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New Year Workout Accountability 2019....

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    NEVER, EVER, EVER tell someone you will help them move in the summer! Enough said.


      Originally posted by SabreKiller View Post
      NEVER, EVER, EVER tell someone you will help them move in the summer! Enough said.
      Been there, done that, got the sweaty t-shirt!
      Hope I'm going to be able to get back at it next week.

      Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk


        Looks like the same guys are still hard at it. Im still stuck at my lake house in the boonies waiting on my crappy house builder to finish my home in Fulshear so I can move back. Had I know I would be here for 4-5 months and not 4-5 weeks, I would have gotten a small home gym set up. Anyway all Ive been doing is getting fat. Hard not to have a beverage or two in the evenings while sitting on the dock. I put on about 17 lbs since Ive been here. I got 9 of it back off by starting to jog most days. One of these days Ill be back to civilization and can find a gym to get back into. Keep it up fellas.


          A good gym day today. Warm up on treadmill and 3 warm up sets of bench press, lat pull down, incline db fly and low rows then 3 working sets of chest and back supersets.

          Bench press/T-bar row
          Wide grip chest press/bent over barbell row supinated grip
          Incline db press/Intermediate grip low row
          Body weight ring pull up/Incline db fly

          Shoulders and legs tomorrow


            Friday was a wash.

            Saturday what’s cardio and chest. Then ran out to Uvalde to fill protein feeders.
            Yesterday was a quick arm session before the pool.

            Today was back to normal routine

            Shoulders and run to/from gym. 60 mins on the dot with 734 cals

            Smith Shoulder Press SS DB shrugs
            Smith Row SS DB Arnold Press
            DB side raises SS BB front raise
            Cable Face pulls SS Mch Shoulder Press

            Cardio was the standard 2.2 miles

            Tomorrow is going to be real tough for a workout. Starting my day in Houston, up to Dallas, dinner in Jacksboro, and hotel in Abilene.

            Not sure how I’ll be making that work.


              Legs and shoulders today. Kept it a little on the light side and upped the reps to 12-15. 3 warmup sets and 3 working supersets

              Military press/leg extension
              Seated db lateral raise/prone leg curl
              Rear delt cable fly/seated calf raise
              Leg press/front plate raise
              Weighted walking lunges/db shrugs
              Ab roller/hanging leg raise/ball crunch/cable rotations

              August 1 the fiance and I are going to start a keto nutrition plan. We eat pretty healthy as it is, but I'd like to lose about 4% of body fat.

              Tomorrow is either a rest day or it will be chest and biceps. We shall see when the alarm goes of at 0415!


                I freaking did it....

                Said screw it and drove up last night. Arrived at the hotel at 12:15am, woke up at 6:15am and hit the gym.

                Legs and 1 miles on the treadmill

                575 cals in 50 mins

                BB Squats
                Leg press
                Leg extensions SS Leg curls

                Legs are fried. 5 meetings today


                  Yesterday turned into a recovery day. Made it to the gym this morning despite hitting the snooze an extra time. Chest and biceps supersets. A little lighter weight and increased rep range of 12-15.

                  Incline db press/preacher curl/Pec deck fly
                  Wide grip seated chest press/hammer curl
                  Incline chest press bilateral/barbell curl
                  Inverse grip bench press/overhead cable curl/cable fly

                  Headed to the lease tomorrow to feed and check cameras. I figure 3000 pounds of corn will give me a pretty fair workout.


                    Missed yesterday myself unfortunately

                    In the hotel gym currently knocking out arms and cardio.


                      Going to be a couple interesting days here. I'm having a trainer design me an Oly lifting workout program. I'll need to max out on several lifts I've never maxed out on. Hoping for good numbers but I haven't lifted for strength in a while. This ought to be interesting.


                        Things went about as expected. All lifts down from previous best, over a year ago. At least I now have a starting point.


                          Yesterday was chest and cardio.
                          70 mins and 1045 cals down

                          Today is floating the frio with a bunch of 12 ounce curls


                            Shocked out 2.25 miles plus shoulders yesterday

                            Headed to the gym for arms and cardio


                              I missed Friday since we wnet ot the lease to fill feeders, but I figure the 2000 lbs. of corn I lifted was enough of a workout.

                              Didn't make it in this morning either. That 106 degree heat took it out of me. I'll be back tomorrow for sure.


                                Arms and Cardio was a success.

                                1.5 mile jog

                                BB Wide Grip Curls SS Straight Bar ext
                                Hammer Curls SS Rope ext
                                BB Narrow Grip Curls SS Rope Over Head Ext
                                21's SS Reverse grip straight bar ext

                                BB Preacher curls SS DB Overhead Ext
                                Preacher Hammer curls SS Seated Dips
                                Spider Curls SS with DB Kickbacks
                                Incline curls to finish

                                Went ahead and mowed the yard also. Solid start to the day.

                                If i get to the gym early enough in the AM im doing back and legs if not then just legs.

