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New Year Workout Accountability 2019....

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    Been slacking since last Monday. Woke up Tuesday morning and my back was hurting so much I had trouble getting out of bed. I think the lunge reach complex moves got me... probably bad form. Back hurt until Saturday, but I am having trouble getting back to it.

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      Eased back in this afternoon, just made it up as I went.
      Jump rope - 100 jumps.
      DB curls.
      Jump rope - 100 jumps.
      DB hammer curls.
      Jump rope - 100 jumps.
      DB palms down curls.
      Did a second round with weighted rope.
      I'll probably try to stick to some variation of jump rope and heavy bag for the rest of the week and pick up where I left off on the program next week.

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        Another fruitful day at the gym. treadmill warm up then 3 warm up sets followed by 3 working sets. 3X8-10 legs and shoulders supersets.

        Military press/calf raise toes straight
        Front raise/prone leg curl
        Lateral raise/leg extension
        Rear delt fly/leg press/seated calf raise toes in

        If i make it tomorrow it will be chest, back and triceps.


          I made it! That's 4 days this week. I'm trying to get back to 5 days a week, but the move and all the things that go along with that have kept me up late and my old arse is wore out. I think I'm finally at a place where things will slow down and I can get back to doing what I like.

          Back and triceps today. Only got two sets of chest press machine done, but it's ok. I had such a big chest day yesterday that all I wanted to do was push the soreness out. Treadmill warmup with two warm up sets of lat pull-downs and 3 working sets of 8-10 reps.

          T-bar row with V grips/body weight dips
          Bilateral lat pull-down/ tricep pushdown pronated and supinated grip
          V-bar bodyweight pull-up/overhead rope extension
          Inverse grip plank row/cable kickback

          Have a great weekend!


            Monday, yuck! I made it this morning despite the dog waking me up at 0330. A pretty good back and legs day today. A short treadmill warmup then 3 warmup sets of lat pull-downs and leg extensions then three working supersets. Fairly heavy weight concentrating on volume and time under tension so a pretty slow movement.

            V-bar row/seated calf raise toes straight
            Hack squat/v-bar pull-down/seated calf raise toes in
            Straight bar inverse grip row/prone leg curl
            Incline lawnmowers/leg extension
            Body weight ring pullups/cable rotations/ball crunches

            Chest and biceps tomorrow. Ya'll have a great week!


              Second Monday in a row! Yuck! I did make it to the gym and that makes for a good start to the day. A good chest and bicep superset day. 4X8-10 on the heavy side and keeping the rep pace pretty slow.

              Cable crossover/barbell curl warmup
              Bench press/barbell curl
              Wide grip chest press/preacher curl
              Incline bilateral chest press/hammer curl
              Narrow grip chest press/overhead cable curl

              Shoulders and legs tomorrow.


                Been killing it since my last post and haven’t missed a single day yet.

                Sunday was legs and Back and was in the gym for almost 2hrs
                Yesterday was shoulders and core plus 2.25 miles
                Today was bi’s and tri’s with 1 min jump rope sprints in between each SS and 2.25 mile run

                Starting to feel good but need to eat better. Good Mexican food is my downfall lol


                  I tried to get back to it today, but wasn't really feeling it. Did a little jump rope, then a few push-ups. Think I did 3 or 4 sets of that, enough to get the heart rate up and develop a decent sweat. Gotta get back in the groove after the holiday weekend.

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                    Set a jerk PR today 185. Did 4x1 with that weight of clean and jerks and finished off with front squats. Clean weight is a decent amount more than jerk weight. Working on getting form down. The learning process for Oly lifts is rough and fun.


                      Missed today....

                      Hopefully back in it tomorrow


                        What happened to everyone? RTP, Chew....? Are ya'll quitters?

                        There's something about a midweek holiday that makes me unable to drag my old arse outta bed early. I pretty much slept most of the day away. Drub myself outta bed about 0930, piddled around and then ate a big breakfast of french toast then hit the sack again around 1300. I woke back up a 1630. I wish I could sleep as hard at night as I do when I get a 3.5 hour nap in! Needless to say I didn't make the gym.

                        I did make it today and tried to make up for missing yesterday, but didn't quite get it all done. I made it a good leg, shoulders and chest day though.

                        3X8-10 giant sets with little to no rest in between.

                        Incline dumbbell press/military press/leg extension for 3 sets lowering the incline by one notch every set and raising the weight 10 pounds
                        Seated chest press machine/seated leg press/lateral raises
                        Plate front raise/rear delt cable fly/prone leg curl

                        I'm going to try and make the gym in the morning before going to San Antonio for some shopping. Back/biceps/triceps are on the menu.


                          As expected I didn't make it to the gym on Saturday, but I made it this morning. Chest and back supersets 3X8-10/12/15 rep depending on the exercise.

                          Bench press/v-bar bent over row
                          Wide grip chest press/seated row
                          Incline bilateral chest press/supinated grip low row
                          Inverse grip bench press/body-weight ring pullups
                          Cable fly

                          Shoulders and legs tomorrow


                            7/03-07 were a wash with travel and fishing...

                            Yesterday was chest
                            Today was arms and core

                            Both included the 2.25 mile jog to get to the gym and back along with tossing in jump ropes after the 2nd and 4th sets of each exercise to keep the heart rate up.

                            Trying to burn 1000 cals each workout in a 60-70 min time frame

                            Tomorrow is legs or back depending on which gym I get to


                              Legs and shoulders today. Treadmill warmup, 3 warmup sets and 3 working sets. 3X10-12

                              Seated lateral raise/leg extension
                              Military press/prone leg curl
                              Upright row/seated calf raise
                              Weighted walking lunge/rear delt cable fly
                              Hack squat/front raise with plate
                              Ab roller/ball crunches

                              Chest and biceps tomorrow.


                                I'm back on the injured list. Rolled my 4 wheeler over and had my leg pinned for a while Saturday. Ankle, back and elbow on my right side are keeping me from doing much. Thought I might try something light when I got home from work yesterday, but my ankle was swollen and purple by the time I got home.

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