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The Eternal Flame - Keep it Burning

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    Morning all. another busy one. sorry to hear you may be going back Gwen.


      Great day. Going to the farm to check the food plot, deer camera's, water the fruit trees, and then going by to see my mom and dad. They celebrated their 70th anniversary this year.
      Been a member for about a month, and have really enjoyed it.


        disappointed in some people....


          Originally posted by Dale Moser View Post
          Spent a couple days in far eastern Oklahoma, and western Ark........good lord what a beautiful part of the world! Nicest folks you could ever want to meet......I could live there. The family that owns the quarry I visited has 3000 gorgeous acres behind their office. I spent Tuesday night grilling grass fed beef off the property, in front of their deer hunting cabin, on the shores of their 8 acre lake, at the base of a big ol mountain......while having a few frosty beverages! That's what this redneck calls heaven.

          Good to be back in Texas though.
          Sounds like a great time Dale. We crossed over from Ok to Ark one year and the only way we knew we were there was the sign that said "Arkansas, home of William Jefferson Clinton." Almost turned around and left.


            Originally posted by dfwhogkiller View Post
            disappointed in some people....
            Head -Up Sippy its usually the ones u dont expect it that get to you the MOST... Just be Glad ur Young


              having surgery next week, not the news I was hoping for but it will be ok


                got promoted in Feb. I love my job!!!!


                  Keep the Faith Geneieve everything happens for a reason u have our Prayers


                    Sorry about the surgery Geneieve. Hopefully it's a step in the right direction.

                    Back at my jobsite today after 3 days in Calgary. It was a nice break from the routine. Only 5 more get-ups until I'm on the plane back home for a week!


                      Went to Cuero to get a trailer to bring back to Richmond. Around Wharton, one of the tires completely shredded and had to change it in 95 degree weather, but it went pretty smoothly and I made it back home safely!


                        Good to see you this week Duane.....I'm fat and happy at home now! Sitting under deck with wife on patio, listening to tunes, as kids swim in pool. Going to miss this backyard. Sure feels good to be with the family!!
                        Proud member since 1999

                        Gary's Outdoor Highlight of 2008:



                          Gang, been slapped pretty hard at work now . . . you know being pressed to produce quality merchandise so the people in the "real world" can build this stuff with minimal change orders, lol, but being a professional who was once in the "real world", I will do what I have to do.

                          I met you Hillary and you definitely have good genes if you have all those grandparents and even great grandparents running about, but for the one you spoke of, it seems old age is getting the better of her. Still be thankful.

                          I was closest to my grandad who almost got to 95 but between tractor accident at 78, losing wife at 84 or so and breaking hip at 94 apparently took it's toll, lol. I loved that man and he loved me . . naw he just liked me for the cheep labor to feed his cattle, lol. I told him that he had a great attitude and did well with us younger folk, his response, "what am I to do as all my friends are dead?" I still think of him often.

                          Be thankful as she makes her transition to the Lord.

                          Genevieve, I've never met you but it seems you have a mixed bag for your 30th BDay. Be strong and know that many care for you and wish you health.

                          For the rest of you knuckleheads, TGIF early and be safe out there. Lot's of drunks and uninsured out there driving.


                            Happy Friday everyone! Getting off at 6am and I'm ready. Headed to Lufkin Saturday to a wedding. Kinfolks of my wifes that I have never met. Anyway haven't been up that way in many years so I'm looking forward to it. Hope everyone here has a great weekend, fishing, swimming, huntin hogs, or whatever makes you happy.


                              As we mature, life goes by faster and faster. Hard to believe how fast the last 10 years have gone by, yet I'm looking forward to the next 10. No matter how I try to slow down and enjoy the ride, it might not happen working 40 hours a week. Everything gets sqeezed into the weekends and the next couple of months should be exciting. The calendar reads Port A, Hilton, Cotulla, Port A, Hilton, Idaho.

                              Deer season will be here before you know it.

                              Everyone have a great weekend and hug the ones you love.


                                Good morning TBH, y'all be safe out there this weekend!

