. She has gone to ranches & leases with me probably a dozen times, but never during hunting season. She sees going as more of relaxing and get away time. She has helped fill feeders, put up blinds and general “do stuff” to help me get ready for hunts. Again, she has never seen me actually hunt or kill an animal. This past weekend my youngest son and his wife of 8 months were with us. My son was helping me fill protein feeders. When we went back to the cabin in the Gator to get a second load of feed, the girls decided they wanted to ride along. Big mistake. I always bring a rifle along in the event I see a nice exotic or a pig or two. You guessed it, about 8 pigs ran in front of us and I laid out 2 on the dead run with the 6.8 AR. That’s when the crying started and my wife was screaming “ I told you not to shoot”. Of course I never heard he say anything. Both my wife and my new daughter in law ( she was the one crying ) got out of the Gator and started walking back to the cabin. My son and I of course pleaded with them to get back in and we would drive them back to the cabin. They refused, said they would rather walk back than ride with a murderer. When we got back to the cabin after finishing up the feed chore and loading pigs in back of the Gator, we got the silent treatment. Son & DIL loaded up their stuff and headed back to their house. I had to sleep on the couch that night. Lesson learned, no hunting when the wife is present.
                    Could've been least you didn't take them all to a Walmart parking lot for a lesson in field dressing

