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Please help me pray for our Emmett

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    Still praying for Emmett and family.


      Still praying for your little fighter.


        Prayers continue for Emmett and family.


          God will be with y'all no matter what happens. Will be keeping y'all in my prayers

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            Prayers up for Emmett!

            Praying for you and your wife.


              Originally posted by solocam_aggie View Post
              Day 16 update. After several days of having no set backs, we were blindsided today. They performed another echo on Emmett this morning to focus on his left ventricle and the cause for the thickening of his septum. After waiting all day on pins and needles, we finally got a call from the cardiologist. There is reduced blood flow from his left ventricle (LV) due to hypertrophy of the LV. We were given two different scenarios for the cause of this, both of which are related to the PDA that closed. In one scenario, his PDA was allowing excess blood to fall back into his left ventricle, which in turn was causing it to work harder. With any muscle, the more you work it, the larger it gets. With this scenario, a little medication and time should bring that LV back to normal. The other is much more worse. Here, the PDA was masking a genetic abnormality with his LV, and we're only seeing it now since the PDA closed. The doctor wouldn't go into detail on this, as there are a few different diagnosis out there with different treatments, but they all would be much more serious. In addition to all this, his PDA reopened some, likely due to the increased fluid intake he was given to help determine the cause of the thickening of his septum. They believe it will re-close with normal fluid intake, but we'll have to see. That's what makes this situation even more difficult, we will have to just wait and see how everything plays out over the upcoming week.

              Our prayers have been answered everytime to this point, and we are calling on you all now more than ever. Please God let this be scenario 1. Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers.

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              Praying hard for Emmett and mom & dad.

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                Lord Thank You for this miracle You are working right before our eyes as we read along with these wonderfully written updates. The updates are obviously written by a loving father and husband that knows You. We thank You for this healing You are doing. We ask Lord that You take care of this little heart beating in his chest and make it grow strong and complete. Lord, we look forward to the day little Emmett goes home from the hospital as a strong baby boy to be raised up in the way he should go by his mom and dad. We ask that You strengthen Emmett, his mom and his dad that they may be a strong family and a powerful witness and warriors for You. Thank You Lord for this work and thank You for Your Son that you gave us as an example of how to live and as a living sacrifice for us all. In that Son Jesus we ask and pray, Amen.


                  Today I went to youth group at a small church in Lytton Springs and the guy leading the group told everyone about this thread. None of the other kids had heard the story and he used it as an example of how we should be a light to others, showing positivity and our hope in God even when everything is incredibly hard. You're providing a great example of the right way for a Christian to handle struggles and I pray that God will pull you out of this.

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                    You know, in a couple of years, you gonna be posting something about Emmett swinging from the chandelier or bouncing off the walls. Looking forward to that one.

                    Prayers continued for you, your wife and Emmett for good health, wisdom for you and the physicians. May Emmett continue to progress. May your example of how to handle adversity be a light to others. May the LORD touch your wife and release the stress from her mind and body. May the LORD bless yall with good sleep and rest and may all your needs be met.

                    Im guessing I missed it, but what hospital is Emmett in?


                      Prayers continuing for Y'all.



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                          Continued prayers.


                            Prayers continued


                              Day 17 update. Hurry up and wait. For parents eager to know how their baby is doing, this is very difficult for us. As impatient as my wife is, it has to be extra hard for her (love ya babe ). As mentioned before, they will be performing another echo on Emmett's heart either tomorrow or Tuesday. Hopefully this will give us some insight as to what's going on with the left ventricle. We may end up having to wait longer for an answer though. Emmett did have a spell of sleep apnea last night. Thank goodness neither of us were in the room when this happened; we would have had a heart attack. The doctor told us these things happen with premature babies and not to worry.

                              Other than the normal concern with his heart, Emmett continues to excel with his prematurity obstacles. At the top of this list are his milk feeds. He is already up to 9 ml, and only 5 ml away from being able to sustain on milk alone. What can I say, the boy takes after his parents and likes to eat! The TPN that is used to supplement Emmett's nutritional needs; although vital to him in the beginning stages of life, ideally are stopped as soon as possible. With Emmett no longer needing the TPN, they will be able to remove his picc line. This will certainly be worthy of celebration, as yet another avenue for infection will be closed.

                              We received some special gifts from some special people today. The pastor from my church paid us a visit and said a very touching prayer. Through Facebook, messages, and visits, we were reminded just how blessed we are. In the pics below, you will see Emmett's signature move. He loves pulling that one leg out and wiggling his toes. I find myself constantly reaching in to touch that sweet little foot! Thank you all for the continued prayers.

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                                Day 18 update. A day we're ready to get behind us. The 2 steps back they warned us about were evident today, and seemed more like leaps than steps. We knew from talking with the nurses this morning that we had some setbacks. As the doctors made their rounds, we learned the extent of the setbacks. Emmett's creatinine levels were elevated again as they were yesterday. He also had an extremely large urine output this morning. His hematocrit numbers were on the wrong side of normal. Concern started growing for Emmett's kidneys and if they were perfusing as they should. The Dr. decided to give him a saline bolus, in addition to another blood transfusion. Blood cannot be given through the picc line, so they were forced to restick our little guy and add a catheter that we just recently celebrated having removed. To further complicate things, the increased fluid intake has a great chance of opening that PDA completely back up. Then to put a bow on it, with the PDA opened again it will likely prolong any determination on what is causing the left ventricle issue. They were also forced to start him back on hydrocortisone. This will help him tolerate the increased fluids better and keep his blood pressure where it should be.

                                To put a cap on the evening, we started noticing some green residual backing up Emmett's feeding tube. Anxiety immediately heightened as NEC has been a big concern for us since they started Emmett on feeds. His medical staff told us not to worry, as they will periodically see this in preemies and it doesn't always indicate the onset of NEC. Still, it's an additional line item to worry about on a list that's already a mile long. During evening rounds, it was suggested that they decrease his feeds and increase the TPN. Going the wrong direction here.

                                Today didn't consist of strictly bad news. They performed another brain ultrasound just for precautionary measures. Results were negative yet again. Emmett continues to do well on bubble CPAP, with his oxygen % in the low 30s. We'll stay thankful for this, and will continue to tread water on the other issues.

                                We seem to have fallen in a rut, and we need prayers to pull Emmett out and back on flat ground. There is no doubt Emmett is rolling his sleeves up for a bare knuckle fight. Let's just make sure that fight is in a ring of prayers. Even at 27 weeks now, Emmett is still the youngest baby in the NICU. Although the youngest, (biased opinion coming ) he has to be the strongest! Thank you all for the continued support and prayers.

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