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Prayers for Lily Grace Stigall , 15 months

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    Praying for her and the family through this difficult time.


      I read the post when it was initially made and it broke my heart. I have been skipping over the thread because I just couldnt stand to read what I was afraid I was gonna see. I am so relieved to have opened this back and read the updates! Praise god and prayers still going up for the child and family. Hope to continue to read positive updates.


        Lord ,
        thank you for hearing our prayers. please continue to give this little girl strength as well as her family.


          More prayers going up for little Lily as she continues to heal.


            Continuing prayers....


              prayer sent


                Prayers up.


                  I check back here daily looking for an update, is there any?


                    Prayers sent for Lily Grace!


                      Continued prayers



                        There are lots of members in need for prayers. So I have waited to provide an update.

                        Lily Grace is going to make it. She has been moved out of the intensive care unit. No longer on a respirator and miraculously is breathing on her own. She is a wonder child. She has a whole new set of doctors, and physical therapist. She is improving more everyday. Yes there are set backs and still a lot of unknowns. This precious little girl was not even supposed to survive. But she is a spunky little fighter. Thanks to all the thousands of prayers and God's grace she is going to survive. The prayers now are that her little brain continuous to heal. She is going through physical therapy and her little body is initiating body movements. She is initiating trying to stand. She is weak but getting stronger. She is only 16 months.

                        I want to ask that you all continue to remember to lift Lily up in your prayers everyday. Pray for the entire Stigall family.Your prayers are working are God is listening. It is easy to get busy with our own lives and our own daily challenges. This family is in the trenches battling mental, emotional and physical exhaustion every minute of every day. Lily's dad is a football coach for the SMU Mustangs. He is one of the finest and most outstanding young men I have ever had the pleasure to meet and am I blessed to call him a friend. Here is the most recent update posted.

                        The Frisco Bowl
                        Journal entry by Steve Stigall — 8 hours ago

                        Today was another good day for Lily. I don't want to take the good days for granted. I'd love to string about a hundred of them together in a row.

                        Lily's physical therapist was very pleased with the progress she made today. Lily was worked hard for the whole 50 minute session. Most encouraging was that Lily was able to initiate the movements for standing. Once again, the therapist did much of the heavy lifting and balancing, but it appeared that Lily tried to initiate standing from a previously seated position. She also did a good job orienting her eyes, especially focusing on and tracking Kathy. Lily's neck strength and head control appear to be improving as well. She has a thousand miles to go, but these were steps in the right direction and encouraging to us.

                        Luke and Eli got to go to the Frisco Bowl today to cheer on the Mustangs. The game did no go as any of us had hoped. Despite the outcome, it was good for our boys to step away from the challenges we've faced as a family to be around the team they love so much. I'm so appreciative of my Brother JB and my nephew Ty who took care of Luke and Eli for the game. Coach Ross, Terry Gardner and Albert Veytia all went out of their way to make the evening special for my sons. Thank you!

                        On the SMU helmets was a decal in support of Lily that Albert coordinated. Players, Coaches and fans wore the Lily stickers on their helmets, jackets, hats and anything else they had. There were even signs in the stands for her (thank you Kim Bowker)! Our SMU Family has overwhelmed us with love and support over these last few weeks. We have been and continue to be sincerely grateful.

                        For tomorrow, pray for a safe return to Austin for the boys. Pray for daily improvements for Lily. Kathy has been praying for specific improvements for specific parts of Lily's body (eyes, brain, mouth, arms, legs, etc.). Please join Kathy in asking the Lord to restore complete function to each and every part of Lily's body. Continue to pray for our hearts and attitudes as we face the challenges of this recovery.

                        Love you all,
                        Steve and Kathy

                        Thanks Green Screen
                        Last edited by Still Hunter; 01-30-2018, 12:38 PM.


                          Great to read this! Prayers continue for Lily's recovery.


                            Great news! Thanks for the update.


                              Great news. Prayers for the precious child.



