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Prayers for Lily Grace Stigall , 15 months

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    Thanks for the update and pray Lily continues to improve.


      Lily continues to have small gains toward her recovery. She was transfered to Dallas this morning to continue treatments close to home. Please pray for her continued recovery, the hospital staff in Dallas that will now care for her, her parents for strength and her siblings as they return to school tomorrow.


        Continued prayers for a full recovery. 100% FAITH!


          Just read the entire thread, cried from sorrow and cried from joy. Gods power is great and his warriors on here kept the faith. We are blessed to have such a powerful group of people in our corner praying for one another. Rest little angel and continue to heal in the prayers of many and the strength of your family.


            Lord we thank You for Your healing in this sweet, sweet little girl. We ask You Lord, continue this good work in her until she is fully restored to do Your will. Make her a powerful testimony of Your Greatness, Glory and Love. We ask You for strength for Lily's mom and dad as they suffer loss at her injuries. Give them the Hope that is in You Lord, the Hope that all things are possible through You Lord because of what You did for us. Comfort Lily's siblings as they try to return to a somewhat normal routine. Give them peace that they may concentrate on their own growth and their school work. Put friends around them and guide all the family's care-givers and friends to support them. Give the care-givers wisdom and put Your plan into action through them Lord. We lift this whole situation up to you Lord for Your Glory, in the name of Jesus our Savior, Amen.

            Please update us when you can... I put her on my Bible Study's prayer list last week... got a bunch of prayer warriors in that group that will pray over Lily daily. I am a firm believer in the power of prayer. I also believe that the more specific we can be with our prayers, the more specific the Lord can answer them. Your requests are very specific and I am believing for outcomes to match those specifics!

            God Bless this little girl and her family.


              Prayers continue!




                  Prayers sent!

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                    Prayers sent


                      Great to hear she's doing better every day. She's definitely a fighter. Continuing prayers for Lily and family and doctors.


                        Continued prayers for Lily Grace.


                          Prayers up.


                            continued prayers for this lil girl and her family.


                              Prayers up for Lily Grace's continued progress in the new setting.


                                prayers sent for healing Lily.

